Nine to Five Essays

  • Nine To Five Themes

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    Nine to Five (Colin Higgins, 1980) is a comedy about three working women having fantasies of taking revenge of their “sexist, egoistical, lying, hypocritical bigot” boss and at the same time change their office – an allegory of the society-. At the beginning of the 1980s, there was a sense that women had conquered equality and professional success. But this movie is filming in an ironic way and it is even premonitory, because the initial success was countered during the 80s in the backlash against

  • 9 To 5: Film Review

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    9 to 5 is a 1980 comedy film starring Jane Fonda as Judy Bernly, Lily Tomlin as Violet Newstead, Dolly Parton as Doralee Rhodes, and Dabney Coleman as the boss Franklin Hart Jr. The film focuses on a department that is being poorly run by a "sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot" boss. After finally getting over their differences, the three main ladies develop a friendship, vent to each other, take down their boss and eventually help each other run the company. Describe the organizational

  • The Associate: Film Analysis

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    The Associate is a film taking place in 1996, in the white male dominated Wall Street and portrayed the business discipline as sexist towards women as well as racist. The main character, Laurel Ayres, an incredibly talented financial analyst, was a black women trying to make it in the white male dominated Wall Street, but struggled greatly. She was unable to get a client to read her proposal, so she created a white male character named Robert Cutty that becomes her partner. Instantly, the proposal

  • Income Statement Of Cisco System

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    unrealized profit which has been generated by either making credit sale or cash sale. The revenue of Cisco System has been increased during the period of 2013-2015. During the period of 2015, the revenue of Cisco System has been increased to four point nine million dollars in 2015 in contrast with its base year of four point eight million dollars in 2013. This increase in revenue determines the rise of one point one four percent during the period of 2013-2015. Gross Profit Gross Profit which is recorded

  • Should Teenagers Be Allowed To Get A Driver's License?

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    and not a full provisional license telling them where and even when they can drive on their own. Allowing them to only drive from five in the morning to nine at night with very few exceptions. The restrictions that come with a limited driver’s license include “ only being able to drive unsupervised from the hours of 5am to 9pm, you can only drive unsupervised past nine if you are driving directly to or returning from work or any

  • Anti-War Sentiments in Cat's Cradle and Slaughterhouse Five

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    On the surface, Kurt Vonnegut's Cat's Cradle and Slaughterhouse Five are vastly dissimilar works of literature, each with its own creative style and plot. However, when the texts are examined with a discerning eye one can notice multiple thematic undercurrents such as war fate,time and suffering hidden in plain sight. Overwhelmingly common in Cat's Cradle and Slaughterhouse Five are strong anti-war sentiments which show all the ways "war is deleterious towards the human condition."(Marvin) Vonnegut

  • Examples Of Looking For Alibrandi Gender Roles

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    “Looking for Alibrandi” and “Nine to Five” both explore different gender roles throughout, using various examples. The film “Nine to Five” was director in 1980 by Colin Higgins and Patricia Resnick. Looking for Alibrandi is a novel written by Melina Marchetta. The movie focuses on stereotypes and roles in the workplace in the 70’s and 80’s. Alibrandi on the other hand focuses on gender roles and stereotypes in an Italian cultural setting. Gender roles and stereotypes can be very negative for everyone

  • The Importance of Fruit in a Well-Balanced Diet

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    heart to work more efficiently when exercising or performing even simpler tasks and makes it easier to keep up a high level of activity to lose weight. Furthermore, fruit improves the ability to lose weight by ridding the body of waste material. Five to nine pieces of fruit contain enough fiber to cover the daily value needed; among other things, fiber makes it easier to dispose of waste material. After all, candy may be dandy, but fruit helps the poop (Why). Fruit aids the brain in functioning to

  • Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night Villanelle Analysis

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    nineteen line poem divided into five three-line stanzas (Tercets), and has a final quatrain. In each tercet, the rhyme scheme is aba, and the quatrain has a rhyme scheme of abaa. Villanelles also use a distinct pattern of repetition, for example, lines one and three of the first stanza are used as refrains throughout the poem, and paired as the final couplet. Therefore, line one would be replicated in lines six, twelve, and eighteen, and line three would be repeated in lines nine, fifteen, and nineteen.

  • The Caribbean Form

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    This adds a sense of establishment to the piece. Measure five has a rhythmic motif from​ the cellos of eighth notes and rests. In measure fifteen the cellos leave the melody at the hands of the violins, and "melt" away. One thing that could be pointed out is that the notes do not always follow the scale tone it's in.

