Vincristine Essays

  • Nanoparticles Essay

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    Nanoparticles are defined as particulate materials with at least one dimension of less than 100 nanometers (nm), even the particles could be zero dimension in the case of quantum dots (Bar et al., 2009). Metal nanoparticles have been of great interest due to their distinctive features such as catalytic, optical, magnetic and electrical properties (Rassaei et al., 2008). Nanoparticles present a high surface area to volume ratio with decrease in the size of the particles. Specific surface area

  • Destroying Our Rainforests

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    Over three thousand plants found can help the fight against cancer. Seventy percent of these plants are found in the rainforest. Periwinkle is a very essential plant that produces the drug Vincristine that is the most powerful cancer-fighting drug that has been discovered as of today. Scientists say, "Vincristine is used as a part of MOPP chemotherapy regimen, and has helped increase the rate of remission in acute childhood leukemia from twenty percent to ninety percent.." The periwinkle plant is only

  • SHELL Model Analysis

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    PART A According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) “patient safety is the reduction of risk of unnecessary harm associated with healthcare to an acceptable minimum”. (WHO, 2009) In the healthcare industry, maintaining patient safety is the main concern. Adverse events are “the failure of planned events to achieve their desired goal” (Reason, 1995). Once adverse events occur it is of the utmost importance to identify the underlying causes that lead to their occurrence. In healthcare, due to

  • Chemotherapy Essay

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    Chemotherapy is the use of chemicals to cure cancer. Chemotherapy is also known as “chemo”. The term for chemo came from the German bacteriologist Paul Ehrlich around the year 1900. He came up with the term when he was examining aniline dyes and arsenicals as possible treatments for diseases such as syphilis. He envisioned “magic bullets” that would be able to target invading organisms but still leave the host unscathed. This goal has been providing therapeutic benefits without many side effects

  • Herbal Medicine Essay

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    Herbal medicine is the traditional medical practice and it’s an important part of medicine to this day. To treat different ailments there are various indigenous systems such as Siddha, Ayurveda, Unani and Allopathy use differnt plant species1. Allopathic medicine is a system of medicine that focuses primarily on reacting disease rather than on promoting health. The use of herbal medicine is popular due to toxicity and side effects of allopathic medicines. Cancer is presently responsible for about

  • Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Research Paper

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    hair loss, are avoided. The most common non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) is Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), which comprises approximately 30% of all new diagnoses.1 The median age of those presenting is mid-60s. The cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone (CHOP) chemotherapy regimen has been the foundation of treatment since its development in the 1970s.2 CHOP has remained the standard of care since attempts to improve outcomes with more intensive chemotherapy regimens failed

  • The Immortal Life Of Henrietta Lacks Rhetorical Analysis

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    possible: “The National Cancer Institute was using various cells, including HeLa, to screen more than thirty thousand chemicals and plant extracts, which would yield several of today’s most widely used and effective chemotherapy drugs, including Vincristine and Taxol,”(pg.139). This example of logos from the text again shows just how important these Henrietta’s cells were to the future developments in

  • Herbal Drugs Essay

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    medicinal plant being used by humans for different therapeutic purpose and are changed to modern medicine like many modern drugs originated from plant source. Many of the life saving drug are isolated/extract from medicinal plant examples include Vincristine (Vinca), digoxin (Digitalis), quinine (cinchona bark), Atropine (Datura), Artimicine (Artimisia annua), morphine (from the opium poppy) (Vickers and Zollman, 1999). As per WHO the uses of herbal drug was increased day by day to two- three time

  • Henrietta Lacks Tragedy

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    In the story, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot, we learn of a family’s hardship through dealing with the loss of a loved one. It is a captivating view into a world that is filled with grief, but with this heartbreak comes groundbreaking scientific development that offers tremendous potential benefits for millions of others. The case of Henrietta Lacks is one of the most popular and interesting scientific cases in recent history for many different reasons. Henrietta Lacks was

  • Bio prospecting the World

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    Bio prospecting is a term that is interchangeable with Bio piracy, these are the processes and commercialization of plants and animals including the exploitation of indigenous forms of knowledge through exclusive commercialization. One may question where the richest forms of genes, species and eco systems exist in the forms of bio diversity. Places with the highest forms of biodiversity in the world tend to be concentrated in tropical and sub-tropical regions (Mayer). It is in these places pharmaceutical

