Talented Students Essays

  • Classification of Gifted and Talented Students

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    Classification of Gifted and Talented Students Many people have varying views on what classifies a student as gifted and talented. According to the Office of Gifted and Talented, six qualities determine giftedness. These qualities are intellectual ability as well as talent, scoring in the 97th percentile and above on aptitude tests, creative thinking, leadership ability, talents in the fine arts, and psychomotor abilities. Using the definition supplied by Bruce User, “a school system could

  • Identification of Gifted and Talented Students

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    Identification of Gifted and Talented Students When I was in the second grade, all of the students at my elementary school were given a special test one day in class. We were told that it was not for a grade, but that it was to help the school know more about us. None of us really understood what the test was, or what the school would use it for, and it is certain that no one in my class that day understood the implications of what those results would mean for us the rest of our lives. The

  • Talented Student Essay

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    selecting academically talented students: the experience of Program PENTA-UC” by Arancibia, Lissi, and Narea. Arancibia and Lissi are Ph.D.’s in Psychology and Narea a Ph.D. in Social Policy. Each of these doctors is very respected in their fields and is experts on children in school. This article talks about the development of programs in schools to help those who are talented, gifted and rise above the rest. Individuals that place above the normal curve are the talented ones. The student’s mental

  • Scholarships for Artistic Students

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    Scholarships for Artistic Students 1. Purpose College is an important part in continuing education and is also the best time for students to hone their skills and become the best in their field as possible. Inclusion of support, both financial and mental, is instrumental in achieving a college education, and should be given in equal amounts to both athletic and artistic students. But each year, numerous athletes around the United States are offered college scholarships to recognize them for

  • Teaching Gifted and Talented Students

    2110 Words  | 5 Pages

    Gifted and talented students are so “smart” that they can be left alone with a textbook and will learn the material without much help from the teacher. Gifted and talented students are blessed with such skill, it is unfair to the average students if I spend time with the gifted students. Gifted and talented students have no problems. Gifted and talented students do not deserve more educational funding or resources. The preceding statements are all myths about gifted and talented students. In reality

  • Educating Exceptionally Talented Students

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    Concern for at-risk learners forces the education of high ability learners to take a backseat in traditional classroom. Standard instruction and curriculum based on a pacing and sequencing method does not always allow students to accelerate. By definition, the term “gifted” exemplifies exceptionality often regarding intellect, creativity and leadership. An identification of gifted suggests that an individual requires specialized services and curriculum that are not always addressed by traditional

  • Acceleration Within the School System

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    accelerating students, enhances their psychological welfare and academic achievements. On the other hand there are those who raise concerns as to whether, accelerating students does negatively affect them in some dimension. The aim of this paper is to give an overview of acceleration in relation to the educational setting, and to discuss the impact (both negative and positive) that acceleration has on the lives of students. I will discuss how and why students are identified as gifted and or talented, and

  • Gifted and Talented Education Research Paper

    2674 Words  | 6 Pages

    Gifted and Talented Education Research Paper It is important to understand the many different methods of educating gifted and talented students. Most people, whether as teachers, students, or parents, will at some point be faced with the many options of educating the gifted and talented. In the United States today, 3-5 percent of students are considered gifted. Defining whether or not a student is gifted can be quite difficult, but many would agree that gifted students “are able to learn material

  • Adressing the Needs of the Gifted and Talented Students

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    and talented student is often neglected in this country. The neglect is not done on purpose but it is sometimes due to the lack of information on the education of this particular student. Teachers must first understand the gifted and talented student, familiarize themselves on more appropriately educating the student and learn to work with parents, guardians and other teaching professionals to provide for the academic needs of the gifted and talented student. The Gifted and Talented Student There

  • Ethical Theories Of Gifted And Talented Students

    833 Words  | 2 Pages

    to be gifted and talented must have access to a fair and equal education. Under IDEA 2004 and FAPE, all students are able to receive Free and Appropriate Public Education. This is meaning that every student must be given the materials that challenge them academically and encourage them to be the best student that they can be. Because of this law, students who apart of the Gifted and Talented label must receive the education that best fits their abilities. This allows each student to be supported.

