Needlestick injury Essays

  • A Research Report On Needlestick Injury

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    patients in South Africa. Throughout this analytical report, it would bring out an awareness on how needlestick injuries are a huge threat towards healthcare workers due to high rate of blood-borne diseases present in South Africa. This will also prove that a huge issue, like needlestick injury, can be easily prevented with the cooperation of all staff in the hospital. 1.1 Problem Needlestick injury is the piercing of the skin caused by a needle, which was in contact with blood or other body fluids

  • Risk Prevention Essay

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    cited that there are many risks associated with the transmission of blood borne viruses in the healthcare setting. On a positive note, it is clear that the majority of these risks can be reduced or even avoided in some cases. The majority of needlestick injuries in healthcare workers can be avoided by simply wearing appropriate personal protective clothing such as gloves and gowns to avoid splashes of blood or body fluids contaminated with blood. The correct waste segregation and disposal of needles

  • Safety In Health Care Essay

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    people throughout the Media area, occupational injuries are all too common for health care workers. In fact, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration reported that there were more than 253,000 work-related injuries recorded by hospitals across the country in 2011. Some of the dangers that those in the health care industry face are inherent to the jobs they perform and the environments they work in. However, hospital workers may avoid other injury risks by taking certain precautions. Common

  • Pokemon Go Argumentative Essay

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    Inquiry Should the creator of Pokemon Go be held liable for the injuries as a result of playing the game Pokemon Go is the top grossing game around the world. In the US there has been over 75 million downloads as a result, while playing Pokemon Go and there have been 1000 injuries a day in the US. This report is going to focus on the US. This report is going to tell you if the Pokemon Go company should be liable as a result of the injuries that have happened or if the Pokemon Go company shouldn’t be

  • Preventing Infection In Burn Patients

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    silver dressings and antibiotics on MRSA and MSSA isolated from burn patients. Wound Repair & Regeneration, 19(6), 767-774. doi:10.1111/j.1524-475X.2011.00739.x Rowley-Conwy, ,. (2010). Infection prevention and treatment in patients with major burn injuries. Nursing Standard, 25(7), 51-51-2, 54, 56-8 passim. Smeltzer, S., Bare, B., Hinkle, J., & Cheever, K. (2010). Textbook of medical-surgical nursing (12th ed.) Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Watkins, J. (2011). Looking at the assessment

  • My Career as an Athletic Trainer

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    I want to do something totally different than that. I want to be an actual Athletic Trainer who is on the sidelines of football and soccer games, or an other sport that needs one. I want to be the person to tend to injured players, diagnose an injury, wrap ankles, etc. I want to help athletes because I love sports. There are five different specific employers of Athletic Trainers such as high school and college sports teams, professional sports teams, clinics or small practices, and hospitals

  • Life is Like a Game of Soccer

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    accomplishments, obstacles, and perseverance. While there are many similarities in life and a game of soccer, they do have their differences. For an example, when hurt during a game of soccer, players could easily recover from those injuries compared to the injuries given to us in life, such as a broken heart. In soccer, there is always a definite winner and loser, while in life the lines of winning and losing are defined. In a game of soccer, you can severly injure yourself you can be out for the

  • Go Big or Go Home: Risk it All

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    A lot of people debate, argue and even fight about whether or not one should take risks in life. As for me, I think there can’t be only one answer or solution to this question, for there are different types of risks and consequences that person might pay for. Health, money, job, opportunity and a lot more including even someone’s life, might all be associated with risks. My friend goes to Thunder Valley Casino and spends up to two thousand dollars every month. One’s success in life can depend on

  • Essay On Psychological Effectiveness In Rehabilitation

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    Effectiveness in Rehabilitation Recently, many studies have proven that the psychological aspect of rehabilitation does determine the duration of the injury. If a patient believes that the exercises given to repair the injury work, then the time of healing will be much shorter, but if someone believes that rehabilitation is ineffective, their injuries will be prolonged. Many people tend to stray away from the psychological methods of rehabilitation because they believe using different techniques

  • Sports And Sports: Three Types Of Negligence In Sports

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    avoid negligence in athletic activities through proper training and education (Wolohan, 2013). Negligence is defined as an unintended accident that has caused injury to a person or material goods without a premeditated plan of action to cause pain and suffering (Yiamouyiannis, 2008). For that reason, the

