Fatty Acids Essays

  • Fatty Acids: The Structure And Structure Of Fatty Acids

    886 Words  | 2 Pages

    Structure of fatty acids: Differentiating between fatty acids can be in two main ways: the length of free fatty acid chains and the fatty acids degree of saturation. The number of carbon atoms determine the length of fatty acid chains which often categorized as short chain fatty acids (SCFA), Medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA), Long-chain fatty acids (LCFA), and Very long chain fatty acids (VLCFA) with aliphatic tails longer than 22 carbons, while the number of double bonds between carbon atoms

  • Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

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    More and more research studies are finding that getting enough Omega-3 fatty acids is critical to our health in many ways. Omega-3 fats are essential for the survival of the human body, but our bodies can't manufacture them on their own, so we need to get them from the foods we eat. Good dietary sources of Omega-3 fatty acids are fish and seafood, like salmon, tuna, sardines, halibut, herring, algae and krill, plus some plants and nut oils such as flaxseeds and flaxseed oil, canola oil, soybeans

  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids Help Protect the Liver

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    Omega-3 fatty acids are often associated with many health benefits, including lowering triglyceride (a type of fat) levels in the blood, protection from heart disease, dementia, depression, and many more. In addition, recent research suggests that omega-3 fatty acids may play a role in preventing chronic liver disease. What are Omega-3 Fatty Acids? Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fatty acids that one needs to obtain from the diet to maintain health. There are three types of omega-3 fatty acids involved

  • Psychopathic Prefrontal Lobe Functioning & Omega-3 Fatty Acid Potential

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    omega-6 fatty acids, have the potential to reduce violent tendencies with individuals with psychopathic disorder (Gesch, Hammond, Hampson, & Eves, 2002) (McNamara & Carlson, 2006). Additional studies show strong correlations between individuals with antisocial, psychopathic disorder and deficits in functioning of the prefrontal cortex, and reductions in grey matter (Oberstar, Anderson, & Jensen, 2005) (Gregory, 2012)(Raine, 2013). Although associations have been found between fatty acid deficiencies

  • Different Types Of Unsaturated Fatty Acids And Double Acids

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    Unsaturated fatty acids Unsaturated fatty acids contain double bond. These are as follows. 1. Monounsaturated fatty acids: Oleic series (one double bond) 2. Polyunsaturated fatty acids: Linoleic series (two double bonds), linolenic series (three double bonds), Fatty acids with four double bonds (arachidonic acid). The carbon atoms in fatty acids are numbered from the carboxyl carbon (carbon no. 1). The carbon atom adjacent to the carboxyl carbon (that is carbon no. 2, 3 & 4) are known as α, β and

  • Fish Oil Benefits

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    required essential fatty acids cannot be made by the body. They are essential for maintaining brain function, maintaining a robust immune system, and for maximum heart capacity. Good fats are essential to achieve proper brain maturation at one year of age through achieving optimal cognition as we grow older. These omegas are being looked at in relation to Alzheimer and Parkinson's disease.

  • Benefits Of Macadamia Nuts

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    saturated fats. These nuts maintain the balance between omega-3-fattyacids and omega-6-fatty acids. These nuts are high in monounsaturated fatty acids and low in cholesterol. Macadamia nuts reduce the risk

  • Fats and Lipids: What Is the Difference?

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    They are insoluble in water, yet soluble in alcohol. (Human Biology) Lipids contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen but they have far less oxygen than carbohydrates. They have high melting points. (Human Biology) The saturated acids have a higher melting point than unsaturated acids. Lipids can be extracted from plants and animals using solvents such as ether, chloroform and acetone. (Chemistry: Principals and Properties) Lipids store energy in fat and act as structural components of cell membranes. They

  • The Bad Fats: The Good-Unsaturated Fats

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    polyunsaturated fats are omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids. The numbers refer to the distance between the beginning of the carbon chain and the first double bond. Both types offer health benefits and lowers

  • Skin Essay

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    structures and functions and Vitamin E posses the ability. Vitamin E protect the body from free radicals such as enzyme superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase. It plays a critical role in the membranes, protecting polyunsaturated fatty acids in cell membranes through its free radicals quenching activity in biomembranes at an early stage of free radical attack. Although vitamin E has low molar concentration in the membranes, but it effectively serves as the major lipid soluble, chain

  • Lipids and their Importance

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    micelle formation is unfavorable relative to a bilayer structure. Fatty acids are another type of lipid. The common feature of fatty acids is that they are all esters of moderate to long chain fatty acids. Two polyunsaturated fatty acids, linoleic and linoleic, are designated "essential" because their absence in the human diet has been associated with health problems, such as scaly skin, stunted growth and increased dehydration. These acids are also precursors to the prostaglandins, a family of physiologically

