Triceratops Essays

  • Informational Essay on Triceratops

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    The Triceratops (figure 1) was and herbivore that lived in the late Cretaceous period, which was around 125 million years ago. The Triceratops existed at least 66 million years ago. It was a Rhinoceros-like dinosaur that had a sturdy body structure. It had four legs, three horns, and big eyes. Triceratopses were very complex. The Triceratops was discovered near Denver, Colorado, in 1889. It was discovered by a Paleontologist by the name of Othniel C. Marsh. The first fossil that was discovered was

  • Understanding the Importance of Scientific Journal Articles

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    This scientific journal article is written using complex scientific language and structured to allow for in-depth explanations, specialised for those with an interest and previous knowledge in palaeontology. The data presented was well-written and credible due to the authors whilst it was also relevent for the time it was published. A scientific journal article is a means for a researcher to present new information, with the intent of further extending the progress of science. This is typically done

  • Baby Dinosaurs

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    that as a juvenile triceratops grows it shape shifts to where the horn on its head starts to move backwards then eventually when it matures the horn moves forward. Also, along the frill of their skull they have triangular bones when they are juvenile, then when they mature the bones spread out. He then cut into three triceratops skulls and they were all spongy, so they were all juvenile meaning there has to be another dinosaur that is an adult. Jack Horner noticed that the triceratops has similarities

  • Giganotosaurus

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    Giganotosaurus means “giant southerner lizard.” These huge dinosaurs were meat eaters. They ate cretaceous dinosaurs. They lived 97 million years ago during the late cretaceous period. The Giganotosaurus is the largest meat eating dinosaur found so far. They are larger than T. Rex but not as large as the Spinosaurus. They are very large, but their brain was small. They are classified as a Saurischis dinosaur. They were 40 feet long and weighed 13 tons. It is believed these large dinosaurs

  • Natural Science

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    infected almost everyone. Dinosaurs captivate us not only because of the enormous size that some of them attained, but because of their extraordinary diversity. Encompassing such astonishing creatures as the fearsome Tyrannosaurus rex, the majestic Triceratops and the cunning raptors, dinosaurs are truly fascinating. From such fascination many questions arise. How were the dinosaurs able to survive for such a long period of time? Why did they become so large? Just what was their everyday existence like

  • Analysis Of Jurassic Park

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    Fat, messy & what else Would you like to be compared with someone? Even though a lot of people do not like to, you might relate or have some similar characteristics with that person that you would never imagine. This theme appears in Jurassic Park, which was created by Dr.Hammond for a specific reason. But nobody realized what was going to happen, except for Dr. Malcolm. He advised them, but they did not listen. After all, a lot of people got hurt and some died too. That is what happened when the

  • Tyrannosaurus Rex

    761 Words  | 2 Pages

    Tyrannosaurus Rex The name says it all. This group of huge carnivores ruled the land during the Cretaceous period. Short but deep jaws, long hind limbs (legs), beady eyes, a long muscular tail, and tiny forelimbs (arms) make up a tyrannosaur. The Tyrannosauridae included such similar animals as Albertosaurus, Gorgosaurus, Daspletosaurus, Tarbosaurus, and of course Tyrannosaurus Rex. A tremendous skeleton of Rex now stands guard in the Valley Life Sciences Building in Washington. Tyrannosaurs belong

  • Ceratopsians and Pachycephalosaurs

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    Ceratopsians, horned dinosaurs such as the Triceratops, Styrachosaurus, Pentaceratops, and the Protoceratops. Pachycephalosaurians, thick-skulled dinosaurs like such as the Stegoceras and the Pachycephalosaurus. (1) Ceratopsians and Pachycephalosaurs are closely related in their characteristics. Ceratopsians processed a saddle-shaped boney frill that extended from the skull to the neck and typically had horns over the nose and eyes. The most popular was the triceratops, which could reach over 26 feet and

  • The Cicadapocalypse

    504 Words  | 2 Pages

    Cicadapocalypse (excerpt) Our story begins in the late cretaceous period, the last of the mesozoic era. Dinosaurs are roaming about, minding their own business. A iguanodon here, a pack of velociraptors stalking them nearby. A dreadnoughts there and some triceratops grazing not to far away. However those creatures are not relevant to this tale. No, the focal point of our story falls upon a much more frightening creature a cicada in fact, one of the large prehistoric variety. This insect lived among the dinosaurs

  • The Influence Of Archean Life

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    2. A stromatolite is a fossil of blue green algae, or cyanobacteria. They date back up to 3.5 billion years ago, and made other life possible by transforming earth’s atmosphere to one much more suited for terrestrial life, by creating oxygen gas. 3. Archean life was extremely basic, essentially making it harder for anything to go wrong with it. Life first appeared in an incredibly hostile environment, todays earth is much more hospitable and abundant with all sorts of life. 4. The Paleozoic era