  • Cancer

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    Cancer is a genetic disease because it can be traced to alteration within specific genes, but in most cases, it is not an inherited disease. The genetic alterations that lead to most cancers arise in the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) of a somatic cell during the lifetime of affected individual. Because of these genetic changes, cancer cells proliferate uncontrollably, producing malignant tumour that invade surrounding healthy tissue. As long as the growth of tumour remains localized, the disease can

  • Essay On Amazon Rain Forest

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    help to fight against these cancer cells. About seventy percent of these come from the rain forest. Also about a fourth of cancer ingredients come from organisms that are in the rain forest. Also a plant called periwinkle has an ingredient, called vincristine that helps the survival rate for cancer patients. Also there are people found in the rain forest. ‘’The tallest of these people known as the Mbuti, rarely exceed five feet tall. Their bodies have adapted the shorter they are. The less heat that

  • Paralytic Ileus or Bowel Obstruction

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    activity of the intestines usually returns within hours to days after such operations. Ileuses can also be caused by Heart disease and kidney diseases, especially when potassium levels decrease. Certain chemotherapy drugs such as vinblastine and vincristine can also cause Ileuses. Over all the total rate of bow... ... middle of paper ... Gale, 2002. 1779-1780. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 16 May 2014.

  • Rainforests Essay

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    By the year 2060, rainforests will be but a dream (facts about the rainforest). The rainforests are the lungs of Earth providing 40% of the world’s oxygen yearly. The world needs to preserve the rainforests because without them our ecosystem will suffer. The rainforests provide the western world with one out of four of the prescription drugs sold today and many valuable resources (contribution of rainforests to mankind). The balance of the ecosystem, water cycle, and carbon dioxide levels depend

  • Why It Is so Important to Preserve Our Rainforests

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    Preserving Our Rainforests In Walden, a novel written by Henry David Thoreau, Thoreau states, “I would that our farmers when they cut down a forest felt some of that awe which the old Romans did when they came to thin, or let light to, a consecrated grove, (lucum conlucare) that is, would believe that it is sacred to some god” (Walden House-Warming 13). By comparing forests to a “god”, Thoreau implies that forests are something sacred and spiritual, and they shouldn’t be taken advantage of by humans

  • Analysis and Description of Hematologic System

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    The Hematologic System is regarded as the body’s system that regulates the movement of nutrients, molecules (macro and micro molecules), and oxygen to tissues and metabolic waste products and carbon dioxide out of the tissues (Colbert, 2009). The overall role of the hematologic system is to deliver substances needed for cellular metabolism, temperature regulation, defend the body from injury and microbial infections, and maintain the homeostatic balance or acid-base chemistry of the blood and fluid-electrolyte

  • Environment Essay: We Can Stop The Extinction of Endangered Species

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    What is a species? What exactly is an endangered species? What is an extinct species? How have these species come to the point of becoming endangered or extinct? What can we do to save the endangered species that are near extinction? Can we actually do anything to save these species, or is it a lost cause? Why should I care? The answer to many of these questions is not know by most people. As much attention as this subject gets from environmental groups and agencies, it gets just as much ignoring

  • Gynecomastia

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    Gynecomastia Definition Gynecomastia is a common disease of the male breast where there is a benign glandular enlargement of that breast at some time in the male's life. It usually consists of the appearance of a flat pad of glandular tissue beneath a nipple which becomes tender at the same time. The development may be unilateral or bilateral. There is rarely a continued growth of the breast tissue; ordinarily the process is of brief duration and stops short of the production of permanent enlargement

  • Madagascar is a Dying Land In Need of Help

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    Madagascar is a Dying Land In Need of Help Madagascar is one of the most diverse areas of land that has undergone evolution totally independent from surrounding continents. The plant and animal species located on the island are all endemic to the island, meaning all are native species. The amount of diversity is very high compared to that of other continents and the species found here cannot be found anywhere else in the world. Currently all organisms located on this island are in danger, even

  • Cancer Essay

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    There are various different forms of cancer affecting all different parts of the body. Healthy cells will grow, divide and eventually die making way for new cells to take their place. In young healthy youth this process is faster in order to aid an individual in growing. In an adult individual cells divide and only replace themselves when they have worn out or are incapable of repairing injuries (Fox, 2009). Cancer is a process in which the cell starts to grow without control or a stop mechanism