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The importance of rainforest and biodiversity
The importance of rainforest and biodiversity
The importance of rainforest and biodiversity
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By the year 2060, rainforests will be but a dream (facts about the rainforest). The rainforests are the lungs of Earth providing 40% of the world’s oxygen yearly. The world needs to preserve the rainforests because without them our ecosystem will suffer. The rainforests provide the western world with one out of four of the prescription drugs sold today and many valuable resources (contribution of rainforests to mankind). The balance of the ecosystem, water cycle, and carbon dioxide levels depend on the rainforests. Furthermore, rainforests are home to many animals, plants, endangered species, and tribes.
The rainforests are the world’s oldest ecosystems dating back to almost 100 million years. The largest rainforests are located around the Amazon in South America, around the Equator in Africa, and in South Asia. Smaller rainforests thrive in Central America, Islands on the Pacific and Caribbean, and Mexico. Rainforests maintain a temperature of 50 degrees Fahrenheit and get between 160 to 400 inches of rain per year. The conditions that the Rainforests have are exemplary for life to grow and flourish. The area where the rainforests are located saves them from natural disasters and saved them from the loss of life during the ice ages. Due to these conditions the Rainforest is home to 50-70 million species (Facts about Rainforests). The rainforest’s resources began to be favored by the economy in the early 1990’s.
Ever since then the deforestation for resources has dramatically increased to an alarming rate. Every second we lose an area of two football fields and every week an area twice as big as Rhode Island. The Rainforests once covered fourteen percent of the Earth compared to the two percent now. In the...
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...y different species of animals and plants. Many tribes of Indians call the rainforest their home. They use the resources of the rainforest to survive and thrive as a community. However as rainforests are being destroyed their homes are destroyed and important information is lost about plants and medicine.
The rainforests are home to many plants, animals, and people. It holds many secrets that are yet to be found by people. Those secrets can be a cure to cancer or new sources of food. It provides the west with a lot of important medicine and resources. The most important resource is oxygen that the rainforest produces. Furthermore, the deforestation of rainforests sets off chain reactions around the world’s ecosystem that affect more than just the rainforest. It is important to save the rainforests because by 2060 there might not be any left to save.
Forests cover 31% of the land area on our planet. They produce vital oxygen and provide homes for people and wildlife. Many of the world’s most threatened and endangered animals live in forests, and 1.6 billion people rely on benefits forests offer, including food, fresh water, clothing, traditional medicine and shelter (drug war facts, Page 1).
The dense levels of vegetation absorb tremendous amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and help slow down the rate of climate change that the planet is experiencing. This process also produces high levels of oxygen that help to support life around the world. Coupled with the high levels of rainfall that benefit the water cycle, the rainforests are an integral part of the many systems that exist. These forests contain a wide variety of plants that a source of different chemicals that are used to create medicines. The degradation of these areas could potentially lead to the loss of medicines that could cure some of the deadliest diseases and illnesses that
The Amazon Rain Forest Is in Danger of Being Destroyed" by Devadas Vittal. Rain Forests. HaiSong Harvey, Ed. At Issue Series. Greenhaven Press, 2002. Reprinted from Devadas Vittal, Introduction: What Is the Amazon Rainforest? Internet: http://www.homepages.go.com/homepages/d/v/i/dvittal/amazon/intro.html, November 1999, by permission of the author. http://ic.galegroup.com/ic/ovic/ViewpointsDetailsPage/ViewpointsDetailsWindow?displayGroupName=Viewpoints&disableHighlighting=false&prodId=OVIC&action=e&windowstate=normal&catId=&documentId=GALE%7CEJ3010021212&mode=view
WPF/World Preservation Foundation, 2010, Deforestation statistics, sponsored by WPF, viewed 3rd November 2013, Available at: http://www.worldpreservationfoundation.org/blog/news/deforestation-statistics/#.UoFtypQY3TV
The Amazon rainforest has a huge role not only in the forest itself but in our future and with the way we humans live. Daily, the Amazon provides the world with things such as medicines, fruits and nuts, spices, and of course some of the air that we breathe. The Amazon rainforest itself absorbs over two and a half billion tons of carbon dioxide a year. It also releases over two billion tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. With the deforestation of the Amazon increasing with time, less trees are being used to control the intake and outtake of the carbon dioxide. Other than releasing the carbon dioxide the rainforest also is responsible for twenty percent of earth’s oxygen. The Amazon additionally generates the hydrological cycle, which
In South America lies the largest and most wondrous rainforest in the world, the Amazon Rainforest. This 1.4 billion acre forest represents over half of the planets remaining rainforests, and comprises the largest and most bio-diverse tract of rainforest in the world. Ten percent of all known species on the planet are found in this rain forest, most of which have yet to be discovered. For the past century, the Amazon has been gradually decreasing in size due to agricultural expansion, ranching, infrastructure projects, energy exploration and illegal logging. At its current state, the Amazon is losing land equal to the size of the state of Delaware every year. The destruction of this forest releases 340 million tons of carbon per year according to the World Wildlife Foundation, or WWF, which in turn cause climate changes everywhere around the world. Undiscovered species can hold the key to curing a plethora of diseases, but if those species become extinct those keys are lost forever. If nothing is done to prevent this, the world’s treasure trove of bio-diversity will cease to exist, creating irreversible damage to not only the South American people but also the rest of the world.
