Wadham College, Oxford Essays

  • wadham

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    Founded 1610 by Dorothy Wadham in memory of husband Nicholas Wadham. Sister College – Christ’s College Cambridge. Men and Women – Undergraduates 448 Postgraduates 129. Behind every good man is a good woman. Wadham College owes its existence to the tenacity and dedication of Dorothy Wadham, wife of wealthy Somerset landowner, Nicholas Wadham, who made sure her husband’s rather vague intention to establish a place of learning in Oxford was realised in 1610. In the space of four short years following

  • brasenose

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    Founded 1509 as The King’s Hall and College of Brasenose by William Smyth, Bishop of Lincoln and Sir Richard Sutton. Sister College – Gonville and Caius College Cambridge. Men and Women – Undergraduates 365 Postgraduates 206. Brasenose College is in the centre of Oxford situated by Radcliffe Square overlooking the main quadrangle of the Bodleian Library. It is affectionately referred to as ‘BNC’ or ‘The Mighty Nose’. As with many learned institutions the evolution from lodging houses, where academics

  • Analysis Of Hopkin's Poem 'God's Grandeur'

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    volume of poetry a year before his birth. As one can determine from this, much of his influence came from his parents. Hopkins began writing poetry in grammar school during which he won a poetry prize. This prize gave him a scholarship to Balliol College in Oxford, where he earned two degrees and was considered by his professors and peers to be the star of Balliol. Throughout his life he was very connected to his religion. So much that in 1868, after joining the Society of Jesus, he burned all of his work

  • Gerard Manley Hopkins

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    Gerard Manley Hopkins Gerard Manley Hopkins is a reflection of his time period because his work represents realism, his work was different from what was expected, and his work had to do with religion. Although Hopkins is considered as one of the great poets of the past, he was not that appreciated during his time period. The only reason that we have his work today is because his friends held on to his work after his death and decided to publish it for him in 1918. Hopkins age was defined

  • Selwyn College

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    Founded 1882 in memory of George Augustus Selwyn. Paid for by subscription. Sister College – Keble College Oxford. Men and Women – Undergraduates 400 Postgraduates 200. For a college with modest financial endowments, Selwyn punches way above its weight in the Cambridge academic performance tables, recently achieving top spot. The foundation started life in 1882 as a Public Hostel of the University, a Christian initiative in memory of the Rt Revd George Augustus Selwyn, the first Bishop of New Zealand

  • balliol

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    Founded 1263 by John de Balliol. Sister College -– St John’s College Cambridge. Men and Women – Undergraduates 387 Postgraduates 327. Balliol is one of the oldest and largest of the colleges in Oxford with around 327 postgraduates and 387 undergraduates. It has recently become the most popular, with more applications than any other in the university. Balliol is situated right in the heart of the city on its original site with a lease dating back to foundation year – 1263. A student coup in the 1960’s

  • Gerard Manley Hopkins Poetry Analysis

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    Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844–89). Poems 1918, Spring and Fall: To a young child MÁRGARÉT, áre you gríeving Over Goldengrove unleaving? Leáves, líke the things of man, you With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? Áh! ás the heart grows older 5 It will come to such sights colder By and by, nor spare a sigh Though worlds of wanwood leafmeal lie; And yet you wíll weep and know why. Now no matter, child, the name: 10 Sórrow’s spríngs áre the same. Nor mouth had, no nor mind, expressed What

  • Gonville and Cauis

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    John Caius. Originally Gonville Hall 1348-1351. Sister College – Brasenose College Oxford. Men and Women –Undergraduates 500 Postgraduates 250. Gonville and Caius was founded in 1348 as Gonville Hall, by the somewhat mysterious Edmund Gonville, Rector of Terrington St Clements, from the flatlands of Norfolk. There must have been more to Edmund than the records show, because it is doubtful a humble rector could have established a Cambridge college. There has been speculation that he was also a successful

  • Tit hall

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    College of Scholars of the Holy Trinity of Norwich. Named after The Holy Trinity. Founded 1350 by William Bateman Bishop of Norwich. Sisters College – All Souls College Oxford. Men and Women – Undergraduate 370 Postgraduates 270. The Black Death plague that hit England in the 1340’s had a devastating effect, wiping out almost half of the population. The clergy, despite their godliness, were not immune. William Bateman Bishop of Norwich, found he had lost close to 700 parish priests and, in order

  • oriel

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    Founded 1438 as The College of All Souls of the Faithful Departed of Oxford by Henry Chiche Archbishop of Canterbury. Sister College – Trinity Hall Cambridge. Fellows only, Men and Women (by entrance exam or invitation). Only the most brilliant scholars drawn from a pool of the most gifted are invited to All Souls to engage in a life advanced academic study. Traditionally the college has no undergraduates and is unusual in that all members become fellows and join the college’s governing body. Originally

  • King James Enlightenment Era Essay

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    His parents are Christopher Wren and Mary Cox. He was born in East Knoyle. He was in private at home for few years. Then he went to school at Westminster School and in 1649.Then he attended the Wadham College in Oxford. In 1651 Wren graduated with a Bachelor’s degree. He also completed his M.A. in the next two years. In school he studied on astronomy, physics, and anatomy. In 1669 Wren married Faith Coghill. Faith was the daughter of Sir John Coghill of

  • How Did Peter Maculthorpe Affect Australia

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    Musicology Essay: The Australian Spirit As the years have gone by, Australia has become increasingly multicultural. Music in Australia has grown to reflect this change and the stereotyped “Australian Sound” – developed primarily from early folk music, patriotic instrumental composition and 1980’s pub rock – has expanded vastly. As a result of this, the “Australian Perspective” too has grown, and now incorporates a vaster range of views and issues as perceived and expressed by different Australian

  • St. Paul 's Cathedral

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    Over the last millennium, a striking Cathedral devoted to St. Paul has been a precious jewel for the city of London. It sits at the top of Ludgate Hill, the highest point in the City of London. The present St Paul 's Cathedral, London, is an Anglican cathedral, the seat of the Bishop of London and the mother church of the Diocese of London. Regularly as the Cathedral is at the centre of many nation-wide events, innovations have been examined, and drastic new thoughts have found expression under the

  • Essay On Robert Hooke

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    unsupervised access to Dr. Busby's library. When Robert was eighteen he moved on and attended Oxford, where he soon after obtained his masters degree. Once he secured the sponsorship and guidance of John Wilkins, the warden of Wadham College, he was well on his way to become one of the greatest inventors, microscopists, physicists, surveyors, astronomers, biologists, artists. Adult hood During Robert Hooke's study at Oxford, he was among many great figures, such as; Thomas Willis, Seth Ward, Robert Boyle,

  • The Rake Figure in Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre

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    The Rake Figure in Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre Edward Rochester, the male protagonist of Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre embodies a number of different roles of masculinity. One of the least recognized but very influential roles played by Rochester is the rake. The idea of the "rake" is commonly related to the Restoration period in England; yet this figure does not completely disappear during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Historical figures such as John Wilmot the second Earl of Rochester

  • Welter Of Emotions In Arundhati Roy's The God Of Small Things

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    classical music, his romanticism, his welter of emotions, all come through very effectively. The Kolkata born, Vikram Seth deserves to be next on the list. The man of many languages and wise businessman penned outstanding works like "The Golden Gate", "A Suitable Boy", "An Equal Music", and "Two Lives". The first book written by him was in verse form and records the lives of young professionals in San Francisco. "A Suitable Boy", 1441 paged novel pushed him into the lime light. The book brimmed with