Iron meteorite Essays

  • The Classification and Main Types of Meteorites

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    Types of Meteorites Many meteorites have been discovered over the years which, in many cases, can give an insight into the creation of the universe. All these meteorites can be grouped together by looking at the various characteristics they have in common, such as the structures of the different meteorites and the isotopic properties of the meteorites. When trying to classify meteorites, they are generally identified as one of the three main groups of meteorites: Iron, Stony and Stony-iron. Each

  • Chondrites: The Most Primitive Rocks in the Solar System

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    at the time o Introduction Chondrites are the most primitive rocks in the solar system. Chondrites are stony (non-metallic) meteorites that have not been modified due to melting or differentiation of the parent body. Chondrites are formed when dust and small grains that originated from the early solar system accreted to form asteroids. Chondrites represent 86% of meteorites that fall to Earth. An important diagnosing feature of chondrites is the presence of chondrules. Chondrules are millimeter sized

  • Tunguska Essay

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    The vastness of space holds many mysteries. One such mystery has puzzled scientists for hundreds of years; that of the abiogenesis of life. Exactly how can such complex organic structures blossom from nothing more than large chunks of elementally simplistic rock? On June 30th, 1908, another of these universal mysteries (although one that can be considered philosophically smaller) released 10-15 megatons of energy in a blast that devastated large swathes of the Tunguska forest region in Russia. Many

  • Meteorite Essay

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    The ABC’s of Meteorite Collecting By Vincent S. Foster As Colby Navarro sat at his computer on March 26, 2003, he had no idea that a meteorite was about to come crashing through the roof of his Park Forest, Illinois, home, strike his printer, bounce off the wall, and land near a filing cabinet. The rock, about four inches wide, was part of a meteorite shower that swept through the Chicago area, damaging at least six houses and three cars. Scientists said that before the rock broke apart, it was probably

  • Using Computers to Model the Physics of an Asteroid Crash

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    Includes Source Code Computers in Physics Abstract This project is an experiment that sets up the earth's original velocities in the x and y direction and changing them with the velocities/momentum of a meteor. It attempts to simply model a meteorite or asteroid impact upon the earth and the subsequent change to the earth's orbit in terms of distance and speed in relation to the sun. Given the meteor's mass, velocity, angle, and the earth's coordinate point at the point of impact, the computer

  • A Meteor will Strike the Earth and Destroy All Life Forms

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    would also be destroyed, starvation would kill all of the survivors, homes would be washed away leaving no shelters, and without hospitals or medication disease would spread quickly killing even more people. As it can be seen, the effects of a meteorite hitting the sea would only cause a temporary, yet catastrophic flooding. Though a direct impact on the ice caps could cause a larger scale of destruction. The caps would melt, increasing the sea level a few hundred meters high. On the other hand

  • Essay On Meteor Showers

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    Legend has it that to wish upon a shooting star will grant a person their wish. Despite the myths and the misleading name, shooting stars or falling stars are neither magical nor stars. Rather meteors produced by small fragments of cosmic debris, typically from comets. Nonetheless, the fascination people have over the astral light has been around for centuries. On an average night it is typical to see a few sporadic meteors per hour. However, the amazing spectral of meteor showers refers to the brief

  • The Tunguska Explosion: An Unexpected Loud Bang and Explosion by Philip Coppens

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    nearby had suffered from fatal burns and later reported that two people were killed. William K. Hartmann, who wrote the article “1908 Siberia Explosion: Reconstructing an Asteroid Impact from Eyewitness Accou... ... middle of paper ... ...l meteorites that collide with the earth often leave a crater or some type of fragments left behind. But this event was only getting remarkable by the day. One thing that really stunned scientists as they searched were the tree patterns. In fact, the forest

  • Fortune Cookie Long Time Analysis

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    “Between both our meteor fragments, we have an adequate amount of Reidite [the high-pressure Polymorph important in shock metamorphism], for a true assessment.” Boniface lights up his pipe, with a somber expression he places his feet on the desk, with the potential that he holds in his hands, he observes the sparkling qualities of the Reidite. “It will work,” he explains to his colleague. Boniface reminds Lawton, there are only three impact structures on earth. “Although destructive,” Boniface adds

  • Meteor Research Paper

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    injuries from the meteor strike. The shock wave violently jolted the city of Chelyabinsk. Coincidently, it hit on the same day that astronomers were watching another large rock pass Earth by just 17,200 miles. As it turns out, the Earth getting hit by meteorites isn’t so unusual. The meteor was most likely made of stony materials and not solid metal. The meteor exploded 12 to 15 miles above Earth’s surface due to the rise in pressure. Experts estimated that it released the energy of 300,000 to 500,000 tons

