Disciple Today Essays

  • Discipleship

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    find them and then chose them to be his followers. He called them disciples and this word means one who learns. But Jesus chose his disciples carefully as we are told in Mark 1:16-20 and also in Mark 3:13-19. In the first passage, Jesus appoints his first four disciples, Simon, Andrew, James and John. Jesus said to them “Come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” (Mark 1:17) In Mark 2:13-17, Jesus calls up the fifth disciple, Levi who was a tax collector, and Jesus later renamed him Matthew

  • Jesus' Choice of Disciples

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    Jesus' Choice of Disciples ‘Jesus made a mistake in choosing his disciples, they all failed miserably.’ Initially, this statement presents many views and arguments, as it is a very controversial one. I am trying to weigh up and examine these opinions in order to then form my own based on my initial views and feelings. It is definite from Mark’s Gospel that the disciples did fail on many occasions. Stories in the bible show us the nature of their failure and we can decide form this

  • The Churches Of Christ: A Comparative Essay

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    the four churches held a synod meeting in Cleveland, Ohio, to commit more fully to unity, liberty, freedom in Christ, and the evangelism of the world. These groups, under the head of the Uniting General Synod, became the United Churches of Christ. Today the CoC has over two thousand registered churches in the world. By 1979, the roots of the CoC were firmly in place. It was then that Chuck Lucas, a pastor at the Gainesville Church of Christ (mainline), met a young college student, Kip McKean, and

  • Analysis of Leonardo da Vinci's 'The Last Supper'

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    The Last Supper The Last Supper was a very powerful Biblical event, in which Jesus and his disciples gathered for one final dinner together. According to the Bible, important events took place during the Last Supper, including an announcement by Jesus that one of his disciples would betray him and the first communion. To artists in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, it was necessary to give proper deference to such notable occurrences. Both Leonardo da Vinci and Jacopo Robusti

  • Holy Fasting

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    People who have willingly chosen to become Jesus disciples are required to partake in the fellowship of Christs sufferings. While we are not meant to nail ourselves on the cross and re-live the suffering by Jesus at Calvary, yet we are asked by God to deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Him. Fasting, from many years even before Christ, was a symbol of a person humbling him or her self to show God that he or she is sincere in seeking Gods blessings. Fasting is serious business, but it can

  • The Teachings of Confucius

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    nation at one time. He decided that he was the one who should restore the faith and practices of the old emperors and wise men. Since Confucius was not able to gain an official position in China, he spent most of his life teaching a core group of disciples. The main idea of Confucius’ philosophy was to provide rules and traditions for every conceivable situation in every day life. He was concerned with all the misery in the world, and he hoped that making men noble would bring about a noble world

  • Abortion Essay - GOD is Pro-life

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    matter; DO NOT KILL THE INNOCENT and righteous. For I will not justify the wicked Next, we ought to address our second question: Why not sit on our hands, and wait for the Lord to take us out of the wicked world? This is a very pertinent question today, and it directly affects a large percentage of evangelical Christians in America. Many are silent on abortion (and other abominations) because they believe that they can do nothing, and that the darker the days become the closer the coming of the Lord

  • Stewardship

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    we need to concentrate on while going through our own Christian walk. We live in a society that is very individualistic, concentrating on whatever will bring pleasure and make us feel good. Stewardship definitely doesn’t fit into the way society is today. Before going to far into this, what exactly is stewardship? Stewardship is taking care of or managing every God-given resource with an attitude of responsibility directing such resources for his intended purposes. To truly understand stewardship,

  • The Call to a Rewarding Service

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    should have the understanding that, our calling is not for a religion but a person – Jesus. Our calling is to life and service. This is where I am going to speak today. Our calling comes from a gracious and generous God who Himself initiated the call. God is very merciful and gracious to us humans. The Lord Jesus told His disciples, “You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in

