Dunkin Essays

  • Dunkin Donuts Thesis

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    you hear as you walk into Dunkin’ Donuts. You can smell the freshly made donuts. You can see the coffee smoothly brewing through the coffee machine. You can slightly hear the oven baking the donuts to the perfection. This is the priceless Dunkin’ Donuts. I first became interested in this American breakfast restaurant, when I first took a bite of the outstanding Boston Creme Donut. After the delicious doughnut, I began to wonder about the history. Who created Dunkin’ Donuts? Why did they create

  • Analysis of Dunkin Brands

    1134 Words  | 3 Pages

    The first Dunkin Donuts was opened in 1950 by founder Mr. Bill Rosenburg in Quincy, MA. Five years later the very first franchised branch was licensed. Sixty years later, under “Dunkin Brands Inc.”, there are now over 10,000 stores including more than 7,000 franchised locations, all in 36 of the United States. There are over 3,000 Dunkin stores internationally in 32 countries other than the United States. Dunkin' Brands Group, Inc. is one of the world's leading franchisors of quick service restaurants

  • Starbucks and Dunkin' Donuts

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    Starbucks and Dunkin' Donuts Coffee has been around the market and homes for a very long time now. The first coffee shop in the United States opened in 1697 in New York. Today, nearly two-thirds of americans drink coffee. Coffee is usually associated with 'waking up' or 'staying awake' due to your high caffeine level, and it's invevitable to these two coffee chains be overcrowded during the rush hours in the morning. Coffee shops are always trying to innovate with different coffee flavor or mixtures

  • Analysis Of Dunkin Donuts '

    917 Words  | 2 Pages

    All of a sudden I found myself thinking sociologically when I was in Dunkin donuts and all the customers were there I 'm working in Dunkin donuts as an employee only in weekends. so It was Saturday, and the climate was almost beautiful and sunny so it was a quite busy day. All the customers were coming and giving their orders. I was just a mere observer watching how people were interacting. There were all group age people from a child to a young and an old person. Also, there were American, Indian

  • Swot Analysis Of Dunkin Donuts

    1065 Words  | 3 Pages

    need their coffee fast and at a reasonable price. That’s were Dunkin’ Donuts comes into play. Dunkin’ Donuts is one of the leading coffee houses not only in the United States but globally as well. However, Dunkin Dounts has a powerful competitor, Star Bucks. These two coffee chains are reaching out to their target market in different styles that make each business successful. Branding plays a big role in a successful business. Dunkin’ Donuts has a fast pace atmosphere, meaning that people that

  • Dunkin Donuts Job Analysis

    1020 Words  | 3 Pages

    the district. Job design, organizational design, recruiting and selection, training and performance appraisals are all to be considered. All functions are key factors in managing the entire district of Dunkin Donut stores. This paper will describe the job function of a district manager at Dunkin Donuts. There will be a description of job design, organizational design, recruiting and selection, and training and performance appraisals. The job design process is crucial as it can play a big factor

  • Dunkin Donuts Research Paper

    651 Words  | 2 Pages

    America runs on Dunkin.” – Dunkin’ Donuts It’s impeccable how much impact a cup of coffee has on society. After all, it is supposedly what keeps America running every day. But, it’s not just one cup of coffee. It’s a series of excellent products, positive experiences, consistency, great service, affordable prices, location accessibility and more that help Dunkin’ Donuts provide 40 countries with coffee and its side-kick of donuts (Dunkin' Donuts, 2014). As a low-cost consumer good, coffee providers

  • Dunkin’ Donuts in South Korea

    620 Words  | 2 Pages

    a whole, continues to improve. Dunkin’ Brands, Inc., a global player in the fast food business, while targeting Asia for its global expansion, concluded that South Korea’s economy was stronger than those of other Asian countries. Dunkin’ Brands, Inc. launched in South Korea in 1992. Dunkin’ cited the fact that U.S. Military troops have long been a presence in South Korea, which has allowed South Koreans to be exposed to Western influences and which makes the Dunkin’ Donuts brand familiar to South

  • Case Study Of Dunkin Donuts

    1260 Words  | 3 Pages

    When I heard from my management professor Cory that we have to do an interview for our papers, I got very excited. However, my excitement got little pale after a while because I did not know who to interview. There is a Dunkin Donuts near my house. I go there almost every day at least once for my coffee. Their employees are always very nice to me. Therefore, I decided to interview their assistant manager whose name is Junayed. His role is to help employees and also managing the whole store. He helps

  • Marketing Research and Dunkin Donuts

    847 Words  | 2 Pages

    confident about it. The company instituted the rule never leaving a pot of coffee on the burner for more than 18 minutes while the business is so committed to coffee quality and coffee consistency that become a major selling point to their consumers. Dunkin’ Donuts standards are the tightest in the industries. Actually, no other companies that throws their coffee away after 18 minutes” (Kotler & Keller, 2012 b). Works Cited Kotler, P., & Keller, K. L. (2012 a). Marketing Management (14th ed.). Boston