  • Biology: Hydrolysis of Lipids Using an Enzyme Called ‘Lipase’

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    Hydrolysis of Lipids Using an Enzyme Called ‘Lipase’ Research and Rationale Enzymes Enzymes are made up of proteins that are available in every cell of a living plant and animal [9] .Enzymes are very important for biochemical reactions. They act as catalysts and speed up biochemical reactions by using ‘an alternative reaction pathway of lower activation energy’ [5].Enzymes either starts a chemical reaction or allows it to occur faster [9]. Enzymes do not experience enduring changes therefore;

  • The Formation of Lipids

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    are made of glycerol and fatty acids. They are present in a wide range of living organisms and help to insulate and protect animals such as seal and marine birds. If there are no C=C double bonds in the hydrocarbon chain, then it is a saturated fatty acid (i.e. saturated with hydrogen). These fatty acids form straight chains, and have a high melting point. If there are C=C double bonds in the hydrocarbon chain, then it is an unsaturated fatty acid. These fatty acids form bent chains, and

  • Structure and Biological Significance of Lipids

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    of a glycerol molecule, with three fatty acid chains attached by ester linkages. Glycerol is an alcohol containing 3 carbon atoms. The fact it is an alcohol means it has an -OH group at one end. Fatty acids are hydrocarbon chains, with a -COOH group at one end. This -COOH group reacts with the -OH group of glycerol, and a condensation reaction occurs, which is what forms the ester linkage. As this breaks apart the -COOH group, which is what makes fatty acids acidic, once the condensation reaction

  • Blue Test Lab Report

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    distribution of charge, which makes the molecule polar. 2) Fatty acids are made of a hydrocarbon tail and a polar carboxylic acid head. The carboxylic acid group has a charge of -1, therefore the molecule is negatively charged (which eliminates answers a, b, and e). For the fatty acid to become neutral, it has to be found in a low pH environment: Low pH – acidic, more H+  the positively charged H atoms will counteract the negatively charged carboxylic acid heads creating a more neutral environment High pH

  • Coronary Artery Disease: A Case Study

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    First, benefits of omega-3 fatty acids generally been demonstrated in individuals following less than optimal diets, rather than in vegetarians or people who have been following a very low-fat diet. Second, while many studies have used fish oils, some evidence indicates that’s diets rich in plant sources of omega-3 fatty acids have similar results to reduction in CAD. Walnuts, flaxseed, flaxseed oil are all rich sources of omega-3

  • Coconut Oil Essay: Uses Of Coconut Oils

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    this superfood really is. Coconut oil is a great source of healthy dietary fats including omega-6. Fats are needed by the body to absorb fat-soluble vitamins including A, D, E, and K which all perform important functions in the body. The healthy fatty acids in coconut oil are shown to be beneficial for heart health, lowering cholesterol, aiding weight loss, fighting yeast and bacteria promoting a healthy gut flora and providing the body with

  • The Function of Lips and Their Biological Significance

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    triglycerides, however, they physically differ at room temperature fats are solid and oils liquid. Their differences in property are what help contribute to its significance in life. A triglyceride consists of fatty acid chains which are attached to a glycerol molecule; fatty acids are chains of carbon atoms, the first carbon atom is attached to an OOH group resulting in a carboxylic group (COOH). The normal length of the chain is roughly 14 to 22 carbons long, with the most common chains

  • Physicochemical Events In The Production Of Butter And Margarine Essay

    2028 Words  | 5 Pages

    Compare and contrast the physicochemical events in the production of butter and margarine INTRODUCTION Butter is one of the diary products, that is a energy-yielding food products which are produced from the milk of mammals such as sheep, goats, buffalos and yaks. Twenty litres of whole milk is required in the production of one kilogram of butter. It is produced from the cream of milk with a fat content of about 80%. Chemically butter consists of butterfat, milk proteins, water and vitamins A, D

  • Argumentative Essay On Saturated Fat

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    Donuts, bagels, and sweet, caffeinated drinks are loaded with sodium, carbohydrates, sugar, and fat; and as a result it is no surprise obesity is a rising problem in America. However, obesity is not the only major concern for people who eat such fatty, unhealthy foods. People consume many different types of fats everyday. Some fats promote numerous bodily functions, while others raise levels of cholesterol and increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases (Mayo Clinic Staff 1). Although it has never