Writing Technology Essays

  • Inventing A Writing Technology

    1513 Words  | 4 Pages

    "Inventing" A Writing Technology According to Walter Ong, an influential scholar of the relationship between technology and media, "Literacy is imperious. It tends to arrogate to itself supreme power by taking itself as normative for human expression and thought. This is particularly true in high-technology cultures, which are built on literacy of necessity and which encourage the impression that literacy is an always to be expected and even natural state of affairs" (316). Ong would probably

  • Create a Writing Technology

    1412 Words  | 3 Pages

    Create a Writing Technology I never thought about writing something down with a pen on plain lined paper involved technology. It always seemed to me that those things were around, pen and paper had just been there, for one reason or another for the purpose of writing down things, organizing ideas, or just jotting down notes. Much like Ong says, “The fact that we do not commonly feel the influence of writing on our thoughts shows that we have interiorized the technology of writing so deeply

  • Plato's Views on the Technology of Writing

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    Plato's Views on the Technology of Writing In the book Phaedrus Plato offers a lot of criticism for a writing technology that not many of us would ever think as writing technology, let alone criticize it. This writing technology is none other than writing itself. When people think of writing technology they mostly think of the printing press, the computer, the typewriter and such. Yet no one stops to think of writing. Writing has had such a major impact on society that who would ever think

  • Invent a Writing Technology

    1096 Words  | 3 Pages

    Invent a Writing Technology “And-O Tempora! O Mores!-to lose the soft warm touch of sheepskin, the knowledge that some lamb chop had died to create this beloved writing surface! Let us weep.” (Tribble& Trubek, pg. 9) Some of us may have wept over this project, weeping over how might to do this writing project. Many of us succeeded in coming up with a unique way to write with natural materials, a few of us cheated to by using limited technology and some of us failed to do the project

  • The Connection between Writing and Technology

    1397 Words  | 3 Pages

    Connection between Writing and Technology There are times when an idea pops into your head and immediately you need to write it down or lose the thought forever. What is the first thing you grab? Probably a pen or pencil and then a piece of paper, or even the nearest keyboard. These technologies are so common, we don't even give them a second thought; they are just there. With almost every household owning a computer we even tend to take them for granted. Now imagine these writing technologies didn't exist

  • Writing Cannot be Altered by Technology

    1017 Words  | 3 Pages

    Writing Cannot be Altered by Technology The term “cyberculture” is derived from the word “cyberspace”. William Gibson’s science novel “ Neuromancer” predicted a world that man and machine merge to become a cyborg (Tribble and Trubek: 521). This prediction became reality during the end of study of the 1990s when cyberculture began to flourish. This culture exists within several cultures here on earth. Some may ask, what is cyberculture? Cyberculture studies cover the examination of the subject

  • Word Processing Technology and the Process of Writing

    2584 Words  | 6 Pages

    Word Processing Technology and the Process of Writing Word processors have been in use in our country and across the globe for quite some time. Elementary school students, High school Students, as well as College and University students all use them everyday to produce written texts from many different genres. Pens and paper have been forgotten. Has the formal process of writing also been forgotten? Have word processors changed the way people write – permanently (I misspelled that word and fixed

  • Business Writing on Electronic Signature Technology

    1683 Words  | 4 Pages

    Business Writing on Electronic Signature Technology During our February 3 meeting, upper level management expressed concerns about not being able to deal with customer accounts online. We discussed some of the problems they encounter when trying to process transactions online. We agreed some changes needed to be made and that new technology needs to be researched for our online business transactions. The use of electronic signatures was at the top of our list. Many of our competitors have already

  • Not a Pencil

    1537 Words  | 4 Pages

    millions of people around the world use some form of writing. When they send an e-mail, sign a check, or read a billboard these people are utilizing a technology that has been around for centuries. Like the wheel, writing is hardly ever viewed as a technology when compared to HD televisions, cell phones, and X Box. However, the way people write and what they use to write are more complex technologies than they seem. For nearly as long as writing has been around there have been those who have discussed

  • What’s Nature Got To Do With It?