Thesis statement: rainforest are being destroyed because the value of forest land which is consider as the best sources of timber for export by government and help to economic of country and logging companies and land owners.
The Human Impact on Rainforests Human Impact on Rainforest is it a necessity? Rainforest are the beautiful gift of Mother Nature. It consists of the most magnificent species and plants in the world. 4.2% of the world’s animals live in the rainforest. This statistic it self shows how bad it would be to destroy such essential part of the worlds biodiversity.
The world’s natural resources are depleting as the humans exploit and abuse these precious assets. Deforestation is occurring on a daily basis as the humans are cutting down the trees in mass quantities. The number of trees available in the world are limited and can become scarce at any point. As the population increases, the need for the wood from the trees becomes more necessary. As time passes, an abundant amount of people become more dependent on the supply of trees, especially in the Amazon Rainforest. The effect of deforestation of the species living in the area, how the population impacts the diminution of trees, and the sustainable solutions all make up the present and future of deforestation.
Rainforests once covered 14% of the worlds land surface, however now it only covers a mere 6%. It is estimated that all rainforests could be consumed in less than 40 years. Trees are becoming more needed and used everyday. We need them cut down for many reasons such as paper and timber, while also needing them ‘untouched’ for other reasons like oxygen, we have to ask ourselves, which is more important? At the current rate, most of the rainforests are being cut down for resources like paper and timber, but less importance is being placed on main resources like oxygen.
Tropical rainforests have many species of plants and animals. They are very interesting and many scientists today study it. Rainforests are an important part of our environment and it is important for us to protect it. That’s why we have to stop global warming.
Imagine going on a tour throughout the Amazon Rainforest. To your right you see a variety of exotic animals and insects. To your left, you then see a ton of rare species of plants that you have never seen before. Finally, ahead of you are tribes of many people. You are soaking in all these amazing sights until suddenly, you hear the sound of wrecking balls and chainsaws destroying everything in it’s path making you feel like someone is pounding at your brain, causing a horrific headache. Horrible right? This is why protecting the Amazon Rainforest is important to the people, animal, insect and plant life. Not to mention, the species that live in this rainforest are actually living in the last rainforest existing in the world. Getting rid of the last rainforest standing can
Though deforestation has increased at an alarming rate throughout the past fifty years, deforestation has been performed during the course of history. According to the World Resources Institute, a majority of the world’s enduring naturally occurring forests are found in Alaska, Canada, Russia and the Northwestern Amazon. Research has demonstrated forests are more likely to be destroyed and repurposed where economic revenues tied to agriculture and pasture are prominent, typically attributed to advantageous weather conditions, or lower expenses of demolishing the forest and delivering merchandises to the global
Deforestation happens in many ways; fires, clear-cutting for agriculture, ranching, development, logging, and degradation due to climate change, impacting lives and posing a horrific threat to a wide range of species (WWF, 2017). The reoccurring issue of rapid forest clearing is continuing to progress. Some direct causes are the incredibly high demand and extensive dependency of resources that rainforests provide, land expansion, logging, agriculture and infrastructure. This critical matter must be taken seriously and re-evaluated with extreme consideration. Global involvement of governments and an abrupt interference of forests clearing needs a redirected approach of an implemented mandatory reforestation in these areas. This will create a decrease in the major dilemma that is compromising the planets future sustainability. Primarily, causing the extinction and endangerment of millions of plants and animals from
The Disappearing Rainforests Conserving the rainforest is a global issue of great importance. Tropical rainforests provide a habitat for animals, a unique ecosystem for vegetation, and an abundance of resources for humans, yet they are being destroyed at an astonishing rate. Experts estimate that if these endangered territories continue to be consumed in this manner, no more will be standing in forty years (Rainforest). Examining the social, environmental, and economic costs of the continued destruction of the Earth's tropical rainforests will prove that deforestation for short-term profit is ultimately not viable.