The Use of Corporal Punishment

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Proverbs 13:24 in the New King James version of the bible states that “He who spares his rod hates his son: but he that loves him disciplines him promptly.” The Nelson study bible goes into more detail and states that a parent’s loving discipline is modeled after God’s loving correction. The list of pros and cons relating to corporal punishment can be very different for each individual and is defined as physical punishment, such as spanking, inflicted on a child by an adult in authority. Lets look at the pros, cons and the effectiveness of corporal punishment in the United States and the rest of the world.

According to Dr., spanking can be effective on a short-term basis in getting children to change any negative behaviors that prompted the spanking. It has been shown to be most effective in 2- to 6-year-olds when used in conjunction with milder disciplinary methods, such as reasoning and time-outs. In a study, mothers who combined reasoning with negative consequences (such as spanking) had the most success in changing negative behaviors. The cons of spanking include increased aggressiveness, antisocial behavior, and delinquency. Weaker associations for spanking such as a failure to learn right from wrong, subsequent criminal behavior, mental illness, and child or spouse abuse as adults, have also been suggested. Physical punishment can send mixed messages to a child and reinforce aggressive behavior. When parents model aggressive behaviors by spanking, they reinforce the idea that physical aggression is the way to get what you want. Spanking is associated with a poorer relationship between the parent and child and make them feel less attached to their parents and less trusting of them. The more the child was spanked, ...

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... and caring individuals.

Works Cited

Countries outlawing physical punishment of children. (2010, June 1). Discipline and the law. Retrieved March 27, 2011, from The Center for Effective Discipline website:‌index.php?page=laws-main

King Solomon. (1997). Proverbs 13:24. In The Nelson Study Bible, New King James version (p. 1050). Nashville, TN: Thomas-Nelson publishers.

Mahoney, S. (2005, August). Spanking: Which side of the fence are you on? Parents Magazine, 80(8), 146.

McGraw, P., M.D. (n.d.). Parenting: Spanking research. Retrieved March 9, 2011, from 2009 Peteski Productions, INC. website:‌articles/‌article/‌256

Talbot, J. C. (n.d.). Lets put spanking to rest. Retrieved March 9, 2011, from Harmony Unlimited/‌Seventh Monkey Productions website:‌~harmonyunltd/‌spank/‌spanking.html

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