Virtual network Essays

  • VPN or Virtual Private Network

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    VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. VPN is a data network connection that makes use of the public telecommunication infrastructure but maintains privacy through the use of a tunneling protocol and security procedures. It operates much like a Wide Area Network (WAN). Most companies actually leased lines, but in either case both solutions are very expensive. As the Internet became more widely available people started creating VPN solutions that took advantage of the cheap network access. The idea

  • Virtual Networks in a Network Vitualization Environment

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    Each virtual network in a network virtualization environment is a collection of virtual nodes and virtual links. Essentially, a virtual network is subset of underlying physical network resources. Network virtualization proposes decoupling of functionalities in a networking environment by separating the role of traditional ISPs into InP’s (Infrastructure Providers) who manages the physical infrastructure and SP’s (Service Providers) who creates virtual networks by aggregating resources from multiple

  • Connection Problem to The Bilkent University Virtual Private Network

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    online survey with these Bilkenters, according to survey results, %78.38 of Bilkenters use Bilkent Virtual Private Network from out of Bilkent [3]. This means that 8200 Bilkenters use Virtual Private Network of Bilkent. Also, according to survey results %51.36 of Bilkenters, in other words 4100 people use Bilkent Virtual Private Network in their daily life [4]. Therefore, Bilkent Virtual Private Network has a vital importance for Bilkenters. So that, if any problem occurring to the connection to the

  • The Implications of an Extranet on the Business Model

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    the Intranet and the Extranet. Internet The Internet is a public, global network of networks which is based on Internet Protocol (IP) and related standards ( The Internet was designed to provide a standard means of interconnecting networks so that any system could communicate with any other system, regardless of physical location. It operates as a confederated network of networks (an "internet"), and offers universal accessibility (http://www.teleshuttle

  • Android Operating Systems: One Of The Most Popular Mobile Operating System

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    Introduction Android operating system is one of the most popular mobile operating systems. With the increasing inclination of people towards technology we have seen that mobile devices play a very crucial role in one’s life. Mobile phones are not only used for communication, but for educational purposes,getting location, for social networking sites, clicking pictures and many more. Hence, mobile phone have become an inseparable part of our daily life. With the increase in usage of smartphones, there

  • How to Setup A Multi-Protocol (OpenVPN, L2TP, SSTP) VPN Server Using SoftEther

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    ## Introduction This article explains how to install and configure a multi-protocol VPN server using the SoftEther package. We enable and configure OpenVPN, L2TP over IPSec and SSTP VPN Servers on Linux. ## What is SoftEther SoftEther VPN is one of the world's most powerful and easy-to-use multi-protocol VPN software made by the good folks at University of Tsukuba, Japan. It runs on Windows, Linux, Mac, FreeBSD and Solaris and is freeware and open-source. You can use SoftEther for any personal

  • The Pros And Cons Of Privacy Online

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    Privacy is used to remain anonymity while online. While browsing online, there are lots of things that your personal information can be exposed to in the online world and there are lots of different ways to prevent this from happening. I will be discussing if it is truly possible to remain private online while using the internet effectively. Certain methods of remaining anonymous online will have different difficulties in order to follow them, I will take this into account when I am analysing my

  • Remote Access Attacks

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    computer or network access from a remote location. Today many business people who travel often need to have remote access to their corporation's network. There is however vulnerabilities that all types of remote access have common, and it doesn’t matter what method used, the endpoint machine is vulnerable like all other systems that have access to the Internet. Whenever a system is accessible via the internet, that system is exposed to danger. Analyze the Quick Finance Company Network Diagram and

  • What Makes A Good VPN

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    Virtual private networks (VPN) provide an encrypted connection between distributed sites over a public network (e.g., the Internet). By contrast, a private network uses dedicated circuits and possibly encryption. The basic idea is to provide an encrypted IP tunnel through the Internet that permits distributed sites to communicate securely. VPN's permit secure, encrypted connections between a company's private network and remote users through a third-party service provider. A VPN can grow to accommodate

  • Remote Access Solutions

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    user to log onto a network from a distant location. This is accomplished with a remote computer connected to the distant network. Whereas remote control refers to taking control of another computer, remote access means that the remote computer becomes a work station on the network. Communication between the network facility equipment and the remote computer is accomplished through a data link. The only difference between a remote user and workstations connected directly to the network is slower data

