Second French Empire Essays

  • The Effectiveness of Napoleon III's Foreign Policy

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    shown effective in the Crimean War 1854-56. His aims were to increase French prestige, to isolate Austria, to diminish Russian influence and to maintain good relation with Britain. In the Crimean War, France was successful in achieving these aims. According to Norman Rich, " France was the state that seemed to have gained most from the war." This quotation shows us that his foreign policy was able to achieve his aims. French armies had won the most impressive victories in the Final attacks on

  • Rise and Fall of Napoleon Bonaparte`s Empire

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    France during this time. In 1793 Napoleon got to command French troops and they chased out the British from Toulon. Two years later he broke up a Paris mob by ordering his platoon to fire a somewhat lethal pellet at the rioters. These actions did not go unnoticed by the Directory. Also Napoleon’s wife had influential friends among the directors which helped him get general status when he was 27. Later on Napoleon gained command of the French army for an invasion of Italy. Napoleon had several victories

  • The French Revolutionary War of 1848

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    great number of political revolutions that took place allover Europe at this time. These 1884 revolutions started of in the French republic before spreading out to the other Western European nations. The 1884 revolutions were very significant to the French republic given the fact through them, the Orleans kingdom authority over France came to an end and the second French republic was born. The 1884 revolutionary war in France was motivated by factors like a disapproval of the political leadership

  • Causes Of Decolonisation

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    of the Second World War marked the beginning of the end for the British and French empires. Due to its weakened positions and the emergence of two new ‘anti-colonial’ superpowers, Britain eventually lost its colonies in Africa, India, and her influence in the Middle East. France also lost its colonies in West and North Africa, as well as Indo-China. This period marked ‘the end not just of formal colonial rule, but of the era of European dominance, and of the very idea of empire’ The Second World

  • Louis Napoleon Bonaparte

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    in 1848. He maintained press censorship, was on good terms with the clergy, he supported unofficial politicians in the elections for the Legislative Corps and deprived the Parliament the right to debate freely on issues. However the ‘Authoritarian Empire’ did not last forever. In the 1860’s Napolèon III relaxed on press censorship, he allowed open debates in Parliament, he promoted economic growth and urban rebuilding projects, he constructed more railways which benefited the poor. He expanded credit

  • Imperialism In The Third Republic

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    French Imperialism became prominent during the Third Republic. Although France had possessed colonies before the Third Republic came into power, imperialism was not as rampant. The basis for this imperialistic movement can be found in the forty years before the Third Republic. France had three different governments during this time, but the colonizing was handled through the military. The military managed to set up the foundations of Algeria and Indochina, which were the two most important French

  • The Mistakes of the Brilliant General, Napoleon Bonaparte

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    and entered the French Army Artillery Regiment seven years later (Wilde 1). As Bonaparte moved up in the military ranks, he made himself known with his political opinions and his successful leadership of the revolutionaries’ armed forces (Wilde 1). As he became more famous, Bonaparte threw open the gates to his path to power. Thus began the era of Napoleon, a time of absolute power, vast reform, and relentless military invasions led by a man loved by the extensive majority of French citizens. However

  • Napoleon: A Leader Or Dictator.

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    proved himself a democratic leader thorough many Political reforms. In 1798-99, Napoleon, with the directory's blessing, he launched his Egyptian Expedition. It was a military disaster, but Napoleon came to France a hero and saved France from the second coalition. In 1799, he staged his "Coup D'etat," and setting up the Consulate, government body representing a country in another host country, with himself as First Consul. At first this does not seem just, but Napoleon then submitted his new constitution

  • Timeline of Napoleon Bonaparte

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    in Corsican, but in French it became Napoleon Bonaparte. January 1, 1779: At the age of nine Napoleon’s father sends him to the college d'Autun with his brother Joseph. May 15, 1779: Later that year, his father sent him to a French military academy at Brienne-le-Chateau, near Troyes. At the academy, Napoleon excelled in mathematics. October 1784: Napoleon leaves Brienne and joins the Royal Military School in Paris. While there, he was constantly teased by the French students because he never

  • Importance Of Hegemony

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    Independence, the French Revolution, and the Mexican Revolution led to changes in the position, power, and security of states; however, the French Revolution was one of the most significant events as it led to a failed attempt by France at hegemony. From 1792 to 1815, France underwent a campaign of wars and military battles under the rule of Napoleon Bonaparte. In 23 years, France conquered or annexed the Illyrian provinces, Switzerland, the Roman Republic, the Holy Roman Empire, the Netherlands,

