Mother's Day Essays

  • Mother Day: Selfless Love For A Mother's Day

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    A mother’s love for her child is the epitome of selfless love and devotion. From the moment the child arrives into the world, a mother has an instinctive understanding of her newborn’s needs. This unrelenting focus continues, as the years pass and the child becomes an adult, with little or no expectation of anything in return. Some might even say that a mother’s job is never ending and the most unrewarded in the world. Therefore, it is only fitting that we have a special day known as Mother’s Day

  • Mother's Day: An Unearned Good-Bye

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    Mother’s Day if you ask anyone is a heartfelt day to express gratitude and loving expressions to our mothers however, could you imagine instead exchanging unpleasantries or good-byes? Amanda Coyne, author of the article “The Long Good-Bye: Mother’s Day in Federal Prison,” shares her observation of incarcerated women, dealing with the difficult relationships between them and their children. Coyne describes not only the emotions these women feel when they are separated from their family’s, but

  • The person i admire the most

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    want to be like my mother in my next life”. My mom is a disciplinarian, she is the epitome of love and fun. She happens to be the person I admire the most in the entire world. When she woke me up on that unforgettable Monday morning, it was my first day in my new school. I was ten years old at the time. My mom sat beside me and paid careful attention as I voiced my fears and uncertainties about my new school and the kind of friends and teachers I was going to encounter. But, after I was done talking

  • Candy Cane Recipe

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    Raise your hand if you want to live on Candy Cane Lane this holiday season. Even if you can't pick up and move to Candy Land you can celebrate with our limited edition, Candy Cane Kiss Prize Candles and Prize Bombs and there following peppermint themed recipes. Peppermint Mocha: A crowd favorite that will put even Starbucks to shame. Ingredients: • 3 tablespoons powdered baking cocoa • 3 tablespoons warm water • 1 1⁄2 tablespoons peppermint syrup • 4 ounces espresso • 12 ounces steamed milk

  • A Short Story: Mother's Day

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    “Alright children, tomorrow is Mother’s Day. Have you all thought of what you are going to do for your mother?” the female sensei with long black and curly hair asked. All 36 students of hers nodded and yelled, except one. Little [S/N] sulk his head to his chest. He totally forgot about mother’s day and he hasn 't even started his present. Matter of fact, didn’t even plan anything. Nothing. Zip. “If you still didn’t get to it, you better start now! Class is dismissed early.” The kids was

  • The Science Of Mother's Day Summary

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    The Science of Mother’s Day Summary: “The Science of Mother’s Day” is actually an article published on the Why? Files website. The article discusses child development and factors that can detract from or enhance development. These can include attachment issues, socialization, environment, family structure and poverty. The article focuses primarily on the mother-child relationship but also includes paternal influences, the significance of fostering, and the role

  • Analysis Of Mother's Day Recipe By Carmanie Bhatti

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    Mother’s Day Recipe by Carmanie Bhatti The relationship between a mother and a daughter is so unique that despite the mother or, a motherly figure wanting to pass on her special skill to the daughter, either the daughter is not as great at the skill as her mother or, she is an expert. By vocation, my mother was a school teacher and a professional pianist. It was rare to see her not working at home doing daily chores, however, she was not a great cook. One the main reasons for that was she had studied

  • Analysis Of The Long Goodbye: Mother's Day In Federal Prison

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    “The Long Goodbye: Mother’s Day in Federal Prison”, written by Amanda Coyne depicts the struggles of parents and family members with the emotional trauma children go through due to the absence of their loved one. The story tugs the heart strings of readers with its descriptive account of Mother’s Day in a minimum security federal prison. Coyne describes the human emotions and truly gives an accurate account of what being in a visitation room is like. “The Long Goodbye: Mother’s Day in Federal Prison”

  • The Great Gatsby Dialectical Journal

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    Winky, the little rabbit, sat by his window, watching the sun go to bed. “Good night sun,” he murmured as the sky filled up with twinkling stars. At last, Winky’s favorite time of the day was here! “Bed time! It’s bed time!” Winky exclaimed, hopping away from the window. Winky loved brushing his teeth, putting on his favorite pair of pajamas, the ones with the blue stars on them and hopping in bed to wait for Mama to read him a story and kiss him good night. But that night, Winky waited, waited and

  • Creative Writing: Bev's Home Day

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    INT. BEV'S HOME-DAY Bev lies in bed wincing and groaning. She is clearly playing it up. Dorothy stands over her, her hand on Bev's forehead. DOROTHY Well, you do feel a little warm. Nothing a day of rest won't fix. Bev and Dorothy smile sincerely at one another. BEV Thanks, mom. DOROTHY Don't thank me. I think we could all use a little time off after yesterday.. but, not all of us have that luxury... Bev's smile fades. DOROTHY Oh, well... feel better honey and try to take this time to think about

