Understanding the Importance of Scientific Journal Articles

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This scientific journal article is written using complex scientific language and structured to allow for in-depth explanations, specialised for those with an interest and previous knowledge in palaeontology. The data presented was well-written and credible due to the authors whilst it was also relevent for the time it was published.
A scientific journal article is a means for a researcher to present new information, with the intent of further extending the progress of science. This is typically done by presenting data collected from an experiment or investigation, including the method and relevant scientific material. Unlike a scientific magazine article, which can often appear similar, a journal is incredibly professional and is rarely ‘skimmed through’ as a magazine might be. Rather, a journal is extensively peer reviewed to confirm its contents quality and validity. In fact, if the journal is describing an experiments results or calculations, the method of finding these values must be clearly and precisely written to an extent that any independent researcher would achieve the same results. A scientific journal which contains this and has been peer reviewed and verified as legitimate will then become part of the scientific record until such a time …show more content…

Dr Horner is well-known to be a pioneer in dinosaur research, with his theories on birds evolving from small dinosaurs, dinosaurs being endothermic and dinosaurs caring for their young all being generally accepted as fact by this stage and supported by most. He became well known, following his originally ‘radical’ theories being supported by emerging evidence, so much so that director Steven Spielberg enlisted his help as chief technical adviser for his film Jurassic Park, to allow the dinosaurs to appear as realistic as possible (Sogard,

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