Van Gogh: A Brief Biography

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The Artists Life It was where the land lay low, and fitted with a crazy network of levees, dikes and damns stretched out like the arms of a protective mother, with the purpose of staving back the constant danger of floods, especially during the electric autumn storms. If you were able to take a topographical view of these Netherlands, especially in the southern regain where lie the village of Groot Zundert, it would appear to be blanketed with a cloak made of a familiar green color, familiar that is, if you had ever viewed the works of Vincent William van Gogh. Born March 30th, 1853. He was the second of five brothers and sisters. Van Gogh would later be considered one of the greatest painters in the world. As a child, Vincent was awash in a landscape that was lackluster in color and was some what baron in nature, wet, gloomy and balmy, but clearly highlighted by a very big sky and at times filled with excitement. At the age of seven, Van Gogh would begin an obsession, which was to sketch nature over and over and over again. Where ever he walked or where ever he was he would ...

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