Fenian Essays

  • The Fenian Movement

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    The Fenian Movement Fenian Movement, which was organized 1858, started as a secret revolutionary society in Ireland and the United States. This movement was created in the honor of the Fianna, known as the ancient Irish warriors. Fenians wanted to achieve Irish Independence from England by force. This movement was also known as the Fenian Brotherhood, Fenian Society, Irish Republican Brotherhood, and Irish American Brotherhood. The Fenians also had a very strong military force located in Ireland

  • Irish Literature And Rebellion

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    “because I found it difficult to attend to anything less interesting than my thoughts, I was difficult to teach” (DLB 19, 403). However, in 1886 he met John O’Leary, an old Fenian leader. O’Leary had been a Young Irelander and fought in the insurrection of 1849. He took Yeats under his wing and introduced him to the world of fenians and fenianism. His influence on Yeats’ writing is undeniable. Yeats began to write “in the way of [Sir Samuel] Ferguson and [James Clarence] Mangan” and evolve his nationalism

  • Michael Collins

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    within the British Empire. Michael Collins was born in October 1890 in County Cork. This area was a heartland of the Fenian movement. His father, also called Michael, instilled in his son a love of Irish poetry and ballads. At school, Michael was taught by a teacher called Denis Lyons who belonged to the Irish Republican Brotherhood and the village blacksmith, James Santry, was a Fenian. He told the young Michael stories of Irish patriotism and in such an environment, Michael grew up with a strong sense

  • Giant's Causeway

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    On the morning before my sixteenth birthday my family was exited for the special trip we had planned. We packed the car, double checked everything to make sure we didn’t leave anything behind, and headed off to the airport. We boarded the plane, just in time, to Ireland. The flight was great, since we were in first class. After landing we rented a car and drove to our hotel, where we rested for the plans we had the next day. In the morning, my mom thought it would be great to begin the day with a

  • Giant's Causeway

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    The Giant’s Causeway is one of the most incredible sites in Ireland. Many myths and theories have been developed to explain its origin, but none of them have proven true. People still argue over how the causeway was formed. Even today the Giant’s Causeway fascinates many people. There are many people that believe the causeway was formed by folklore stories, scientific explanations, or a biblical explanation. The Irish people that live in the area are the ones that tell the folkloric explanation.

  • Hardships Of Canada Essay

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    that’s exactly what I’m going to be writing about: the past. The joining of the two separate colonieswas much more difficult then it could’ve been, and while there’s were many difficulties Canada faced, the three main challenges were: US influence, the Fenian raids, and the trouble with the trade. Canada and Britain judgement of the US were very anti- northern, which is why Washington was quite hostile to all British territories. Britain, supported the South anticipating their victory, and when the North

  • The Confederation Of Canada

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    and put them in fear. Another American problem that threatened British North America was the Fenian raids. A group of Irishmen formed a brotherhood, called the Fenians, in the United States to promote the liberation of Ireland from British control. The Fenians believed that if they could capture some British North American colonies, they could hold them ransom in return for Ireland's freedom. The Fenian raids helped promote a desire for a union among the British North American colonies. They began

  • Causes of the Easter Uprising

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    Causes of the Easter Uprising The British occupation of Ireland began in the 1640’s and lasted until 1922. No other occurrence throughout Irish history has had a greater impact on the lives of the citizens of the country. Along with the act of occupation came the emergence of Protestantism, which conflicted with the traditional religion of Ireland, Catholicism. The English occupation of Ireland affected many aspects of Irish history from the potato famine to the War for Independence. However,

  • Dubliners

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    abandon it. The small or perhaps hidden pride in the city of Dublin displayed itself in subtle methods throughout the book. After the potato famine in Ireland, a group was founded in 1858 known as the Irish Republican Brotherhood. Also known as the Fenians, they formed a secret society which rejected constitutional attempts to gain independence.