  • Analysis of Yummy Dunkin Donuts

    2152 Words  | 5 Pages

    INTRODUCTION Dunkin' Donuts is an American global doughnut company and coffeehouse chain based in Canton, Massachusetts and was founded in 1950. It all started out when the founder of Dunkin’ Donuts made an investment of $5,000 to start out a company named Industrial Luncheon Services. The company delivers snacks and meals during coffee breaks for customers living in the borders of Boston. The company was a success and William Rosenberg decided to open his very first shop that sells coffee and

  • Dunkin Donuts: District Manager

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    My name is Todd McBride and I have been promoted to become your district manager. This has been a goal of mine since I have been employed at Dunkin Donuts. I am honored to become the district manager. I will follow the Dunkin Donuts Brands’ core values, which include honesty, fairness, responsibility, transparency, respect, integrity, and humility. (Dunkin Donuts, 2017) I have planned my approach as district manager and I would love to share insight and knowledge. I will include my job design, organizational

  • Dunkin Donuts Case Study

    856 Words  | 2 Pages

    Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donuts both have competitive advantage in the coffee industry. Dunkin’ Donuts have focused on a strategy of becoming a cost leader in the U.S. coffee and snack shop industry. Their strategy involves offering the same or better quality service at a price that is less than its competition (Dunkin’ Donuts, 2016). They also have been able to establish relationship with their suppliers, which have been able to keep costs low. Overall, by keeping their stores and franchises consistent

  • Swot Analysis For Dunkin Donuts

    1269 Words  | 3 Pages

    Another night, another tray, another 12 donuts gone to waste. The current nightly routine at Dunkin Donuts is to throw out the donuts, muffins, and bagels at the end of the night. Sometimes that number is high and we fill multiple large trashcans. Our current system of counting the waste so we know how many to order the next week is a good system, but it is not enough. Every day is different and even though we plan we can still have way too much leftovers. I would like to purpose that instead of

  • Customer Service At Dunkin Donut

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    service business, DNKN heavily relies on positive personal experiences. Exceptional customer service is one of DNKN’s competitive advantages. A key to customer satisfaction is employee wellbeing and satisfaction (Class Notes). Unfortunately, only 50% of Dunkin’ Donut employees would recommend working at the company to a friend. In comparison, Starbucks is 80% (Glassdoor, 2018). With unhappy employees, DNKN runs the risk of decreased productivity, tainted brand reputation, and decreased company loyalty.

  • Dunkin Donuts Code of Ethics Analysis

    1531 Words  | 4 Pages

    guidelines and the establishment would resemble a crazy house. Consider the establishment, Dunkin Donuts. Dunkin Donuts is a food establishment well-known for their famous donuts, coffee and their slogan “America runs on Dunkin”. Without a code of ethics, the industry would most likely be extremely hard to control. Within the Code of Ethics document there are a set of rules. One important rule for the workers of Dunkin Donuts to go by is Partnering with others. How the workers of the establishment partner

  • Dunkin Donuts Reflective Report

    1134 Words  | 3 Pages

    About a week after getting breakfast with the Vo family I made a phone call to Ms. Vo and asked her if Tammy and herself would like to meet at the Dunkin Donuts near their house later that day at 3:30. I had informed Ms. Vo that I wanted to not only treat her and Tammy for being so cooperative with this assignment, but to share resources and any helpful information I could provide to Ms. Vo to make any hardships less tedious. My goal for this contact was to mainly express my sincere thanks for her

  • Dunkin Donuts: Time To Make A Change

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    Dunkin' Donuts: Time to Make a Change 1. The environmental forces affecting Dunkin Donuts are: Socio-Cultural- Due to the numerous cultures present in Dunkin' Donuts' target market, the company as a whole must be in continuous change in order to keep up with its consumers. Dunkin Donuts must keep in mind the age, income, occupation, and most importantly the lifestyles of their customers if they wish to succeed in such a competitive market. As an answer to this problem, the company has implemented

  • Compare And Contrast Dunkin Donuts And Starbucks

    950 Words  | 2 Pages

    function throughout the day. Amongst the shops where the coffee lovers go to, Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks are by far the most popular. Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks are two largest chains that specialize in coffee. They have many competing factors that compel customers to purchase coffee and food items at each place. Overall, Dunkin Donuts is less superior in its products, appearance, and services compared to Starbucks. Dunkin Donuts is known for its wide array of products. It has a considerable amount

  • Compare And Contrast Starbucks And Dunkin Donuts

    1344 Words  | 3 Pages

    Two of the largest international competitors in today's coffee world are Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts. Both of these companies are recognizable throughout the world not only for the services and products they provide but also for their great success. These companies are both multifaceted, owning several smaller brands and expanding regularly. While there is evidence that stocks for both these companies have grown over the years, the past month has been a volatile one in the stock market, which can