Elementary School Students Essays

  • Picture Books as a Successful Learning Tool for Older Elementary School Students

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    Picture Books: Creating a Picture of Success in Older Students Though commonly only viewed as learning materials for younger elementary-age students, picture books are an innovative and exciting teaching tool for older elementary-age students, too. In fact, picture books can even assist middle and high school students on their respective roads to success. By going “back to the basics,” as Maybeth, a 3rd grader in Dicey’s Song by Cynthia Voigt did, young and old readers alike will again be

  • Elementary School Student Personal Statement

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    my personal statement, I think back to when I was an elementary school student. My favorite part of being in elementary school was the feeling I got every September when it was time to go back to school. I loved every part of that feeling. The sadness of summer being over, but also the excitement of being back in school. The part I remember most was those “all about me” worksheets that teachers give out in order to learn more about their students. Each year I grew older most of my answers to those

  • Discipline Methods for Elementary School Students

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    had just finished setting up her classroom for the new school year. This would be her second year teaching at Southern Maryland Elementary School. Last year she had problems getting the children to listen to her and cooperate. The current school disciplinary method was different in each classroom. After a teacher felt that he or she could not handle a student anymore, they would be sent to the principal's office. For serious offenses, the student would be suspended or even expelled. She did not want

  • The Importance Of Cultural Diversity On Elementary School Students

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    on Elementary school students (Burt, 2013). Attending a school with a diverse student population can help prepare children for citizenship in a multicultural democracy (Morrissey, 2014). America is known as the melting pot because of the immigration of people who entered the country in search for a more stable life. Immigrants brought their own unique cultures with them. Census Bureau predicts that by 2100, the minority population will be the majority. Students who are enrolled in elementary schools

  • Should Elementary School Students Have Homework?

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    In elementary school children should be worried about who can cross the monkey bars the fastest, not finish all their homework. Elementary school students should not have homework because it will stress not only the child out but, the parents and teachers. It will take a toll on the physical health of the children and may ruin the childhood experience. Kids having too much responsibility at their age could burn images in their brain, which could decay what their childhood was like. When children

  • Excessive Dependence on Homework in American Schools

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    Homework in American Schools "I didn’t feel [stressed] until I was in my 30’s. It hurts my feelings that my daughter feels that way at eleven" (Ratnesar 313). This statement describes the intense issue facing the American Education System today. More and more students are spending a lot of out of school time on enormous amounts of homework. The overabundance of homework is putting pressure on the students, along with their parents. Our nation has steadily focused on after school studying to the point

  • How Free Should Be Given To Students In Elementary School

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    not realize how important that luxury is, especially for students in school. Being able to decide what to write about and what to do projects on increases a student’s motivation to want to do well on the assignment. However, the challenging part of choice comes down to how much freedom should be given to children in elementary school. In my opinion, the lower elementary grades should be allowed to have more freedom than the upper elementary years. Not everyone may agree with me on this, but here is

  • Math Research Paper

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    Math Research Paper Since the 1980’s calculator use in the classroom has been a huge controversy between educators (Golden, 2000). It is becoming increasingly common to use calculators in the classroom on a regular basis. Some states allow students to use calculators on standardized tests and as part of the regular curriculum (Dion, 2001). Because we live in such a technologically changing world, hand held calculators have been far surpassed and can be purchased for as low as $4.00 each. This

  • The Controversy Over Home Schooling

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    The Controversy Over Home Schooling In today’s society, the controversy over home schooling is a pertinent issue. Home schooling is known as the instruction of a pupil in an educational program outside of an established school, usually under the tutoring of the parent or guardian. Several debates exist over this current topic. Some have reasonable arguments in favor of home schooling, while many disagree with its process and the motives behind it. Both arguments have valid points that must

  • My Chautauqua

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    class. A double slide projector set-up shoots its characteristic artillery - bright colors, intense shapes, inscriptions in languages that are at times read merely as symbols by my untrained mind, archaic figures with bodies contorted like elementary school students on the recess monkey bars. I discuss Diego Rivera's "The Liberation of the Peon," Frida Kahlo's "Self-Portrait," and Anselm Kiefer's "To the Unknown Painter" with my classmates. The room is never silent as we marvel at these images. When

