Persuasive Essay On Sex Education

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With the promise of freedom and the potential for bad decisions, the summer before my first semester of college was one I certainly looked forward to. Sadly, due in part to my own messiness, my summer culminated in me getting blackout drunk during a weekend in June––which of course my mother found out about, grounding me shortly afterwards. As it may be, losing my newly-discovered freedom wasn’t the worst thing that happened that weekend; sadly, so did one of the worst mass shootings in American history. Considered one of the greatest tragedies in modern times, the Pulse Nightclub shooting in Orlando revealed an underlying culture of homophobia still prevalent in modern times.
Eager to help in whichever way possible, a few friends and I drove to the nearest blood drive center after waking up that Saturday. Although we knew our donations would never help those affected by the shooting directly, we took personal comfort in our donation––knowing the …show more content…

Sex education in the United States is non-existent in some places, lacking in others. By not educating youths, we grant them the ability to generate misconceptions and make unsafe sexual choices. Similarly, by continuing to place unnecessary bans on the homosexual community––without educating the public––society further contributes to the stigmatization of HIV/AIDS. By spreading awareness, however, education and reform can work hand in hand to tear down these negative preconceptions, fostering a more positive and accepting environment for those affected by the disease. Being in an environment free of the stigma surrounding HIV/AIDS (ideally), allows those infected to be comfortable in their own skins and seek help. Education fosters a more educated public––one capable of making decisions more beneficial to their health, without fear of social

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