Electrolysis Experiment Essays

  • Atoms And Electrolysis Experiment

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    electric charges zooming through the water instantly electrocute all organisms near the surface. This phenomenon can be explained by understanding atomic particles, solutions and chemical reactions, the basics of electricity, electrolytes, and electrolysis and the electrochemical cells it occurs in. All objects on Earth are made up of atoms. “Atoms are miniscule units that determine the properties of all matter” (Dobson, 2006, p. 104). An atom is the smallest division of an element that retains

  • Salt Bridge Over Electrified Waters Lab Report

    533 Words  | 2 Pages

    of substances; their properties, structure, and the changes they undergo” (Lower). Chemistry is the study of all the stuff in the world and especially how they change. My experiment deals mostly with the change of substances. Some of the concepts involved in my experiment are Oxidation/Reduction (redox) reactions, electrolysis, pH, and electrical currents. A redox reaction is a reaction in which there is a transfer of electrons from one substance to another. There are two paired parts to a redox

  • An Investigation into Electrolysis - Copper Sulphate

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    An Investigation into Electrolysis - Copper Sulphate Introduction Decomposition caused by electricity is called electrolysis. The electrical energy causes a chemical change. When a salt is dissolved in water, its ions become free to move so the solution can be "electrolyzed." The products of the electrolysis depend on the chemical solution, its strength and the type of electrode. The cathode is negatively charged and therefore attracts to it positive ions. E.g. hydrogen. The more reactive

  • An investigation into whether the voltage affects the amount of gas produced during the electrolysis of sodium chloride solution

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    An investigation into whether the voltage affects the amount of gas produced during the electrolysis of sodium chloride solution. Prediction: I think that hydrogen gas will be produced due to the half equation 2H +2e àH this will be produced at the cathode because opposites attract and the hydrogen ions are positive. At the anode I think that chlorine will be produced due to the half equation 2CL -2e àCL the chlorine ions are negative so they are attracted to the positive electrode. I also think

  • Chemistry Experiment

    2189 Words  | 5 Pages

    Chemistry Experiment How does the change in the electric current used in the electrolysis of copper sulphate solution affect the mass of copper deposited on the copper electrodes? Aim --- The aim of this experiment is to find out whether the mass of copper deposited on copper electrodes during the electrolysis of copper sulphate solution changes when the current used to electrolyse the solution is increased. Hypothesis ---------- I predict that if the current used to electrolyse

  • The Process of Electrolysis

    929 Words  | 2 Pages

    Electrolysis is a chemical reaction caused by electricity in solutions. Electrolysis can separate molecules (like separating water into hydrogen and oxygen gas, which is called electrolysis of water), electroplate a metal, can be used for welding, and can even be used for hair removal. Electrolysis was discovered by Alessandro Volta. The materials to cause electrolysis are a source of direct current (like batteries), electrolyte, and two electrodes. A direct current is current, which electricity

  • Essay On Electrolysis

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    Electrolysis is a process by which electrical energy is used to produce a chemical change. Maybe the most recognizable case of electrolysis is the deterioration of water into hydrogen and oxygen by methods for an electric ebb and flow. Electrolysis is important because it is used for making fertilizers, being made to be able to fuel cars. Right now it is used to fuel rockets but soon our cars will be able to use it as everyday fuel and extracting metals. In the study of electrolysis education.com

  • The Rate of Electrolysis Of Copper Chloride Solution

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    The Rate of Electrolysis Of Copper Chloride Solution Introduction We are going to find out what things affect the rate of Electrolysis and to find this out we will use Copper chloride salt dissolved in water to form a solution. The salt is dissolved in water becausechemical compounds when in a molten state or when dissolved in water exist in the form of ions that are capable of movement, meaning their molecules become dissociated into positively and negatively charged components, which

  • The electrolysis of copper sulphate solution and copper electrodes

    1255 Words  | 3 Pages

    The electrolysis of copper sulphate solution and copper electrodes Introduction: For my GCSE Chemistry assessment I will be investigating the electrolysis of copper sulphate solution with the copper (ii) plates. Aim: My intention for this observation is to find out how the current has an effect on the mass of copper deposited in the electrolysis of copper sulphate and copper (ii) plates. Safety Precautions: In this investigation I will make sure that everything is as safe as possible and that

  • Electrolysis of Water and Copper

    1103 Words  | 3 Pages

    Hypothesis “Electrolysis of water is the decomposition of water into oxygen and hydrogen gas due to an electric current being passed through the water.” As we know, water is a model of molecular compound, in which atoms are bounded with each other by sharing electrons. This type of bond is known as covalent bond. In order to divide the water solution into two constituents, Hydrogen H and oxygen O2, we use the method of water electrolysis. I predicted that we are going to separate water solution into

  • Electrolysis of Copper in Copper Sulphate Solution

    1485 Words  | 3 Pages

    Electrolysis of Copper in Copper Sulphate Solution Introduction Aim This is an investigation into how temperature affects the amount of copper lost from the Anode and gained on the Cathode during electrolysis. Electrolysis is… The chemical change by passing electric charge through certain conducting liquids (electrolytes). The current is conducted by migration of ions - negative ones from the Anode (positive electrode), and positive ones to the Cathode (negative electrode).