  • Informatics Essay

    976 Words  | 2 Pages

    Conversation started April 2 Sai Gokul 4/2, 4:36am Sai Gokul There was an era where physical security was considered to be the most effective means of protecting technical systems. But this era became obsolete with the advent of telephone networks and modems which necessitated the protection of data as well as the systems with the help of Informatics. The significant contribution of Informatics in the field of security was the development of RSA encryption algorithm -in the late 1970s- that utilized

  • Network Security

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    Network Security 1. What is network security? Network security has changed significantly over the past years. There is more and more data to monitor and analyze in order to detect the activity of your data and systems. Securing a network has many variables. Password authentication, network access, patches, anti-virus protection, intrusion detection, firewall and network monitoring tools are just a few of the things you can do to protect yourself. Threats to your network is becoming more

  • Statement of Purpose for a Masters in Computer Science

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    this is magic!" I exclaimed as I read 'Tom' on the screen. While I realized intuitively that a complex version of this elementary network could achieve much, at the time I had no real idea what. Now, four years later, I know that Networking makes possible a plethora of applications, from video-conferencing over the Internet to linking banks through private networks. It still seems like magic. Or rather, a grand adventure - one that I most certainly want to be part of. My interest in applied science

  • Microsoft Hyper-v Virtualization System

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    1. INTRODUCTION:- As we all know virtualization is the requirement of future. We have evolved from the age of traditional environment to virtual environment.We have grown accustomed to almost all things virtual from virtual memory to virtual networks to virtual storage.The most widely leveraged benefit of virtualization technology is server consolidation, enabling one server to take on the workloads of multiple servers. For example, by consolidating a branch office’s print server, fax server, exchange

  • The Pros And Cons Of Virtualization

    897 Words  | 2 Pages

    environment including a processor, memory, storage, network links, and a display entirely in software. Because the resulting runtime environment is completely software based, the software produces what’s called a virtual computer or a virtual machine (M.O., 2012). To simplify, virtualization is the process of running multiple virtual machines on a single physical machine. The virtual machines share the resources of one physical computer, and each virtual machine is its own environment. Why is virtualization

  • Virtual Worlds Defined

    1497 Words  | 3 Pages

    Virtual Worlds Defined Modern virtual worlds are massive, simulated environments that can be accessed via the World Wide Web. Virtual worlds can be categorized into two distinct groups: “gaming” virtual worlds and “social” virtual worlds. As their names imply, these two categories of virtual worlds are distinguished by their overall purposes. The first type is designed primarily for game play, and the second type almost exclusively for communications. Gaming virtual worlds also abbreviated as

  • Cloud Computing Virtualization – A Threat to Security of the System

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    compromised in cloud computing and how we can secure the system from security breach in case of virtualization. Keywords: cloud computing, Hypervisor, Virtual machine, Virtualization Security. 1. INTRODUCTION Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, on demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction

  • The Benefits Of Virtualization

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    multiple machines versus managing single clients accessing virtual desktops. How virtualization works, what it can be used for, the types of virtualization, and the benefits of virtualization are some of the concepts presented. How Virtualization Works Virtualization is often misunderstood. It is the conception, design and manufacture of a virtual version of something such as an operating system, a server, and a storage device or network resource. The point is to alleviate physical space or servers

  • Information Technology for Regional Gardens Ltd

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    servers together and provide data from data centre of server to user virtual desktop. [(n.d.). Retrieved from] Proposed Virtual Technologies- In this case I recommend for two types of virtualization in case of Regional garden limited company.... ... middle of paper ... ...firewall is there to filter network traffic for the virtual network adapter. • Data Protection & Encryption • Encrypt data of virtual system to make sure about confidential information is not exposed

  • Virtualization Essay

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    modern operating system will pre-empt it and allow others their fair share. Similarly, a running process typically has its own virtual address space that the operating system maps to physical memory to give the process the illusion that it is the only user of RAM. Figure 2 1 Virtualization 2.1 Virtual Machine The first machine to fully support virtualization was IBM’s VM. Virtual machine (VM) encapsulates an operating system and application in one unit. Virtualization provide an ability to run entire