    1782 Words  | 4 Pages

    What’s Nature Got To Do With It? I am taking a course in writing technology, and the last thing you would imagine as a topic is how natural writing can or cannot be. Our teacher for this course had us come up with a writing project. We were asked to make twenty words or less using any tool that was natural and did not involve high technology. This means we could not use computers, paints, or markers. In discussing what we could use, the class quickly broke down the options. It appeared

  • How Cyberculture Has Changed The Way Of Writing And Writers

    1627 Words  | 4 Pages

    this assignment is to explore the many ways in which “cyberculture” has changed the way we think of writing and writers. It stems from a unit that is focused on the many ways that writing technology as well as reading technology has been altered with the addition of cyberculture to our previously basic ways of life concerning reading and composition. Using readings from Tribble and Trubek’s Writing Material, several articles were used to investigate this topic. Another issue of importance before

  • Nature is as Man Decrees

    1165 Words  | 3 Pages

    because technology had touched nearly everything I would think of. As Dennis Baron, author of From Pencils to Pixels wrote, once we are used to certain technologies “we come to think of them as natural rather than techEven thinking about going to a national park, the truth is that just by setting it aside as a "natural" state...makes it in essence, not natural because were it not for the decrees of humanity, it would be over run with fast food stores and gas stations. In fact, sadly, writing is in

  • Natural Technology

    1352 Words  | 3 Pages

    Natural Technology With all the technological advancements and ingenious inventions our culture and world have been introduced to, it is difficult to remove ourselves from what we are accustomed to and what our expectations are of technology, in order to dwell on what technology really is. Technology, to many, may be any appliance that uses a battery or has to be plugged into an outlet in the wall in order to work. When a person thinks of writing technology, similar thoughts may take place

  • Reflection Paper About Technology

    985 Words  | 2 Pages

    Technology has become an important part of our lives, and from work to school to home you will come across using technology at some point. While, some people are technology proficient and catch on well to all the new advances that come and go, I unfortunately am not one of those people. Personally, I struggle with using technology and I like learning one way and sticking to that way when it comes to anything dealing with the internet and technology. Due to the lack of information I know about technology

  • Rhetorical Analysis Of 'Is Good Making USupid?'

    898 Words  | 2 Pages

    As time goes by, many people around the world are relying on technology to fulfill their daily lives. Many people use technology for work, school, and communication. Technology keeps getting more advanced year after year. Some technological advances are Apple coming up with the new iPhone or the government creating a new droid that could save many lives in the United States military. Technology has helped the entire world stay connected and has changed the lives of people dramatically. Nicholas Carr

  • Isolated Community: Hidden Dangers Of Mmorpgs Analysis

    665 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Ramification of Technology Technology is word that can describe nearly anything that has scientific application to it for the purposes of easier living or to better society, but the specific technology of today’s time that has completely backlashed on society is the creation of social networking and interaction. The problem with today’s society is that people are so drawn into the new technologies of the social media and personal usage concepts, which leads them to tend to forget

  • Reading Vs Reading Marie Winn Summary

    676 Words  | 2 Pages

    been heavily influenced by the development of technology. Due to the incorporation of personal devices in society, it has created a society where people do not communicate with themselves to the fullest extent. However, of all of the age groups, teenagers have been affected the most by the new technological wave. Many believe handheld electronics have caused teenagers to have a disengaged “imagination”(Winn, 255). Although many writers claim that technology has assisted the general population, others

  • Invent Your Own Technology

    978 Words  | 2 Pages

    Invent Your Own Technology “The first writing technology was writing itself (39 Baron).” -Dennis Baron, From Pencils to Pixels Re-introducing myself to a task that I have taken advantage of my entire life proved both frustrating and time consuming. Writing has always been done with at least a pencil hasn’t it? Apparently not, and I realized that as I set out to “create” a non-technological way to write. The new way of writing I created, although effective, took quite a bit longer than I

  • Synthesis Essay On Technology

    1091 Words  | 3 Pages

    babies? The newest generation of children are now growing up with electronics as their main toys and parents that are presumed with their own cell phones. Today, one can access the whole world with just a simple touch of a button due to the help of technology. Whether one wants to check the upcoming forecast for the weekend, watch last night’s episode of Dancing with the Stars, or read an article about a current world event, they can do this all from a computer or even their phone. However, electronics

  • Technology and Today's Youth

    2334 Words  | 5 Pages

    Technology affects everyone! Whether positive or negative, we are all affected, how it manifests itself into problems for youth will be studied and debated for years. Balancing technology throughout the educational process and keeping with current trends and uses of technology will affect everyone. Technology has transformed our youth’s daily and social lives. How do we measure the effects of technology on our ability to socialize or have a successful social life? Socializing is not just talking