Humans vs. Zombies Essays

  • Humans Versus Zombie: Fighting Controversy and the Undead

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    Across the college campuses of America, student participate in a growing phenomenon, Humans Versus Zombies. The game began in 2005 at Goucher College in Baltimore, Maryland, and has since gained viral participation in over 650 colleges across America. Our campus at the University of Southern Indiana has hosted an event lasting two weeks on campus. Humans Versus Zombies (HVZ) is not the only activity to gain a great deal of popularity through college campuses, activities like “Assassin”, “Streetwars”

  • World War Z: Zombies vs Humans

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    Distinguishing between zombies and humans, in general, is difficult due to many overlapping similarities in their characteristics. Both zombies and humans have a purpose that initially defines their existence. They both seek vegetative needs in order to survive and naturally crave reproduction, two behaviors that can lead to trouble in differentiating between the two. As portrayed in World War Z, the parasitic virus that controls the human corpse wants to survive at all costs. In World War Z Dr.

  • Cinema Fiction Vs Physics Reality

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    A Critique on “Cinema Fiction vs. Physics Reality: Ghosts, Vampires, and Zombies” The article “Cinema Fiction vs. Physics Reality: Ghosts, Vampires, and Zombies”, written by Costas J. Efthimiou and Sohang Gandhi. The authors try to explain or prove that ghosts, vampires and zombies do not exist through scientific methods and explanations. The authors main argument to show that these claim are false, they say” we point out inconsistencies associated with the ghost, vampire, and zombie mythologies

  • Comparison Between Dust And Decay

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    Tom is a traveler in the Rot & Ruin. As a bounty hunter who specializes as a personal ‘closure specialist’ for people who would like to have relatives and friends who are zombies ‘quieted’, he also acts as an unofficial peacemaker to the grounds surrounding his town. With so many rogue bandits and bounty hunters roaming the area, people are wary of Tom’s leaving. They all seem to know that Tom is leaving along with his younger

  • The Zombie Apocalypse: Revealing the Monster

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    inevitability, and as a result of this almost near obsession with mortality certain practices, precautions, and even religions have been developed to ease the weary minds on death. Self- preservation, preparedness and survival motivate almost faction of human interest and behavior but becoming prepared for the conceivable anything and asking all the “what if” questions in the world still might not save humanity when analyzing how many devastating catastrophes can essentially wipe out life on this planet

  • Zombies: Are They Real or Something of Imagination?

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    Concepts are how we give meaning to everyday things. We make, name, communicate, and imagine concepts all day everyday; concepts are vital to understanding this world we live in. A concept is an abstract idea or a cognitive unit of meaning. Zombies, for example, are a concept, but where did this concept of the living dead arise? Is there some religious link to this concept or is it an image of imagination? A zombie is defined as a fictional undead demon or a person in a rapt state being controlled

  • Of Science And Technology In The Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde

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    Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, a story based in the eighteenth-century, displays the tension of science vs. religion and the fear of technology spiralling out of control. Dr. Jekyll throughout the novel combines science and the supernatural, which is regarded by those of traditional science as nonsense (Stevenson 12). An example of this is highlighted within

  • Racism in Resident Evil 5

    3327 Words  | 7 Pages

    Introduction When the gameplay trailer of Resident Evil 5 (RE5) was released in October of 2007 it attracted a lot of media attention surrounding racism. There were both ‘for’ and ‘against’ the idea that RE5 is a racist game. Earl Ofari Hutchinson made himself know by saying that “RE5 is a very racist game” however there were other commentators such as Jim Sterling who made himself known by defending RE5 by saying “He laughs at the idea of RE5 is racist. The stereotypical characters and settings

  • Social Commentary on Zombies in Movies and Litarature

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    I knew that humans were ultra consumeristic, but seeing these movies and reading the books, my perspective on my own life, and what is important, has begun to shift. The evolution of the zombie genre is one I have found to be quite interesting. Many aspects of the origins I was not aware of. I never would have equated Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein with the beginning of science fiction. Shelley also moved the horror genre away from superstition and mystery and opened the door to humans being the real

  • Gattaca Film Analysis

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    former athlete. Using him Vincent (taking on the name Jerome) is able to get the job at Gattaca putting him within reach of his goal. The movie displays themes of oppression and discrimination as well as moral conflicts such as Science vs. Religion and Human Frailty vs. Inhuman Perfection. In this future science has taken over religion in society and has given rise to a new form of discrimination called Genoism, discrimination according to one’s genetic purity. Like in racism there are labels for people

