Douglas Mcgregor Essays

  • Is The Human Side Of Enterprise By Douglas Mcgregor's The Human Side Of Enterprise?

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    In “The Human Side of Enterprise” Douglas McGregor defines two different sets of assumption about human nature and the way it influences the behavior of the individual; especially how managers react towards their employees. McGregor illustrates a way to effectively manage people through Theory X and Theory Y. McGregor proposed two types of managers, one who had a negative view of their employee, which was known as Theory X, and one assumed a positive view of their employees, which was known

  • Theory Y

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    developed by Douglas M. McGregor. They are often compared and contrasted however, for the purposes of this paper the primary focus will be on Theory Y. It is important to note the differences between the two theories to understand why Theory Y is thought to be superior. McGregor was intrigued by what motivated people to work hard and how leaders could foster their motivation (Bobic and Davis, 2003, p. 241). He also wanted to know why so many workerss were not happy with their jobs (McGregor, 1060, p

  • The Neoclassical Organizational Theory

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    The neoclassical organizational theory, which evolved as a reaction to the rigid, authoritarian structure of the classical organizational theory, focuses on the importance of human relations and behavior in the workplace (Docherty et al., 2001). According to the classical organizational theory, there is a single best method to designing an organization. Based on this theory, a manager must have close control over their subordinates, resulting in an organization with tall hierarchies and a narrow

  • Theory X and Theory Y Leadership Model

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    has been put in charge to evaluate and help to improve the performance of Dimitri Petrou who is Konigsbrau-Hellas AE's commercial director. The performance of Petrou has been a concern to Keller according to Gabarro (1997). Theory X and Theory Y by McGregor (1960) will evaluate the leadership style of both Keller and Petrou. According to Business Balls (n.d) who explain the Theory X and Theory Y describe particular characteristics of each manager. The characteristics listed in this theory describe Wolfgang

  • Valve Company Case Study

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    Under, Douglas McGregor’s theory Y it states that “people enjoy the mental and physical purpose that work provides”. Without having a structure which provides managers, no one person can give formal recognition to good employees, therefore not allowing for more

  • Gregor's Theory Y Play At Whole Foods Summary

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    What role, if any, does McGregor's Theory Y play at Whole Foods? Explain McGregor has written two theories about human nature. Theory X basically assumes that people will do the least amount of work required of them. That they will need to be monitored and workers will need a set of rules for every employee to follow . There is also no incentive for them to go above their current job duty. Theory Y basically believes that if you give the employee the opportunity to do well the employee will take

  • Theory Y, The Pygmalion Effect, And Self-Concept

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    Question # 2: Identify similarities and differences among Theory X and Theory Y, the Pygmalion effect, and self-concept. Oxford Dictionaries defines attitude as a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in a person’s behavior (Attitude, n.d.). There are numerous assumptions about attitude and human behavior regarding how leaders interact with followers which can forecast productivity and success levels of both in their roles. As indicated by

  • Theory Y, The Pygmalion Effect, And Self-Theory

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    Question # 2: Identify similarities and differences among Theory X and Theory Y, the Pygmalion effect, and self-concept. Oxford Dictionaries defines attitude as a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in a person’s behavior (Attitude, n.d.). There are numerous assumptions about attitude and human behavior in regards to how leaders interact with followers which can forecast productivity and success levels of both in their roles. As indicated

  • What Authoritarian Leadership Is

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    out and get it right. NOT MEETING TARGETS This could be related to all Public Services. For Example the fire service: they aren't responding to 999 calls fast enough…the reason for this is that there is poor motivation in the ranks. Douglas McGregor's theory of motivation includes, Theory X and Y. The first of these management styles is assumption of the mediocrity of the masses. THEORY X 1. Workers must be supervised, or quality and quantity of output

  • Douglas McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y

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    Douglas McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y Biography of Douglas McGregor Douglas McGregor was born on 1906 in Detroit, America. In 1895, it was here that his grandfather, Thomas McGregor started his business and given its name as, McGregor Institute. The business provides assistance to Great Lakes sailors and other transient labour. The Institute provided shelter, warmth and food to approximately 100 men every year. When Thomas McGregor passed away, his son Murray McGregor (Douglas’s father)