  • A Study of Iron

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    Iron is an important element to the scientific community, especially those involved in the branch of chemistry. Consequently, humans rely on iron for many different things. Iron is diverse from all other elements with regards to its natural occurrence, historic and contemporary uses, the origin of its name, and when, how, where, and by whom it was discovered. It also has unique characteristic physical and chemical properties. Without the discovery, and distinctive properties of iron, life on Earth

  • Food and Ingredients that Affect Human Mood

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    Hormones are not the only things that affect someone’s mood, the food we eat and what nutrients or vitamins they contain can also determine how one feels. Just like how certain foods are healthier than others, some help mood more than others. There are many ingredients that can determine a good or bad mood and they can be found in many people’s kitchens because they are commonly used. Some ingredients that help improve mood are protein, dopamine, and resveratrol. Protein stabilizes blood sugar and

  • The Invention of Plastic and Its Effects on Practically Everything

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    Plastics are one of the most used materials on a volume basis in U.S. industrial and commercial use. Plastics are commonly into today’s lifestyle and make a major contribution to virtually all product areas. Although the plastics industry in the United States is now in its second century, the most important developments have occurred since 1910. The roots of these modern developments go back not only to the research of cellulose nitrate by John Wesley Hyatt in the 1860s, but also to the plastic-like

  • The History Of Welding And Welding

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    My Senior project is welding and welding is a manufacture or sculptural process that joins materials, most often metals or thermoplastics, by causing fusion, which is joined from lower moderation of heat metal fusion techniques such as brass and soldering, which do not fuse the base metal. In addition to melting the base bullion, a filler material is typically added to the joined to form a pile of molten material  that cools to form a joint that is ordinarily stronger than the degraded material.

  • Disadvantages Of Marbles

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    Marbles Introduction to Marbles Stone is a naturally occurring combination of minerals found in the outer solid layer of the earth. Stone is classified into three main categories: Igneous Metamorphic Sedimentary Stone plays important role in construction industry because of its tough, durable characteristics. Stone products used in industry as building material and in many other applications are majorly natural stone products and artificial stone products. Marble and granite are two

  • Advantages And Disadvantages Of White Gold

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    Gold has been discovered on every continent on earth. Gold is a yellow precious metal, the chemical element of atomic number 79, valued especially for use in jewelry and decoration, and to guarantee the value currencies. Gold is malleable and shiny, making it a good metalworking material. Also, gold is considered to be a transition metal. Transition metals are unique because they can bond with others elements using not just their outermost shell of electrons (the negatively charged particles that

  • Disadvantages Of Brass

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    Brass is a metal composed mainly of the two elements zinc and copper. With copper being the main element, brass is generally considered a copper alloy. The color of the brass will vary from a dark reddish brown to a lighter silver-yellow color depending on the amount of zinc present. When copper appears on the lighter end of the color scale, it means it has a high concentration of zinc. Brass is a popular choice for it is stronger than copper but not quite as strong as steel. It is easily malleable

  • Brick And Copper Slag Brick Case Study

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    Comparison of Engineering Properties between Pure Copper Slag Brick and Spent Copper Slag Brick Salmaliza Salleh and Rishanthi.T Abstract- This paper was carried out to compare the engineering properties between pure copper slag brick and spent copper slag brick. Pure copper slag is the waste product of copper ore smelting and refining process while spent copper slag is the waste product from the process of abrasive blasting of metal surfaces. It is widely used in ship building, ship repair, other

  • Principles of Heat Treating of Steels

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    Principles of Heat Treating of Steels Principles of Heat Treating of Steels A steel is usually defined as an alloy of iron and carbon with the content between a few hundreds of a percent up to about 2 wt%. Other alloying elements can amount in total to about 5 wt% in low-alloy steels and higher in more highly alloyed steels such as tool steels and stainless steels. Steels can exhibit a wide variety of properties depending on composition as well as the phases and microconstituents present, which

  • Factors that Affect the Strength of the Electromagnet

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    make the strongest electromagnet possible. Apparatus: · Iron Rod · Leads · Power Pack · Crocodile Clips · Insulated Wire · Iron Nails · Voltmeter · Plastic Beakers · Electronic Balance Hypothesis: I expect the strongest electromagnet to have a 'soft' iron core; the highest number of coils (45); the strongest voltage (10V) and current and have the coils evenly spread across the iron rod. The 'soft' iron core means it changes easily between being magnetised and