  • Creative Writing: Trapped

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    Trapped Charlie woke up with the biggest headache he ever had struggled with. The bright sun glared into his eyes, and the humid air was so thick he felt he could cut it with a knife. Sitting up, Charlie took in his surroundings. Surrounding him was strange foliage he had never seen. Trees with trunks that looked like the skin of a pineapple towered above him. Humongous ferns swayed in the hot breeze. Charlie figured he was in some sort of jungle. Realizing he had his machete with him, he set of

  • Personal Narrative: My Trip To Rapid City

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    the steep set of stairs, up to the seven dinosaur sculptures. Kae Lynn took off running to the tallest dinosaur, screaming “The long-neck asaurus!”. My Mom then had us stand underneath the tallest dinosaur by its belly and also had us sit on the Triceratops, so that she could take pictures of the three of us. Then we went to Flags and Wheels, to play laser tag. When we got there we had to put on these light up vests that glowed two different colors, red and blue. All of the lights flickered off before

  • The Ordovician Period

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    Again, index fossils and relative dating are the proof of the creatures that inhabited the Earth during this period. Even though there was an explosion of marine life, sixty percent of the species became extinct due to climatic changes and glaciation. After the Ordovician period is the Silurian period (440-410mya), which is best known for life on land. Once the climate stabilized, land plants grew near the equator and the evolution of fishes began. The first known freshwater fish, and fish with

  • Jurassic Park Research Paper

    686 Words  | 2 Pages

    speak for themselves. Stan’s team created animatronics for several of the film’s main dinosaurs. The T-Rex animatronic alone stood 20 feet tall and weighed 17,500 pounds (Jurassic Park (film), 1993). Animatronics were also created for the film’s triceratops, velociraptors and dilophosaurus. To give the dinosaurs their voice, samples from around the animal kingdom were combined to create unique blending of sounds for all the main dinosaurs. To make sure the audience would hear the dinosaurs as he intended

  • Fantasia

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    Fantasia is a 1940 animated film produced by Walt Disney. The movie is composed of interesting images alongside beautiful pieces of music that are conducted by Leopold Stokowski. The images included in Fantasia are what the animators believed the listener would create in their heads while hearing to the compositions. Although these images can be seen as strange and bizarre, they truly depict what the people in the audience may be feeling while listening to the music and the scenes shown will stick

  • Troodon-The Only Dinosaur That Could Pronounce Its Own Name

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    omnivore, herbivore, or carnivore, dinosaurs came in all different sizes with many different backgrounds. Many dinosaurs lived millions of years ago, and only a few are well known about. While everyone has heard of the Tyrannosaurus Rex or the Triceratops, there are many other unique and interesting dinosaurs to learn about. One of the most fascinating dinosaur species that are not often talked about is the Troodon formosus. The Troodon formosus had the appearance of a cross between a bird and a

  • Evolution Of Dinosaurs Essay

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    mammals or birds. Some dinosaurs evolved from a bipedal, meaning that they walked on two legs and others evolved from quadrupedal also meaning which walked on four legs . An example of this would be a tyrannosaurus rex which is a bipedal and a triceratops which is a quadrupedal

  • The Dino Story

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    we were working on a secret project called “Dino Rebirth”. Project “Dino Rebirth” was where we were taking DNA and dinosaur fossils to recreate the dinosaurs. In the lab we were working really hard on the serum that we would use to recreate the Triceratops. But something went terribly wrong. The power went out. The dinosaurs that were recreated were in a electric fenced area with high security. So when the power went out all of the dinosaurs were able to escape. The dinosaurs weren’t just regular

  • What Are Dinosaurs Essay

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    Life Before Humans Over 65 million years ago, dinosaurs roamed and ruled the Earth. They were the top predators and where in an abundance of species. Today, scientist unearth their fossils and put them together to create an image of a lifetime. Even though no one was around when they were alive, we have an idea of what they looked like. If you have ever seen a dinosaur, you would probably think that they all were big giants that ate everything in sight! Although that is true, dinosaurs did eat almost

  • Reflection Of The Evolving Planet

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    The Evolving Planet exhibit at Chicago’s Field Museum opened in 2006, and has become a popular permanent exhibit at the museum especially for students learning about biology. The exhibit is a well-funded demonstration of evolution on earth. The museum takes users from single cell organisms through to eons of life on earth through to modern man. The exhibit has both interactive and visual displays as well as carefully prepared videos. The exhibit attractions is a scientific connection of evolution