Voluntary And Involuntary Turnover Case Study

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Voluntary and involuntary turnover have an effect on organizations. Rapid changes in job descriptions, organizational structures, and inter-organizational competitiveness increase the importance of studying turnover and its relationship with organizational change. According to Leana and Van Buren (1999), "the loss of key network members can severely damage an organization 's social fabric and perhaps eradicate its social capital altogether." When businesses lose a high number of employees, problems can occur, costing the company time and money. Some of the costs incurred are associated with training, drug testing, physicals, and orientations to hire replacements that may take several months to learn the job and to achieve competency. There is a saying, “Good help is hard to find---and harder to keep”. This saying refers to good organizations trying to reduce turnover when the competition for retaining good employees is intense.
The employment policies have not kept up with changes in the economy, workforce, and the nature of work causing a severe financial impact …show more content…

Career change can be incorporated into the tran-theoretical model of change (TTM) to examine the lifespan and approaches to career development. “With the new paradigm of modern workers facing repeated career changes due to voluntary and involuntary turnover, a model outlining the change processes may contribute to more effective counseling strategies” (Barclay, 2010). Although, this model does not reflect the path of career changers, it offers an explanation of why people change careers when they leave

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