  • Thomas Clarke Research Paper

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    Plunkett, MacDonagh or Connolly, however, his influence was just as influential as theirs. One example of this is seen in the Proclamation. The language used in the Proclamation is certainly influenced by Clarke. It clearly uses the elocution of the Fenian Brotherhood, an organisation who promoted Gaelic traditions of literature, music, dance and sport. It also refers to an Ancient Ireland seeping with national pride in regards Ireland’s militant past stating ‘In every generation, the Irish people

  • Advantages And Disadvantages Of New Canada

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    One of the most important points goes back to what was mentioned earlier: protection. New Brunswick is at a very high risk for being attacked by several different sources. The most imminent threat is the Fenian Marauders. The threat of the Fenians is closely followed by American attacks, a fear that has existed since the American civil war. If you’ll remember, during the war Britain sent troops for the winter months to protect us all at the border. However, soldiers were reluctant

  • Confederation: Shaping Modern Canada

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    In the mid-1860’s, many British North American colonies considered the idea of confederation. The joining of the colonies did have a huge impact on British North America, resulting in Canada becoming the country it is today. Colonies were first reluctant on joining Confederation, however many decided to go forth with this idea. Canada East, Canada West, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick agreed upon joining as one colony, under one government. Many civilians considered confederation due to the military

  • Transportation In America Essay

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    Transportation: Andrew Colonies were growing, and so were the costs of building transportation, railroads and roads were being built. Every single colony has its own transportation (railway systems), but they all had a shortage of money, so building more transportation and expanding it cost a lot! If colonies came together and joined each other to lighten the cost there would be more tax and more money they would be in debt. Adding to the list of the problem, in the cold weather the St. Lawrence

  • Joining Confederation Essay

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    The Fenians were an organization made by the Irish people that used armed rebellion against Britain so they could get back the independence they want. Ireland really hated the way the Britians treated them, they felt like Britain was bringing misery to them.

  • The Tragedy Of Home Rule: Isaac Butt And Home Rule

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    conservative lawyer but after the famine of the 1840’s he became increasingly liberal. He defended participants in the young Ireland revolt (1848). He entered parliament as a liberal conservative in 1852 and managed to become deeply in debt. He defended Fenians after the revolt of 1867 and led the Amnesty Association that campaigned for their release. In 1869 he founded the Tenant League to renew the demand for tenant right. Federalism was the political policy favoured by Butt as the solution to Irish political

  • The Irish Ambivalence In 19th Century Canada

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    Introduction Throughout the 20th century, the Irish-Canadian community has been foundational to the evolution of Canada's national identity, whether it was with the leadership of Baie-Comeau's Brian Mulroney, whose historical legacy includes NAFTA or the Shamrock summit, or the ineradicable impact of the music groups from Eastern Canada on the country's cultural sphere. Despite having such a mark upon the country's growth, the cohabitation between Irish and Canadian populations was also one of

  • Charlottetown Conference Essay

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    Timeline of Events, Provinces, and Territories - September 1st, 1864: The Charlottetown Conference opened to discuss about the confederation of every British North American province, territory, and colony. - October 10th, 1864: The Quebec Conference opened for discussion of the Seventy-Two Resolutions, as well as the Confederation of Canada. - December 4th, 1866: The London Conference opened (as the last conference) for discussion about passing resolution and redrafting the BNA (British North American)

  • Home Rule

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    began to think that the Home Rule would lead to the separation of Ireland and Britain. Parnell realized that the people did not like the British Rule and this is what caused them to support Irish nationalism. In 1880 Parnell won the support of the Fenians and the Irish Republican brotherhood that wanted total separation but were willing to compromise and accept Home Rule. In 1881 the second Land Act gave the "Three F's" which the Land League had demanded. Fair rents would be fixed by judges appointed

  • The Great Potato Famine

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    The Great Potato Famine The Great Potato Famine was a huge disaster that would change Ireland forever. The people in Ireland were extremely dependent on potatoes and when the blight came the economy went down. When the fungus attacked the potato crops slowly crop by crop throughout Ireland, people began to lose their main source of food. With the people in Ireland’s huge dependency on the potato, people began to starve or get sick from the potatoes. No one had any food to eat. The potatoes

  • Ireland Starves and Lives to Tell: The Effects of the Great Potato Famine

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    Ireland Starves and Lives to Tell: The Effects of the Great Potato Famine “It must be understood that we cannot feed the people” (Kinealy Calamity 75). The mid 1800s in Ireland were characterized by extreme poverty, death, and emigration. The Great Potato Famine, also known as “The Great Hunger,” first hit in 1845; however, its effects lasted into the 1850s and can still be seen today. Prior to the famine, Irish manufacture and trade was controlled and suppressed by British government, which