Hardships Of Canada Essay

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Canada, just like many other countries, has had their fair share of hardships. There were many major influences that got us to where we are today, and while they made us who we are, they could’ve been made with less favouritism towards the English. What hardships, you may ask, well that’s exactly what I’m going to be writing about: the past. The joining of the two separate colonieswas much more difficult then it could’ve been, and while there’s were many difficulties Canada faced, the three main challenges were: US influence, the Fenian raids, and the trouble with the trade.

Canada and Britain judgement of the US were very anti- northern, which is why Washington was quite hostile to all British territories. Britain, supported the South anticipating their victory, and when the North won, Canadians feared they would be attacked. The tension caused by the fear of attack caused many minor incidents along the border. The St Albans raid brought Northern troops over the border, trying to tempt Britain to declare war, needless to say, it didn’t succeed. Before the Civil war, the purchase of Alaska from the Russians caused many disputes later on. The Klondike gold rush put into question, where exactly the border …show more content…

Every year, ships, estimated over a hundred, were filled with wood and sent to Great Britain. The wood, while having many uses, was mostly used for making ships. Eventually, there was a huge shortage in Land. This shortage, as one one website reads “Became an invisible barrier between rich and poor, anglophone and francophone.”. In lower Canada, it was extremely difficult to obtain land, and the lack of land, forced many peasants to work in the towns and abandon their job of choice. Anglophone upper-class men, controlled the economic parts of both Upper and Lower Canada. It also didn’t help that, in 1837, the harvest had been bad, even to the point of the peasants being quite distressed and

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