  • Analysis of a Program for the Gifted and Talented Students

    1956 Words  | 4 Pages

    school spirit. It pledges to provide quality “Whole Person Education” which emphasizes on cultivating students’ morality, intelligence, physical and social ability. Gifted and talented education has been included in the scope of school development plan. Besides, the school regards “to popularize and optimize gifted and talented education” as their educational concept. Thus, school teachers view each student as an unrefined gold that has tremendous potential. They devoted their effort to recognize student’s

  • The Gifted and Talented

    1981 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Gifted and Talented The term “gifted” can mean many things. Up until recently it was the word used to describe people with profoundly high intelligence. Now, adding the words “creative” and “talented”, the category of giftedness has been extended to include not only exceptionally intelligent people, but also people with extraordinary ability in other areas, not just with IQ tests (Drew, Egan, & Hardman, 2002). The identification and definition of giftedness have been controversial for

  • Some Things Just Really Make Me Angry

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    have taken out of context) undermine everything that I hold dear. There is a huge assumption in the first sentence that drawing, as a "skill", is innately obtained, especially when "no one has imparted or transmitted to the child". Your naturally talented! Your daughter has so much talent! I wish I had your talent! Your so creative! Well, creative people are like that. I wish I could be as creative as you are! You're the artist of the group/class/school/etc...! Think of something creative/original/new

  • Effective Curriculum Models for Gifted and Talented Students

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    Principles and Components: There are three curriculum models that are used to effectively teach gifted and talented students. These models include the Integrated Curriculum Model, the William and Mary Center for Gifted Education Research Model, and the Parallel Model. The Integrated Curriculum Model has three main dimensions advanced content, process/product, and issues/themes. The first dimension, advanced content, is content that it at a higher level. In English Language Arts the readings are usually

  • The Fab Four

    1021 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Fab Four In high school I had four teachers that were very important to my success. High school was a good time for me with all my sports, music activities, and Student Council, but it was also very tough. I didn't have many friends. Also, I worried so much about school and "getting the grade", that I often felt very stressed. I also went through a period of a couple years when I was pretty depressed. These four teachers helped me through my difficult times mostly by just being there to

  • A Journey To The Center Of The Earth

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    centre of the earth, has not been done yet. The thought of this happening sometime in the future is, according to me, a bit scary as I can not imagine doing such a trip myself. While reading this book, I realised that Jules Verne was a really talented man, and that he had done a lot of research to be able to write about the scientific and historical matters. The book is written in such a way, that even though I am living in the 21st century, I ask my self if this journey would be possible to

  • Film and video production

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    produced by a multi million dollar company that hired a director with quite a bit of experience under his belt, or are made with little money and slowly find their way into the film business due to increasing popularity because of the good writing and talented though unknown actors in the film. These small films are a great way to get a foot in the door of the giant Hollywood business. There are many courses that need to be taken to get a bachelors degree in film arts, and though not promised, it can

  • Making a Difference

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    "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, "Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?" Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. You were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within

  • Mediocrity of Teacher Recruitment

    4150 Words  | 9 Pages

    culture of American schools is not friendly to it. Particularly in our hiring of public school teachers, we tend to avoid notions of serious discernment, of picking the very best in our society to become our teachers, and we accept that the most talented of our young people will gravitate to other fields. Overcoming this acceptance of mediocrity in teacher recruitment and retention represents the greatest opportunity to bring a quantum improvement to our schools. To focus on the elite among new

  • Gifted and Talented Program Admissions: Needed Improvements and Reforms

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    Gifted and Talented Program Admissions: Needed Improvements and Reforms Gifted and talented programs are intrinsically valuable to many children’s education as they provide a system in which all students involved are engaged, challenged, and intellectually stimulated. In "How People Learn", Donovan, Bransford, and Pellegrino (1999) stress the importance of each student being given reasonable and appropriate goals based on his or her level of understanding and competency (p. 20). Gifted and talented