  • Employee Motivation - Theory and Practice

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    fulfilled, the person seeks to fulfill the next higher level. This progression leads to self actualization as being the highest level (Daft and Marcic 447-49). Another best known contributor to the behavior of individuals at work was Douglas McGregor. McGregor had an extensive background in management and consultation; he was also a trained psychologist (Daft and Marcic 37). In 1960, he published a book called, ?The Human Side of Enterprise.? In his book he examined two models which he called

  • Compare The Management Theories Of Frederick Taylor, Henri Fayol, Elton Mayo And Douglas Mcgregor

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    Administrative Management. In the late 1920’s and early 1930’s the Hawthorne studies were conducted where Elton Mayo was the predominate figure and contributed to the Behavioural viewpoint. This brought about a Human Relations Movement which included Douglas McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y approach. Similarities and differences can be found between the theories due to the relevant time period they were implemented, the motives or goal of the theory and how they view organisations. However the use of

  • Comparing Management Theories Of Frederick Taylor, Henri Fayol, Elton Mayo And Douglas Mcgregor

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    Compare and contrast the management theories of Frederick Taylor, Henri Fayol, Elton Mayo and Douglas McGregor. In what sense(s) are these theories similar and/or compatible? In what sense(s) are these theories dissimilar and/or incompatible? How would a contingency theorist reconcile the points of dissimilarity and/or incompatibility between these approaches? The twentieth century has brought in a number of management theories which have helped shaped our view of management in the present

  • McGregor and Big Sandy Lake, Minnesota

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    McGregor and Big Sandy Lake, Minnesota My favorite place to be would be the city and are of McGregor Minnesota. About eight miles north of the small town is Big Sandy Lake, which is where my cabin is located. This is truly my favorite place to be, especially during the warm summer months. McGregor, a small town of only about four hundred people, is located in a wooded area with many lakes, streams and river. The biggest lake is Big Sandy and is approximately seven thousand acres of water

  • Frederic Douglas Slave Songs

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    expression of truth. In an environment which otherwise punished truth, slave songs were a subversive way to communicate the truthfulness of both sorrow and refusal to abandon hope. In Douglas’ narrative the slave songs express the hatred of slavery, dehumanization of the victims, and were often misinterpreted by Northerners. Douglas expresses his concern that listeners interpreted the slaves as happy and singing because of delight. If only the Northerners caught a glimpse of the lives the slaves led and melted

  • Where the Girls Are: Growing Up Female with the Mass Media by Susan Douglas

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    Media by Susan Douglas In "Where the girls are: Growing Up Female With the Mass Media," Susan Douglas analyses the effects of mass media on women of the nineteen fifties, and more importantly on the teenage girls of the baby boom era. Douglas explains why women have been torn in conflicting directions and are still struggling today to identify themselves and their roles. Douglas recounts and dissects the ambiguous messages imprinted on the feminine psyche via the media. Douglas maintains that

  • Dandelion Wine

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    Dandelion Wine Dandelion wine was a story about a twelve-year old boy named, Douglas Spaulding. Douglas was just a typical twelve year old boy, who lived to play, run around and do what any other twelve year old would do. Not a very physically fit person, but it didn't really seem to matter. He was a person who got what he wanted, not by whining for it, but by keeping his mind on whatever he wanted and setting out a goal for it. He was a happy boy and not many problems, till now, and he had a younger

  • The warmth of human emotion

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    warmth in regards to the characters Zoe and Douglas. As the story unfolds there is a sense of coldness surrounding the community. The setting stage for the action is in fact a community in a cold winter. Through warmth is how one reaches one’s own comfort level. It is noted to the extent that one must almost search for the warmth inside one’s self to achieve this comfort. In the case of Zoe she achieves warmth though emotional stability. Both Zoe and Douglas do search for this but by intention are both

  • Lincoln - Douglas Debate

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    Affirmative Case Introduction- "We must use every tool of diplomacy and law we have available, while maintaining both the capacity and the resolve to defend freedom. We must have the vision to explore new avenues when familiar ones seem closed. And we must go forward with a will as great as our goal – to build a practical peace that will endure through the remaining years of this century and far into the next.” Because I believe so strongly in the words of U.S. Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright

  • Role of Police Reports In the Law Enforcement Community

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    A discourse community is a community that shares common goals, language, and genres. Law enforcement officers belong to their own discourse community in which they are united in their overall purpose: to protect and serve. An oath they take when sworn in as officers. Law enforcement officers seem to speak a common language that, to a civilian, is foreign. We’ve all heard the famous “10-4” comment for “understood” or “got it” on police shows and in action movies. Pretty much everything that comes