Vegetable and Fruit Production

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Fruits and vegetables were grown in the wild for thousands of years. It was just 11,000 years ago that people began to plant and harvest fruits and vegetables. Farmers began to experiment and grew new types of fruits and vegetables. Explorers found different types of fruits and vegetables and took them to other parts of the world to grow. Since different fruits and vegetables can be found in different places of the world, their history will be different.
Farming has a rich history, dating back to 10,000 years ago. However, earlier people began altering animal and plant communities for their own benefit through fire-stick farming. The Fertile Crescent, Egypt and India were the places of earliest planned sowing and harvesting of plants that had been previously gathered in the wild. Agricultural practices such as irrigation, fertilizers, crop rotation, and pesticides were developed a long time ago but have made huge impacts in the past century. For example, the Haber-Bosch method for synthesizing ammonium nitrate represented a major breakthrough and allowed crop yields to overcome previous obstacles.
In Europe, agriculture went through a few significant chances during the Middle Ages. Tools including the plow and scythe were improved from classical versions, a three field system of crop rotation was invented, and the moldboard plow and wheeled plow become increasingly needed. Also, draft horses and oxen were bred and used as a working animal in many parts of Europe. At the time, much of Europe had low population densities, which made extensive farming beneficial. In other parts of the world, agriculture differed a bit.
Agriculture in India has a significant history. Indian agriculture began around 9000 B.C. as a result of early cult...

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