Similarities Between Utilitarianism And Deontology

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Utilitarianism was first established as an ethical way of processing thoughts into actions. Utilitarianism’s method of process was to consider the greatest good for the greatest number of people. However, many individuals found flaws within the utilitarian system. Thus, why deontology was created. Deontology’s method of process was to follow the rules and your duties no matter what the cost. However, yet again, many people discovered flaws within the system. Therefore, since the members of society can never agree upon an ethical way of thinking there always has to be complications. Although, both systems have now been adjusted to each individual’s mind set, there are consequences that came with both utilitarianism and deontology early on. Now, both utilitarianism and deontology are the basis of the way people in today’s society decipher situations. There are multiple aspects of utilitarianism that its believers must follow. One of them being, “… the sum of individual pleasures and pains. It is not my pleasures or pains …show more content…

However, not all problems within society are being solved with this new system of thinking. One consequence of deontology is, “... problems with the universalizing form of the categorical imperative” (Mackinnon, 75). In deontology, universal practices are meant to be moral obligations. However, there are many circumstances when there are universal practices that hardly seem to be moral. Also, these moral obligations soon become hard to follow. Not each circumstance can have the same result. Therefore, these moral obligations at times should not be obeyed because it is not the right thing to do. Deontology seems to be very conflicting with your inner self. Due to the fact that you may know what is best for yourself and the others around you. But, it may not be possible to act upon those thoughts due to the fact you have to follow the rules and moral

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