Distance Education Distance learning is a form of education in which the instructor and student are separated. As advances in technology rapidly progress, the interest in distance education has grown as well and has thus become more common. Technology has given this kind of learning numerous possibilities. There are various forms of distance education used alone or in combination. These technologies provide many opportunities for education, but not with out a few restrictions. There is
Distance Education Abstract The purpose of my paper is to discuss distance education: What is it? What is its effect on education and the world? How will educators be affected? What are the pros and cons surrounding its use? What is distance education? "Although the term ‘distance education’ is of relatively recent coinage, the concept of ‘learning at a distance’ is not new at all. For example, correspondence courses first appeared in Germany, England, and the United States in
Introduction Distance education refers to technology-based instruction in which students are at a location physically separated from their instructor during the entire course of study (Lei & Gupta). Distance education began in Europe with correspondence schools (Hull, 2009). The primary purpose of these correspondence schools was to teach shorthand (Hull, 2009). The United States adopted the idea around 1980, and it was primary used for broadening vocational training for mining, and state college
My journey in the Masters of Distance Education Teaching and Training program began summer of 2009 when I completed the Webtycho introductory course to become familiar with the online course management structure, a course that is mandatory for all new online learners. Although I completed the orientation twice before I decided on a major, I liked the convenience of learning from home, and the opportunity to complete an introductory course to prepare me for the learning infrastructure. This mode
and reworked the definition of distance education over the last century. Schlosser and Simonson (2002) outlined four elements that define distance education: that it is associated with an institution, that the teacher and learner are separated, that the learning is done via interactive communication media and that these media connect the teachers with the learners and the course material. Schlosser and Simonson (2002) also described the definitions of distance education described by other researchers
Distance Education is presently a compulsory option for education in developing countries. The emergence of distance learning has ben on the increase as a result of the advancement of information technology. The main objective of this research study is to understand as to what are the attitudes and perceptions of the Nigerian students towards the distance learning so as to know the way forward, if distance learning in Nigeria should be developed and sustained. The author will examine the effectiveness
Distance education as we know it materialized in the 1960s, and although it predominantly consisted as a self-directed learning method (correspondence courses, with textbooks and previously prepared lessons), it presented opportunities for the working populace to receive an education; however, it was also the foundation of an emerging issue which accompanied distance education and continued to adversely develop as time progressed, yet modern online learning has been enhanced by the theories of illustrious
Starting in the early 1980’s, quality has become a key theme in education. The reasons are not hard to find. Higher education is witnessing rapid changes like shift from elite system to ‘massification’, more diverse learner groups joining higher education, importance of education and training in the new knowledge society, emergence of private providers, growing internationalization of education, shrinking public investment and a general perception that educational institutions are far from successful
Introduction Distance education offers students a convenient path to education. It is a way of learning that does not require a face-to-face interaction. The course curriculum for distance education can be given to the learner in two forms. Instruction can either be totally distance or hybrid which can be a combination of classroom and distance learning. There are issues that can affect this type of education such as technology and communication. This discussion will further examine the issue regarding
The Benefits and Future of Distance Education What is Distance Education? Education has traditionally consisted of a student or group of students receiving instruction from a teacher; with everyone involved in one location. Distance education is changing the way instruction happens today. Distance education is "the acquisition of knowledge and/or skills wherein time and/or space separates the learner and provider" (McMahan 4). Distance education in its most basic sense happens when student(s)
Student Survival Guide for Distance Learning Education Introduction Learning can be a difficult task to anyone who wants to expand his or her knowledge. With the help of online schools, learning has stepped into a new environment that is growing rapidly. Secondary education is now possible for students who want to complete his or her degree online. This might not necessarily be the ideal education for some students but it is perfect for others. A student in an online school must learn to use
promising distance education When you are walking in a street, you can often see that people usually carry with smart phones. As what we can see on today’s society, high-technology products such as smart phones and computers, are frequently used by people. As the technology of Internet high-tech network develops, distance education, also known as distance learning, is widely used by many students in recent years. According to Wikipedia, which is a globally well-known reference website, distance education
Introduction: Distance learning or distance education is not a new concept. They are different definitions for distance education. All of them have one thing in common: facilitating learning. Based on Nipper[] they are 3 generations of distance learning. Print technology is the first generation where the technology of printing press along with postal services is widely used for hundreds of years and known as correspondence learning. In the second generation, broadcasting power of radio and television
The Distance Education Accrediting Commission is recorded by the U.S. Bureau of Education as a broadly perceived certifying organization. The Distance Education Accrediting Commission is a perceived individual from the Council for Higher Education Accreditation. How does DEAC accreditation advantage you? Accreditation exhibits that we meet carefully looked into quality models set by an outsider certifying organization. As characterized by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission
challenges impeding the effective implementation of distance learning. It explain the characteristics of distance learning and how emerging technology can be effectively employ to bring about the desired learning outcomes among learners. The study highlight the Pros and Cons of distance learning and suggestions for maximizing it advantages was discussed. Introduction The term distance learning are interchangeably use as distance education, distributed learning, correspondent learning, web
Healthcare Informatics Issue: Distance Education Alyssa Bilger NUR 515: Healthcare Informatics Missouri State University Introduction Education that is provided at a distance is being improved daily. But what is distance education? According to the California Distance Learning Project (DLP) distance education is an instructional delivery system that connects learners with educational resources. Distance education provides access to education for students that are not enrolled in traditional
of the information available is in the form of anecdotal reports. In addition, magnitude of online education points to the need for more research. The cost of online education, combined with the numbers of students involved, clearly justify this line of research. The primary audience for this research are policymakers. These individuals are not directly responsible for delivering the online education; however, they decide the class size for the online classes. These individuals range from those in
November 2, 2011, from U.S. Department of Education website: http://www2.ed.gov/programs/atsg/index.html Stodden , R. A., Roberts , K. D., Picklesimer, T., Jackson , D., & Chang , C. (2006). An analysis of assistive technology supports and services offered in postsecondary educational institutions. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 24(1), 111-120. Stumbo , N. J., Martin , J. K., & Hedrick , B. N. (2009). Assistive technology: Impact on education, employment, and independence of individuals
Technologies of online learning (e-Learning). In T. Anderson. & F. Elloumi (Eds.), Theory and practice of online learning (pp. 115-135). Retrieved February 6, 2011 from http://cde.athabascau.ca/online_book/ch5.html Moore, M., & Kearsley, G. (2005). Distance Education. Belmont: Wadsworth Pub. Co.
Introduction Online learning, also known as distance learning or online learning, has become a new and successful means of receiving an education in a highly technologically enhanced environment (Regan, Evmenova, Baker, Jerome, Spencer, Lawson, & Werner, 2012). Kaymak and Horzum (2013) defined online learning as using Internet technology to gain knowledge and skills through the use of synchronous and asynchronous learning tools. Allen and Seaman (2013) stated that about 6.7 million students attending