  • The Controversy of Standardized Testing

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    improvement, others as a menace to quality teaching and learning” (Phelps). A tool that educators use to learn about students and their learning capabilities is the standardized test. Standardized tests are designed to give a common measure of a student’s performance. Popular tests include the SAT, IQ tests, Regents Exams, and the ACT. “Three kinds of standardized tests are used frequently in schools: achievement, diagnostic, and aptitude” (Woolfolk 550). Achievement tests can be used to help a teacher assess

  • dream career

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    in the office, drawing blood on patients, and giving injections to the patients. During the course of my life, I went through many difficult situations which made me a very responsible person. When I was in college, I worked as tutor for Elementary School students. This helped in paying for my tuition fees and significantly reduced my parent’s burden. Since I came from a middle class family and being only child of ...

  • Confessions Of Elementary Education

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    teaching elementary school students. Jenny Peters, writer of the article Confessions of An Elementary School Teacher, observes that it is indeed a “challenging career” that in the end has “immeasurable rewards” (1). However, no matter what you have to do, it seems as though those rewards overrule anything and everything as long as your heart is in it, not only for the students, but for the drive to teach them and lead them to bigger and brighter futures. It’s hard to believe how long elementary school

  • Transition from Elementary to Middle School

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    lifetime that can be stressful. They face their first transition from home to school, elementary to middle school, middle to high school, and high school to college or work (Schumacher, 1998). However, the transition from elementary to middle school seems to be harder for adolescents due to the personal changes of puberty. Research suggests that roles, expectations, and responsibilities are the primary concerns of students (Akos, 2002). In order to make this transition easier, programs such as “blocking

  • A High School Diploma

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    the utmost importance, as “for children of color, the absence of a high school diploma did more than relegate someone to the economic margins of society […] By the time they reach their early thirties, 52 percent of young, male, African American high school dropouts have spent some time in jail or prison” (Pettit & Western, 2003). The extension of the connections of these early discipline patterns seen in elementary schools to the prison system makes it important to have an analysis of different

  • Use of the Internet in Elementary Schools

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    ABSTRACT:  By looking at certain WEB sites (AskEric, PBS, KidLink, Interactive Frog Dissection, Hillside Elementary School, and Dade County Schools) this paper examines the ways the WEB is used in elementary schools. In addition, this paper addresses some controversial issues that arise when the WEB is used in elementary classrooms. The development and growth of the Worldwide Wide Web have had an enormous impact on several areas including government, business, and even education. The WEB facilitates

  • I Want To Be A Teacher

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    always bring home books and papers that we no longer used in class, and I would play “school” with my little sister. I want to be like my teachers that have encouraged me to strive for the things I want, so I can do the same for other children. Another reason I want to be a teacher is so I can have my own classroom and decorate it the way I want and set my own rules. I want to be a good role model for the students as well. Being a teacher seems really fun, and I look forward to doing that. From colonial

  • Importance Of Corporal Punishment

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    essay will show my argument of why elementary school students should not receive corporal punishment with a paddle during learning time. Violence isn’t the answer as was said in “Did Corporal Punishment Save a Struggling school? “By Eric Adelson the best form of discipline, He says ‘’ is praise. (Adelson 6)Corporal punishment could turn into abuse and different punishment strategies to use on a child to get them to act the correct way. Most children in elementary schools come from homes that are already

  • Coming Full Circle

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    asked by students, "What do you want our papers to be about?" Hearing this must get tiresome for teachers as well as students. Sale, in his essay on "The Relationships Struck Between Writer and Reader, Reader and Writer, Student and Teacher, Teacher and Student", suggests not telling the student exactly what is wanted, to be flexible and "suggest to all students that what is important is what they think, not what the teacher thinks." Over the years I've found that teachers and students go through

  • Components in Art Education

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    back in the late 1960’s by Elliot Eisner incorporated three areas of art into the curriculum. These included art object, art criticism and the historical context of art. His program developed into a theoretical base for art curriculum in the elementary schools that is very similar to programs used today (Madeja 2001). Today most art education programs are made up of four components. One of these components is art aesthetics. Aesthetics is the study of the nature of a piece of artwork. It analyzes