Philosophy of Education No society has ever survived without some system of education. Education is, perhaps, the most important of all social systems because it enables all the others by training individuals for their social roles. Still, it is a system which is far too complicated to perfect or even define. What is the “best” way to teach? What knowledge is it necessary for an “educated” person to attain? Should an education for one be the same as for another? In such an individual-centered
Philosophy of Education missing works cited The Education process is one that gradually proceeds throughout life, greatly in early years and really never stops. There will always be something someone has not learned. Knowledge is a powerful tool. One of the most well-known educators in the 20th Century, Christa McAuliffe, before her tragic death said, “I touch the future, I teach.” As an educator you seek to influence each of your students. A goal, common to many new and old teachers;
society. This is accomplished through education. The philosophy of education is determined by society. As society changes so does the concept of education. Education is needed for individuals to function in society. Without the proper tools, people would be a burden instead of an asset. To become an asset, individuals need to be exposed to those elements which would enrich their lives through knowledge. Knowledge in our society is basically learned through education. The basic knowledge each person
According to my knowledge the word "philosophy" is the study and understanding of knowledge in relevance to studying the wisdom of the universe. The word "education" is the act of developed knowledge. When put together the phrase, "philosophy of education," has extremely deep meaning within the context of knowledge. Therefore, before I can accurately state my position on the issue, I must examine my past, present and future experiences with knowledge. My view on education and my experience with knowledge
Philosophy of Education I spent some time looking back upon my time in elementary, junior high and high school and thinking about all of my favorite teachers, and what exactly made them such outstanding, inspiring educators. I came to several conclusions. A good teacher is one who can not only show a student how to add four and seven, but also help them see why it is important for them to know how to do so. A good teacher is one who can explain to a child the process of photosynthesis while at
Philosophy As Abigail Adams once said, “Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attained to with diligence.” Just as students learn with ardor and diligence, teaching is also a profession learned with ardor and diligence to achieve excellence as a teacher in today’s classroom. As I have grown up in a family thriving with teachers, I have seen both lessons taught and lessons learned. Children can offer a unique reward; to see a child learn is an accomplishing
Philosophy of Education As I begin my education for becoming a teacher, I am beginning to make decisions on things such as how I would like my teaching style to be, ways to deal with discipline problems, and how I would like my classroom to be set up. However, I cannot put my ideas into one philosophy. I feel that using many styles of teaching is better than just using one. Some students may learn better with one style of teaching while others may learn better with another. The teaching
Philosophy of Education An epidemic of fragile families and a savage society filled with countless negative images puts many of our children at risk of becoming victims rather than the victors they were created to be. While all children are blessed with their own minds, talents, and the ability to grow and mature into adults, they must make a way for themselves in a world overwrought with sex, violence, and crass materialism. Because of this, they are handed low self-esteems, broken dreams, and
Philosophy of Education Ever since I was a little girl I had this dream of being a teacher. Whether it was making up “pretend” tests or having my younger brother sit through my instruction, I knew that I was a born teacher. And now that I have grown and matured into a responsible young woman, I feel that my place in this world is in the classroom. I feel that the children are our future and we should teach them everything we know to the best of our abilities. Every summer since the age of
Philosophy of Education Without education people would be lost. Education gives a student the knowledge to survive in a demanding world. It also helps a student grow as an individual. Students need to be motivated to learn by the teacher in the classroom. Motivation can come in different forms and depends on the age of the students. A teacher has many rewarding experiences in the classroom. My goal is to get students interested in learning. Teachers need to make sure that they do not
My best days as a teacher are those in which I have managed to see every student as an individual, provided lessons guided by a world-based view and are applicable to the lives of my students, where I have made learning an active process, when I have stressed respect for all things and all people, where I have developed and executed authentic tasks, when I maximized opportunities for critical thinking and problem solving, and lastly, when I have allowed all students the chance to gain knowledge and
The philosophy that I feel the strongest connection to is Progressivism. In my educational journey the teachers that have made the most significant impact have been progressive. From K-12, I had two teachers who used the progressivism method and the lessons that I learned from them are still with me today. The progressive teachers express more individuality and creativity than others. Progressive educators relate material to real-life experiences that the learner can relate to. They generally conduct
Philosophy of Education Education is an essential element to the life of every person. Teachers must have a philosophy of teaching to be effective in the classroom. No matter what way of teaching an educator chooses, it should positively affect his or her students and help to keep them on track to growing into strong intelligent adults. If a child is placed in a positive environment, then it will help shape them into good citizens. According to Plato, a student's environment determines his
Progressivism My personal philosophy of education is most closely related to progressivism, which is a school of thought advocating that truth is determined by function. Progressivism is an educational philosophy focused on providing students with the skills and knowledge necessary not only to survive but also to succeed in a contemporary and competitive society. William James and John Dewey are accredited for developing the characteristically American philosophy of education that is progressivism.
The Philosophy of Education Personally, being an educator gives me a chance to have a great impact on the world. I have always enjoyed seeing the look on someone’s face when they make a new connection or learn something. I have many strong beliefs in the education process and many times feel that the needs of the student are overlooked. As a teacher, the students would be priority and that is the backbone of my teaching philosophy. I know that I am not very experienced and have much to
Philosophy of Education I fell in love with learning when I was only a small child. With the support and encouragement of my parents, I have come to know the value of education and have a desire to instill this same sense of structure in students I will come in contact with. For this reason, and a few others, I decided to become a teacher. Ever since I was a younger I loved the idea of school and was eager to get started. All throughout my life I have had a passion for learning and always knew
Philosophy of Education It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge. -Albert Einstein Tell me, and I’ll forget. Show me, and I’ll remember. Involve me, and I’ll learn. -Marla Jones The two quotes that I have listed above can in essence describe my feelings on education and teaching. For me teaching is sharing a passion not only for learning, but also for the material you are teaching. My passion happens to be English, and to me that means
Philosophy of Education In this paper, I wish to discuss my beliefs for education. These beliefs include my philosophy in a general manner, and the reasons why I want to become an educator. In this paper I will also describe what my furture classroom will look like, and how my classroom will be run. I also discuss my views on education reform in conclusion. I have found that my philosophy of education is a combination of two philosophies. They are Idealism and Realism. I also agree with
A Comparison of Career and Technical Education Philosophies Before we began to compare career and technical education philosophies we must first determine, what is philosophy of education and how is it important to our school system, teachers, and students? The result from my research has determined philosophy of education can be summed up as beliefs that influences how and what students are taught. Philosophy of education is the tool used to acknowledge and answer questions as it pertains to the
Before taking my philosophy self-assessment, I was sure my highest score would fall somewhere in humanistic or social change. I was surprised when I saw that all of my scores fell within six points of each other in all five of the philosophies. After thinking about this, I have determined that I have come to see the benefits of each of the philosophies of education and have drawn pieces from each one in order to shape my own philosophy of education and teaching. Behavioral, progressive and humanistic