  • The Best That Never Was: The Life of Marcus Dupree

    554 Words  | 2 Pages

    “The Best That Never Was” “The Best That Never Was” is a 30 for 30 documentaries ESPN produced about the life and career of Marcus Dupree. Almost every topic we have discussed in class this semester came together in this documentary. It had everything from racism, eligibility to ethical behavior by everyone involved in sport including agents. I will focus on these three issues in particular because I feel they have the most direct correlation between the film and classroom discussions. I will

  • A Mother's Love and a Daughter's Growth

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    A Mother’s Love and a Daughter’s Growth Many times love is thought of in terms of relationships with someone of the opposite sex. It often times includes emotional as well as physical attraction. Amy Tan’s novel, The Bonesetter’s Daughter, examines the love that takes another form: the love between a parent and child. In a heartfelt examination of the relationship between mother and daughter, Amy Tan brings to life the feeling of love a daughter often takes for granted in the relationship with

  • Contrasting Cultures in Tan's Mother Tongue and Nguyen's The Happy Days Syndrome

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    narrative anecdotes and employ several rhetorical devices to illustrate this struggle in their works, “Mother Tongue” and “The Happy Days,” respectfully. Amy Tan chooses her childhood home as the primary setting of her work. This allows her to focus primarily on her conversations and interactions with her mother. However, she also gives several anecdotes in which her mother’s background and improper English negatively affected her, outside the home. Through her recollection of these events, she reveals

  • Narrative Essay: she always laughs...

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    came up with a name for her. My grandfathers are called by their last names: Grandpa P. and Grandpa R. My other grandmother was called Amah and her husband was Poppa. One day I had a question about my mother's mother and I refered to her as Grandma Ruth. That has been what we have called her ever since. Apparently, on the day she died, she woke up in the morning and gave her husband a dollar, instructing him to send their oldest child to college. Then she took the bus to the bridge where she jumped

  • My Oedipus Complex

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    feelings towards his father. When his father returns home from World War II, Larry is resentful and jealous of losing his mother’s undivided attention, and finds himself in a constant struggle to win back her affections. I really enjoyed “My Oedipus Complex,” because it reminded me a great deal of my elementary school days. My brother Brian was born when I was five, and from that day on there was never a moment of peace in the house. He was constantly underfoot, and after he was old enough, spent all

  • The Possessive - Empty Nest

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    she knows that one day he will no longer rely on her. On that day, instead of plummeting to his death, the young blue-jay will spread his wings and fly away. He will fly straight into the setting sun never looking back. Slowly all of the young will fly away and leave the mother alone in the nest. However, mothers do not always handle this situation calmly. In "The Possessive," Sharon Olds conjures intense images of betrayal and utilizes war as a metaphor to express a mother's emotion as her daughter

  • Working Women - Mother's Should Stay Home with Their Children

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    Mother's Should Stay Home with Their Children One day a mother and her three and a half-year-old daughter were approaching a daycare center. The girl turned to her mother and asked her this question: "Mom, is it against the law for you to stay home?" There was another little girl that would never talk whenever her mom took her to the babysitters house. The mother consulted child psychologist Eleanor Wiesberger. She asked her why she thought that the girl wouldn't talk during her stay. Wiesberger

  • Importance Of Father's Day

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    meant to you? Probably, like most of us, you have not thanked your father as often as you should have. Thankfully, Father’s Day is around the corner and it offers you the perfect opportunity to do just that. When is Father’s Day celebrated? Although a relatively new festival, Father’s Day has quickly become popular across the globe. Different countries celebrate Father’s Day at different times of the year. The United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and most other countries, celebrate the occasion

  • The Stranger by Albert Camus - Man or Monster?

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    predicts that the punishment will be minimal. Throughout the entire trial, the prosecution stresses Meursault’s lifestyle and his indifference to everything. They bring up his mother’s funeral and say that he showed no signs of emotion. To make things worse, he went to a Fernandel comedy and had sex with Marie on the very next day. The prosecutor once states, “...all I see is a monster.” It is true that Meursault was different from the rest of society. However, he changes throughout the trial and

  • A Comparison of Women in Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club and Kitchen God's Wife

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    different experiences. These experiences range from a war-ravaged China to the modern day stresses of womanhood. Though different experiences have shaped each woman, they are all tied together by the common thread of strength. The Joy Luck Club portrays strong women. The examples that come across most strikingly to the reader are the women who lived in traditional China. An-Mei Hsu gained her strong will from her mother's weak spirit. In her story, titled "Magpies," An-Mei's mother is forced into the