  • How the Rate of Electrolysis is Affected by Changing the Current in the Circuit

    1700 Words  | 4 Pages

    How the Rate of Electrolysis is Affected by Changing the Current in the Circuit When chemical compounds are in a molten state, or if they are dissolved in water or other liquids their molecules become "separates into positively and negatively charged components, which have the conduct electricity", or they become ionized [IMAGE]Electrolysis is the process of breaking down or 'decomposing' a compound, by running an electric current through a chemical compound when it is ionized. This is

  • Investigation of Positively and Negatively Charged Electrons

    558 Words  | 2 Pages

    move from the anode to the cathode, the mass of the anode to the cathode, the mass of the anode decreases whilst the mass of the cathode increases. I can support the point I've made above by faradays law which is: Faraday's Second Law of electrolysis states that: "The mass of an element deposited by one Faraday of electricity is equal to the atomic mass in grams of the element divided by the number of electrons required to discharge one ion of the element." Hypothesis: The mass of

  • The Electrolysis of Copper Sulphate

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    The Electrolysis of Copper Sulphate Aim Analyse and evaluate the quantity of Copper (Cu) metal deposited during the electrolysis of Copper Sulphate solution (CuSo4) using Copper electrodes, when certain variables were changed. Results Voltage across Concentration of solution electrode 0.5M 1.0M 2.0M 2 5.0 10.6 19.5 4 10.5 19.8 40.3 6 14.3 26.0 60.2 8 15.2 40.4 80.3 10 15.0 40.2 99.6 12 15.1 40.0 117.0 Analysing/Conclusion

  • The Effect of the Amount of Sodium Chloride on the Electric Current During Electrolysis

    1979 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Effect of the Amount of Sodium Chloride on the Electric Current During Electrolysis Background When an electric current passes through sodium chloride solution, chemical reactions take place at both cathode and anode. If one passes through sodium chloride solution, there will be passage of ions moving through this solution. This results in positively charged sodium ions, which have been dissolved into the solution, moving towards the cathode and deposited there. At the same time, negatively

  • The Factors that Affect the Mass of Copper

    4314 Words  | 9 Pages

    The Factors that Affect the Mass of Copper Background Information ====================== Electrolysis is the decomposition of a molten or aqueous compound by electricity. Electrolysis occurs only in liquids called electrolytes. Electrolytes are compounds, which conduct electricity when molten or dissolved in water, but not when they are in a solid state as the oppositely charged ions are held together by strong ionic bonds in a giant lattice and this means electricity cannot pass through

  • Finding the Change in the Mass of the Electrodes During Electrolysis

    505 Words  | 2 Pages

    Finding the Change in the Mass of the Electrodes During Electrolysis Safety: Before carrying out he investigation we had to take safety into consideration so we wore goggles to protect our eyes from any harmful chemical and aprons to protect our clothes from anything that may get spilt. Equipment: 1x 250 ml glass beaker 1x power pack 1x ammeter 4x wires Copper Sulphate solution 2x Copper electrons 1x Variable resistor Weighing scales 1x stop clock Propane

  • Investigating Electrolysis

    4217 Words  | 9 Pages

    Investigating Electrolysis INTRODUCTION: In this experiment I will be investigating how the amount of copper affects the mass of the cathode. I will do this experiment twice so that I have an average of my results so that they are accurate. I have already done my preliminary work and from it, I have noticed that I will have to make some changes with the method of my experiment. AIM: In this experiment, I intend to find out how much copper in the solution affects the mass of the cathode

  • Shipwrecks, Corrosion and Conservation

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    6: Option - Shipwrecks, Corrosion and Conservation 6.1: The chemical composition of the ocean implies its potential role as an electrolyte Identify the origins of the minerals in oceans as: leaching by rainwater from terrestrial environments hydrothermal vents in mid-ocean ridges Identify - recognise and name There are 2 major sources of the salts in seawater: Leaching by rain and ground water. Dissolution of salts by water passing through hydrothermal vents. LEACHING

  • Salt Bridge Research Paper

    3751 Words  | 8 Pages

    Have you ever wondered what happens when water and electricity mix? This research paper will discuss the physics behind how the pH of salt solutions changes when an electric charge is passed through it. There are many different avenues of exploration to take with the complex physics of this project all of which are unique and interesting. A salt bridge is a non-covalent interaction between two ionized sites. It contains two components: a hydrogen bond and an electrostatic interaction (Salt