Fartlek Essays

  • Training Program Discussion

    545 Words  | 2 Pages

    is the predominant energy system used in netball games, the training program is targeted to improve and work this area, for maximal performance. The training program develops the aerobic system using the four aerobic training types: continuous, fartlek, aerobic interval and circuit training. There is 4-5 sessions per week, which improves aerobic fitness. 3-4 of these are used to specifically develop aerobic fitness, and the remaining session/s are used to develop tactics and skills, strength and

  • Analysis of Performance - Netball

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    Analysis of Performance - Netball Activity to be analysed: Netball Game (WA) Skills and Techniques Required: To play a sound game of Netball, you need a range of both attacking and defensive skills. There are many other aspects, which are required to ensure a good Netball player. For example agility. This is a very important component, as agility is needed in a variety of circumstances. A Netball player needs to be able to get free and receive a pass from their team member. To do

  • Examples Of Push Pass In Football

    1106 Words  | 3 Pages

    Fartlek running involves varying your pace throughout your run, alternating between fast segments and slow jogs. The workload can either be measured in time or distance e.g sprint 100m or sprint for 20seconds then jog for 1minute. Fartlek training can also take place over different terrains. Football is a game that lasts for 90minutes plus added time with short and

  • Training Methods In Soccer

    741 Words  | 2 Pages

    Assignment 1) Pick a sport of your choice I choice soccer for my sport. 2) Identify three training methods that would benefit an athlete in your chosen sport The three training methods that would benefit an athlete in soccer are Circuit, Plyometric and fartlek training. Circuit training method are a great way to improve mobility, strength and stamina. Circuits training work on each body part which include upper-body and lower-body. Plyometric training method used to be called jump training. It is a

  • Netball Essay

    3063 Words  | 7 Pages

    Identify the characteristics of the learner needed to perform the skills involved in the sport. Explain why these characteristics make them a good player. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE LEARNER Personality - An individual’s personality is resulted from their social interactions and learning experiences throughout life. Netball is a team sport, therefore to enhance the ability to effectively work as a team, it is essential that all players co-operate with each other using their communication skills. Players

  • Essay On Long Distance Running

    2481 Words  | 5 Pages

    Long Distance Running You are standing at the starting lining, your hearts pounding. Your palms begin to get sweaty and butterflies start to take flight in your stomach. You can hear people cheering in the background. You look right, and then you look left and see runners who have dedicated the same amount of time and energy as you or more. Suddenly everything goes quite. POW, the gun fires and everyone takes off like a bunch of wild horses. Your race has begun and you are now running to achieve

  • Persuasive Essay On Routine Workout

    1087 Words  | 3 Pages

    Simple daily workouts to get back your fitness groove You are not to blame. You have a busy schedule, and you need to pay the bills. Your job is highly demanding, and you don’t have enough time to hit the gym and sweat it out a little with the weights. But your body is suffering. Now, you've decided to start exercising once again. It can be hard to start exercising after a long hiatus away from the gym. But, you don’t have to worry. Here are some daily workouts that won’t take 20 minutes of your

  • Personality In Basketball Essay

    1638 Words  | 4 Pages

    Personality : Personality makes athletes a good player as it is what underlies their willingness to learn , their co-operation with other players and their constituency throughout training and the game. In basketball personality is essential as players with a personality will work as a team instead of on their own for example instead of keeping the ball to themselves , they will pass to their surrounding players. Personality will also prevent players from causing trouble with the opposition and play

  • Examples Of Prior Experience

    1502 Words  | 4 Pages

    1. Prior experience Having prior experience in a particular type of skill or movement decreases the difficulty of learning the new skill for the learner. Having this prior experience may not only make it easier but will speed up the learning process overall. This is so as the learner can associate the already attained knowledge with the learning of the new skill, putting less stress on the learner and their body. - An example of this is: A child has just started Gymnastics and is learning the new

  • Backline: My Fitness Weaknesses

    1462 Words  | 3 Pages

    backline.                                                                                                                                                                                                         My fitness weakness is my speed. Speed is defined as the ability to put body parts into action quickly.    Speed is used to sprint. Sprinting is anaerobic respiration which is working at a very high intensity or at your maximum level of exertion. Speed is extremely important to ensure that