  • Acl Inju Case Study

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    Injury Interview The athlete plays softball, and she plays short stop. She is eighteen years old. She has had no previous injuries. The injury that she sustained was an ACL tear, and she tore both the medial and lateral meniscus. She was injured while playing in a softball tournament. She was running to first base after bunting the ball, and the second baseman that was coving first base was trying to find the base. The second baseman was actually all the way over the safety base, and when the

  • Persuasive Essay On Road Safety

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    ever expects to get into a car accident one day while they are driving minding their own business heading towards their destination and suddenly being hit by someone ending up with head and back injuries and a broken hip bone or even fatality. The use of a seat belt may not save you from bodily injuries but it certainly can keep your body in place preventing you from being ejected out of a vehicle that has come to a halt. I’d rather be held in a car during a car accident than to be thrown on the

  • Negative Essay: Are Athletes Overpaid?

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    usually work out all year, both during the season and in the off season in order to be able to start for their team. They must be able to perform their jobs at the highest level at all times. Professional athletes also face the constant threat of injuries that could potentially end their careers. For these and other reasons, this kind of job can be quite stressful. During the season, athletes often practice more than 50 hours a week. They may have other duties related to the team as well for instance

  • Personal Narrative- Shoulder Injury

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    Personal Narrative- Shoulder Injury I felt it pop, and pain engulfed my shoulder like ants cover an anthill that has been stirred with a stick. It made me angry, but it didn't help things to get mad. There was nothing I could do but try to recover in time to start over. Giving up wasn't an option. My junior year in high school, I went out for basketball. I liked it for a while, but when games started I was on JV. It was okay, but I was only getting to play two minutes per game. This didn't

  • Personal Narrative- Soccer Injury

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    Personal Narrative- Soccer Injury I went into my junior spring soccer season kind of sad, my past coach, wasn't going to be our team coach this year. I wasn't really depressed though, because I had tons of friends that were playing this year. One of the great things about soccer is that it is not a school-sanctioned sport. To me this said that I was able to play another season of soccer with my friends from Paonia and Hotchkiss without the normal High School rivalry between these schools. Year

  • Shock Treatment

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    Beautiful To Me,'; and featuring close-ups of injuries suffered by both elite and so-called 'everyday'; athletes. It closes with the 'Just Do It'; message followed by the Nike Swoosh. Nike's point of the commercial is that athletes at all levels of competition at one time or another feel the pain of injury. For some, damage can be severe to the point of disfigurement. Many give up the game they love for safer persist. Others overcome seemingly insurmountable injuries to compete again, proudly bearing the

  • Are Sports Too Intense In Sport Essay

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    Intense for Kids and Teens Imagine hundreds of children getting in injuries like concussions and other life-long afflictions. This type of thing happens to children and teens as often as 45 percent of sports related injuries. The question is, is it though, are sports for teens and children too intense? I think they are too intense. Studies have show a major increase in injury happening to children in sports. Many children revive injuries during sports, some that can even be life threatening. Sports can

  • Physical Therapy For Sports Injuries

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    21 May 2014 Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation in Sports Injuries “10% of all college sports players sustain brain injuries.” (CFAF). Many athletes have been absent from sport events and games do to injuries. Injuries are common in any type of organized sport. The injuries that athletes get are mainly from not exercising correctly, not doing the proper stretches, and by not keeping enough fluids in the body. The most common injuries are ankle twist, pulled muscles, concussions, broken bones,

  • The Importance Of Gymnastics

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    Growing up an athlete, I was used to the bruises, strained muscles, and achy joints. Ten years of competitive gymnastics took a toll on my body, both physically and mentally. Gymnastics was an intense sport revolving around being perfect. Our coaches taught us to strive for and attain perfection, which in turn became a gift and a curse. This need to be perfect was a gift in that it drove me, and continues to drive me, to achieve at a high level and pursue my goals. The downside, however, was that

  • Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapies

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    most cases, that is true. Most people think the problem may be an injury that has to be rehabilitated or an extreme mental problem where the person needs serious help. However, therapy does not always deal with injured or mentally troubled people. Three types of therapy that help a wide range of people with their problems are physical, occupational, and speech therapies. Physical therapy is the one that deals mostly with injuries and their rehabilitation. According to the Occupational Outlook