How Does Anthony Use Ethos In Julius Caesar

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Persuasion is a natural method many people use to influence a person's beliefs, attitudes, intentions, motivations, or behaviors in a situation. Many include, bribing parents to buy clothes to even lending someone money. Either way, people all over the world use words or phrases to convince or sway a person into believing them. Just as many people have used rhetorical appeals to persuade someone, Anthony also uses the rhetorical appeals; heartfelt pathos, questionable logos and evident ethos in William Shakespeare’s play The Tragedy of Julius Caesar to convince his audience that Caesar was not ambitious and that Caesar was innocent Initially, emotional appeal also known as pathos represents the reaction readers feel when reading some sort …show more content…

Anthony uses facts and evidence in his speech to back up his claim and prove that Caesar should not have been killed and is therefore innocent. Anthony brings up logical reasoning when asking the audience if Caesars actions seem “ambitious” and claiming that men have turned into “brutish beasts and have lost their reason” (3.2.99-114). When Anthony questions the audience he makes them question if Caesar should have really been killed. The word “beast” has the connotation to relate the citizens to a cruel unhuman creature or monster that are not capable of reasoning. Anthony also proves the audience that Caesar was clearly not ambitious when Caesar “Thrice refuse[d]” his crown (3.2.106). In this scene, Caesar shows no eagerness to gain power or fame as the citizens have assumed therefore showing no ambition whatsoever. The imagery and logical reasoning persuade the audience into rethinking if Caesar was ambitious and believe that Caesar was …show more content…

To be accepted and listened to, Anthony starts his speech out by calling the citizens “Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears” (3.2.82). He starts out by calling the people “friends” to make them feel comfortable and responsive, opposed to starting out on a more negative tone and calling them by their nationality. This way the audience automatically feels a closer connection to Anthony. Juxtaposition between the two speeches is shown to reveal Anthony’s effectiveness by addressing them as friends. When someone is called a “friend” the person may feel connected or close to that person causing them to listen and eventually agree with the other person. Anthony also seems to have a close relationship to Caesar when he claims that “he was my friend, faithful and just to me” (3.2.94). For many relationship’s it takes a while for trust to be built and faithfulness is a true quality of a healthy friendship. Most people would listen to Anthony’s speech more since he claims he was his true friend rather than just a man like Brutus who killed him for no credible reason. Knowing that Anthony was Caesar’s friend, credibility is automatically gained from Anthony since he probably spent more time with Caesar and actually got to perceive Caesars “ambitions” more than anyone

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