  • Persuasive Essay On Cross Country Running

    1821 Words  | 4 Pages

    Running during races may seem like a simple activity, but there’s more behind the curtain. It’s an activity that uses the majority of your body, pumping blood through your whole body. It keeps you fit and improves your overall life span. Ever since I had to run the mile during elementary school, I’ve always wanted to know how to improve my speed and endurance. More specifically, How do you perform to you fullest capacity before a Cross Country Running race? Practice, is the most basic answer to anything

  • Personal Exercise Plan

    3314 Words  | 7 Pages

    improve. It is needed within football and especially with the position I play in. As I play on the wings in midfield and in more attacking positions I am required to have spee... ... middle of paper ... ... * Increasing intensity from last fartlek session at about 90%, repeating 3 times - Sprinted hard for 30 seconds, jog 90 seconds. Repeat with 15 second decreases in recovery jog e.g. 30-90, 30-75, 30-60, 30-45, 30-30, 30-15 and 30-15-30. * 10 minute warm down jog * Anaerobic session

  • Introduction for Training Programme for Football

    4645 Words  | 10 Pages

    Introduction for Training Programme for Football The sport I am going to do for my training programme is Football, the programme will last for 6 week. I am going to design my programme for a male aged between 15-18 playing at a high standard of football that is extremely fit. The programme will not only stretch the player physically but hopefully mentally because the drills and skills they undertake will inevitably be used in a game situation so the aim is for those skills they have learnt

  • Risks Involved in the Game of Netball

    566 Words  | 2 Pages

    Risks Involved in the Game of Netball All sporting activities carry some risk. We can reduce the risk and help to prevent injury by preparing for sport properly, and take part with the right attitude. Netball is a fast, exiting team sport. It is played in many countries throughout the world. It is an easy game to pay, but at a higher level becomes very tactical game that needs great skill. Warm up/Cool down Warming up before playing Netball is vitally important, you need to prepare

  • Fitness Requirements for Football

    3043 Words  | 7 Pages

    Fitness Requirements for Football Football is a game that requires aerobic and anaerobic fitness. Aerobic fitness is the most important quality in football, closely followed by anaerobic fitness, running, speed and agility. Footballers tend to cover less distance and work at lower intensities during the second half of games then during the first half. This is because fatigue limits a player. To sum it up if a player was fitter they would perform more effectively. Therefore if a player was

  • Basketball Case Study

    907 Words  | 2 Pages

    Exercise is an activity requiring physical effort, carried out to sustain or improve health and fitness. (Oxford Dictionary, 2017) The Australian Government guidelines recommend adults do at least 30 minutes of moderate to intensive physical activity on most or all days of the week. (Australian Government, 2014) The benefits of exercise are extensive which can include social, physical and mental benefits, however, many people do not achieve the required amounts, for a number of possible reasons.

  • Aquathon Energy System

    1052 Words  | 3 Pages

    Energy Systems and Aquathon The human body is composed of three different energy systems that “provide energy for muscular work and exercise, including two anaerobic systems and one aerobic.” (Amezdroz, Dickens, Hosford, Stewart, and Davis,2010) (Refer to Appendix A). Our bodies need a continuous supply of energy in the form of ATP (Adenosine Phosphate) to do work. All three systems produce ATP to fuel our bodies with energy depending on the conditions of the activities, such as duration and intensity

  • Identification and Justification of the Components of Fitness

    929 Words  | 2 Pages

    a whole has to have good stamina to keep up with the pace of the game. The game is divided into four quarters and this helps the players recover from each quarter of play both physically and mentally. Netballers therefore usually carry out fartlek training which means ‘speed play’ it’s ... ... middle of paper ... ...t pull you up for it. Furthermore shooting in netball requires being relatively equilibrium and when defending it is important that you try and keep balanced when marking

  • Unit 5 Exercise 1 Fitness Program

    1348 Words  | 3 Pages

    A GK would need to focus more agility based training as they must be very agile to comply with the quick and dynamic movements made by the GS. To include agility based training with their training program, they may include interval raining, fartlek training etc. In addition, to agility, a GK training program must focus on muscular power to assist with their constant jumping for intercepts and rebounds. To include this in their training program, they may choose to include plyometric training

  • Essay On Soccer Power

    1412 Words  | 3 Pages

    Power Power is the time rate at which work is done or energy is transferred (Jones, no date). Hence, power is a mixture of both force and velocity (power= force x velocity). Power is an essential component of soccer. Players need to be able to move swiftly while applying a great force on the muscles they are using. This combination of both speed and strength can give footballers a massive advantage on the pitch. However, there are some players that may need to possess a greater amount of power than