Video Games

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This review is an experimental study on the way playing video games, against watching violent video games, effects children’s aggressive behavior. This study was conducted by Utrecht University students, in Utrecht, The Netherlands. The research conducted, and article written was by Hanneke Polman, Bram Orobio de Castro, and Marcel A.G van Aken, and copy-written in year 2008. The hypothesis behind this article is how does playing a violent video, rather than just watching one, affect a child’s aggressive behavior in real life. In this new world of technology, children are exposed and entertained by watching television and playing video games. “One study showed that children spend up to 25 hours a week watching television and 9 hours a week playing video games.” (Polman, de Castro, & van Aken, 2008) 30 years ago, children spent their time doing other things such as going outside, being active, and using their imaginations to make their own entertainment. There is no solid way of determining if children aggression has increased between this day and age, and the days when technology was not a popular form of entertainment for children. The students of Utrecht University; have come up with a study to help determine whether, the violence in video games is affecting the aggression in children's behavior today. Participants came from four different places and schools in The Netherlands. All four schools were located in small towns. The parents were asked for permission for their children to be a part of the study. 57 children had permission to be a part of the study, 3 were only allowed to participate in the questionnaire, and one boy was excluded for not cooperating. This leaving them with 56 children, there were 28 boys and 28 gir... ... middle of paper ... ...aving issues with an aggressive child that plays violent video games often. This article may help parents realize how these video games may be affecting their child's behavior. They may find taking away these violent video games may help their children's behavior tremendously. Also, if the violence in video games is truly affecting our youth, their continual playing throughout their adolescence, can affect their adult life. Leading to aggressive behavior displayed at work, with family, and just in society as a whole. Works Cited Polman, H., de Castro, B., & van Aken, M. G. (2008). Experimental study of the differential effects of playing versus watching violent video games on children's aggressive behavior. Aggressive Behavior, 34(3), 256-264. doi:10.1002/ab.20245 Wade, C. & Travis C. (2012). Invitation to Psychology (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Publishing.

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