  • Napoleon's Grand Empire Research Paper

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    The Collapse of Napoleon’s Grand Empire Although Napoleon was finally defeated at Waterloo in 1815, he conquered most of Europe. Napoleon is a hero with intelligence, courage, and charisma. He could put 700,000 men under arms at one time, and risk 100,000 troops in a single battle. He also gained the trust and loyalty from French soldiers and citizens. No single state could compare with France under Napoleon’s reign. However, nationalism and liberalism caused people from different states in Europe

  • Causes Of The Napoleonic Wars

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    has had a long history of conflicts. Before the Napoleonic Wars that occurred between the years of 1799 and 1815, there were other conflicts in the 18th century such as The Great Northern War, The Seven Years’ War, Pugachev's Rebellion, and the French Revolutionary Wars. Under the leadership of Napoleon Bonaparte, France was fighting numerous European nations with speed to repeatedly defeat Austrian, Prussian and Russian armies under the series of conflicts in the Napoleonic Wars. The War of the

  • Overview and Analysis of the Napoleonic Wars

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    has had a long history of conflicts. Before the Napoleonic Wars that occurred between the years of 1799 and 1815, there were other conflicts in the 18th century such as The Great Northern War, The Seven Years’ War, Pugachev's Rebellion, and the French Revolutionary Wars. Under the leadership of Napoleon Bonaparte, France was fighting numerous European nations with speed to repeatedly defeat Austrian, Prussian and Russian armies under the series of conflicts in the Napoleonic Wars. The War of the

  • Was Napoleon Bonaparte a Hero or a Villain?

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    his military accomplishments far outweigh any atrocities he committed. He helped France gain stability after the French Revolution and he also abolished the Feudal contract. Napoleon was a brilliant strategist using military tactics to cause fear and to defeat whatever enemies stood in his way. Throughout his rule, Napoleon continually gained ground, and by the end of his reign, his empire encompassed all of Spain, Italy, and a small portion of land by Russia and Austria. (see map) He is one of the

  • Effect of Imperialism on Algeria

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    groups of natives under Ottoman control located in North Africa, East of Morocco. The people lived for years operating well under their own rules, culture, and pirating ways. The French were attracted by the Algerians' control of the Mediterranean Sea and the trading opportunities it had. Expanding on their empire, the French wanted to gain this influential power and ease of trading in the Mediterranean. After their successful conquest, France considered their newly obtained colony as an extension of

  • Napoleon Bonaparte Biography

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    in Ajaccio, Corsica, France. Napoleon had eleven siblings, but only eight survived through their whole life. Around the time Napoleon was born, his birthplace, Ajaccio, was occupied by the French, and the amount of local resistance was growing steadily. After Napoleon’s father showed his support towards the French, he was promoted to assessor of the judicial district of Ajaccio. This was a large accomplishment that allowed him to enroll his sons, Napoleon and Joseph, in France's College d'Autun. Napoleon

  • The Battle of Waterloo

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    French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte is remembered as one of the greatest minds in military history. His revolutionary approach to warfare changed the course of history and the principles which governed his style of leadership are still valued today. Although he had an illustrious career of over 25 years and expanded the French Empire from Portugal to Russia, his reign came to end at the hands' of his enemies. The Battle of Waterloo was Napoleon's last stand as a military commander and will be examined

  • Napoleonic Code Pros And Cons

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    Napoleon was out to build an empire, but force, and to aggrandize him-self and France. The people of France, for a while, accepted this ego boost and went along with it (until the deaths started happening). In the USA people wanted to build the USA as a country, but mostly by occupying and developing what they considered empty or under used land (the land that Napoleon conquered,was with people and highly used for farms). While both wanted to annex more land, their view of the land and those people's

  • Napoleon Bonaparte as One of the Greatest Military Leaders of all Time

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    the name Napoleone (in French his name became Napoleon Bonaparte). Through his father’s influence, Napoleon was educated at the expense of King Louis XVI, at Brienne and the École Militaire, in Paris. Napoleon graduated in 1785, at the age of 16, and joined the artillery as a second lieutenant. After the revolution began, he became a lieutenant colonel (1791) in the Corsican National Guard. In 1793, however, Corsica declared independence, and Bonaparte, a French patriot and a Republican

  • Mademoiselle Beatrice De Funes: Auntie Bee

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    If the “Agency” knew for a fact either way, they never said, this being standard practice by the “Agency” in all cases. Known by her “Agency” name of Auntie Bee she was, with all certainty, by birth a product of La Troisième République, the third French Republic. She was the only female child within the strata of an haute bourgeoisie, upper class, family living on the Rue du Faubourg-Saint-Denis, and who enjoyed partaking of the decadent Paris style of the time. This Parisians bourgeoise lifestyle