  • Jack Black Research Paper

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    he would say because he is a funny guy and an amazing actor with a pretty crazy life. Now let's take a look at his past, as well as his adult life, and his career to learn more about Jack. Jack Black was born on August twenty-eight, nineteen sixty-nine in Santa Monica, California. His parents are Judith Black and Thomas William Black. His mother was born into the Jewish faith and his dad converted into Judaism. They are both satellite engineers which is the reason why he calls himself the product

  • Pros And Cons Of Chapter 9-Marches

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    spirit and the commander losing its presence of mind. Chapter 8- The Nine Variables There are five major faults which could affect a general: recklessness which leads to destruction; cowardice which leads to capture; quick-temper which is provoked by insults; heightened sense of honor which is sensitive to shame; over concern of his men can make him worried. The cause of the defeat of an army is always due to one of these five reasons.

  • Post 9/11 Pros And Cons

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    The Montgomery G.I. Bill can be utilized in the first ten years after the Soldier gets out of the service and the Post Nine-Eleven (9/11) bill you have five additional years to use the benefits. If the Soldier elect to use the Nine-Eleven benefits instead of the Montgomery G.I. Bill the Montgomery G.I. Bill becomes obsolete and they can only use the 9/11 and they have only five years to complete their education. I am wondering and I am still researching what happens to the Montgomery G.I. Bill

  • The Importance Of Code Of Ethics In Nursing

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    today must have key elements in place which will guide the profession. Key elements would include licensure, certification, and education and a relevant code of ethics (ANA, 2015). This paper will discuss the Code of Ethics Provisions five through nine. Provision five states that a nurse has the duty to maintain competence and will continue to grow professionally. The nurse must have self-respect and treat others with respect. Competence affects one’s self esteem, self-worth, professional status

  • Mckinney V. University Of Guelph Summary

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    of four universities. The respondents in this case were the University of Guelph, Laurentian University, York University, and The University of Toronto, which all shared a retirement policy that ensured the voluntary departure of anyone above sixty-five years of age. The case was brought before The Supreme Court by eight professors and a librarian after both the Trial and Appeal courts ruled in favour of the universities involved. The appellants cited Section 15 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and

  • Dionne Quintuplets

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    Great Depression there wasn't much hope for anyone, but the Dionne quintuplets helped to lighten the Great Depression somewhat. Who were the Dionne quintuplets and did the Ontario government exploit them? These five sisters had a difficult life; they were displayed to the public for nine years, taken away from their family and put under the guardianship of the doctor who had delivered them. They were used as commercial products, and were robed of the money that they had earned during their early

  • The Nine Step Stairway to Effective Evaluation

    646 Words  | 2 Pages

    policy experts which would in turn could impact public health policy and promotion practice (DiClemente et al., 2013). This is obtained by a step by step, all equally important, process in what is known as the “Nine Step Stairway to Effective Evaluation”. The very first step to the “Nine Step Stairway to Effective Evaluation” is to define the research population. Population can mean anybody. So, it is needs to be clear as to who we are focusing on. The specification of the focused population is defined

  • The Morning in College

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    early because I am taking a class at nine thirty. At nine o?clock, the cell phone, clock radio, and TV wake me up at once. On the radio, NPR news is on the air but I turn it off quickly. From the TV, ESPN broadcasts the results of yesterday?s sports. Even though I like sports, I am so sleepy that I cannot pay attention to result and switch the TV set off. Finally, the cell phone wakes me up but I can not get out of my bed right away. I have a doze at most five minutes. While I am fighting against

  • The Power of Six by Pittacus Lore

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    human character with emotions and dreams as a result of the increasingly personal relationships she forms with both her kind and her human supporters. In each of the latest three installments of the series, The Power of Six, The Rise of Nine, and The Fall of Five, she makes another step from viewing her life as a job to enjoying being alive. The Power of Six is the beginning of a new lifestyle for Six. Up until this point, she had been travelling alone. She had been captured and held prisoner by

  • Algeria

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    Democratic Republic of Algeria has a population at about 33,375,089 citizens. Arabic is the official language spoken in this country but the people that live here also speak French and Berber dialects. Islam is the state religion which falls at about ninety-nine percent as for the other one percent it’s a mixture of Christian and Jewish. Although I could not find the specific type of foods eaten in Algeria most likely the people there eat the same things we do as well as a few custom foods that have been passed