  • Survival Situation Scenario

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    central nervous system and the brain, the host gets sick and dies within 1-2 weeks. Once the host has passed away the virus almost like a jump-start to the brain turns on the basic function of any living creature which is hunger, and these now revived humans will feast on anything around them that is living. I was with my friends one day when we heard about a viral pandemic spreading throughout the country. We were at school when the news came on, the newscaster was talking about the pandemic. The scientist

  • Monsters and The Moral Imagination by Stephen Asma

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    the midst of a cold nightly stroll or a mass genocide, monsters are lurking everywhere and our perception of what monsters truly are, is enhancing their growth as a force with which to be reckoned. Fear of the unknown is seen throughout time, but as humans progress we are finding that things we once were afraid of we are less frightening than they once were. Monsters can evoke fear in their targeted victims rather than physically harm their victims. For instance, every year a new horror film is released

  • The Theme Of Good Vs. Evil In Young Goodman Brown

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    A human life it 's full of hard decisions and choices; do we steal the toy from our friend? or wait for our turn? Do we give to the charity? or lie and say we don 't have any spare change? Do we say our prayers every night? or only when we need something? We constantly have to choose between, right vs. wrong, good vs. evil, but we still always have a choice. This theme of good vs. evil is presented throughout almost every aspect of our lives. On TV, the most popular shows, like Walking Dead, utilize

  • The Future Of Video Games And The Future

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    Diablo, Tomb Raider, Plants vs. Zombies, and Halo what do all of these games have in common? They are some of the most popular games or gaming franchises to show up over the last 20-25 years. Gaming is used as a way to lower stress levels by taking humans away from the brutality of reality. The future is changing in ways most can’t see, such as the use video games as a way to solve the world’s most urgent goals. Video games are also being used to show what will happen in the loss of resources used

  • Night Of The Living Dead Research Paper

    1767 Words  | 4 Pages

    to some religions and in stories, movies, etc.” Zombies haven’t always been the creature that we see today though. George A. Romero merged the old-forgotten zombie into the standardized version we see today. James Conroy writes, “With his 1968 film Night of the Living Dead, George Romero brought the concept of the slow-moving, flesh-eating zombie into mainstream American culture.” (1) Night of the Living Dead not only set an iconic image for zombies, but it also brought issues you would not normally

  • Red Mountain State

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    fields for activities, etc. located in Cincinnati, Ohio. We have several clubs which include but are not limited to Chill, Quill and Sword, Quidditch, Tree Huggers Unite, Concert Club, Fight Club, Rock-Paper-Scissors Club, Wine Tasting Club, Humans vs. Zombies, Campus People Watchers, etc. In addition to our clubs we offer 16 D1 sports. Sports at Red Mountain State are very popular. 70% of our students play at least one sport and a good amount go on to play professionally. Our top sports are football

  • The Forest of Hands and Teeth

    1972 Words  | 4 Pages

    John Adam's once said: “Because power corrupts, society's demands for moral authority and character increase as the importance of the position increases.” This quote is perfect for describing how a dystopia might come to be. Oftentimes, dystopias are a fictional universe where the world has been distorted (What is Dystopian Literature?). Dystopian societies often include a shift in control and a hero who recognizes that this society is indeed corrupt (What is Dystopian Literature?). Generally

  • Being Bored Essay

    810 Words  | 2 Pages

    The bored and brilliant challenge has daily challenges that lessen the use of a cell phone, and allow ourselves to be bored. According to boredom is benifical to humans. Boredom allows people to be creative, to reflect and to grow as individuals. The only issue is that now people are never bored. With phones people have ways to constantly entertain themselves. So, with the bored and brilliant challenge people got to see what it was like being bored with little and no phone usage for the

  • Effects of Literature on Culture

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    Every day humans participate in the consumption of media. Technology has changed the means of production of media making it more readily available. The advancement in technology, such as television, smart phones, and the internet, has caused a declination in the use of literary communications. People are more inclined to watch an online video rather than read the daily newspaper; also, people tend to enjoy watching movies rather than reading a book. Society, especially in the United States, has become

  • Witcher 3 Essay

    10663 Words  | 22 Pages

    1. The Witcher 3 (5/19/2015) Geralt reminds me of someone who loved bubblegum... Who was it... Developer: CD Projekt RED Genre: Action Adventure / RPG Theme: Defeat fantasy monsters. At the top of our list, standing tall, is the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. The player is put back into the role of Geralt, the rugged yet smooth-talking badass witcher from the first two games. He journey's to find someone, a woman, who was kidnapped long ago by an evil group called the Wild Hunt. There are tons of moments