  • Forgiveness

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    understand how this can be let us first look at the general background of the development of the Sacrament of Penance. The Sacrament of Penance has it's roots even as far back as the day of resurrection when Christ breathed out the spirit on the disciples and said to them, 'Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive anyone's sins, they are forgiven; if you retain anyone's sins, they are retained.' (John 20:22-23). In Paul's second letter to the Corinthians we see Paul developing this teaching of Christ

  • The Devils Disciples

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    The Devils Disciples King James II’s rise to power in the 1680s became an extremely turbulent time for all under his reign. This was primary due to Catholic versus Protestant relations. Unlike his brother Charles II, James II openly professed his Catholic beliefs and granted religious freedom to all. Aside from religious toleration, his appointing of Catholics to high government posts enraged the Protestant colonialists even more. One individual was Governor Andros. He wrongfully imposed taxes

  • Jesus Role as Reigning King

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    this conversation between the angel and Mary took place it had be PROPHECY years ago about this KINGSHIP. Opens bibles to Daniel 7: 13, & 14. When Jesus was on EARTH and BEFORE his death . . . it was FIRMLY established by his disciples that he was the Son of God . . . and would be the KING of God’s kingdom. That is why the people said . . at Luke 19: 38 “ BLESSED IS THE ONE COMING AS THE KING . . .IN JEHOVAH’S NAME. “ Jehovah has GREAT LOVE for his son, who OFFERED HIMSELF

  • Personal Theology of Discipleship

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    the revelation of God, and is reality, not theory (Himes, 2011). A personal practical theology must begin with revelation, not the individual (Himes, 2011), and proclaim the truth in a way that impacts, equips, and mobilizes the believer to make disciples in the genre of God’s choosing. Review of Discipleship Models Since Jesus issued the Great Commission, many systems have been put in place to obey this command. Three models were reviewed in order to ascertain best practices and obeying this command

  • Confucius on Humanity

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    maintained vitality throughout history. Confucius explained humanity as 'to love the people,' or 'to love the masses extensively.' This led him to provide equal opportunities in education and to carry out teaching activities in dialogue with his disciples. The overall development of everyone's potential ability constitutes the most important part of Confucius' notion of humanity. He practiced moral education, intellectual education, physical education and aesthetic education through his 'six artcrafts':

  • Comparison of the Gospels

    586 Words  | 2 Pages

    Matthew chapter 12 begins with Jesus walking through the cornfields with his disciples when they became hungry. Because of their hunger, they plucked ears of corn and began to eat. The Pharisees disagreed with them doing this, not because they were eating someone else’s corn but for doing it on the Sabbath. They complained to their master about them doing what was against the law on the Sabbath (v 5). Jesus came to his disciples’ defense by referring to two incidents. The first incident is of David, where

  • Acts 2: 1-18

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    Acts 2: 1-18 In the beginning of Acts 2, the disciples had returned to Jerusalem from Mt. Olivet. They had seen the ascension of Jesus, but they weren't sad, as some might have expected. Jesus had promised to send a Comforter, and they could hardly wait. They were excited and were gathered in the temple, praising God and waiting. Luke 24: 53 reads that they were "continually in the temple, praising and blessing God." They remembered the words that Jesus said, "Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father

  • True Discipleship By John Koessler: Summary

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    takes this harmony and translates it into the obligation of disciples; to obey and cultivate in grace. My paper will revolved around what the author writes about the lifestyle qualities of true discipleship. The book explains that they are obedience, abiding fruit, and love. These are the areas that I feel

  • one flew over the cuckoos nest

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    In the book One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest by Ken Kesey the use of Christ imagery is overall effective. One of the first images was the fishing trip planned by McMurphy because only twelve people went and Jesus took twelve disciples with him on a fishing trip. Billy Bibbits turning on McMurphy near the end by admitting that he was involved in McMurphys plan was like Judas admitting he participated with Jesus. Towards the end of the story McMurphy is a martyr just like Jesus because the patients

  • Miracles of Jesus in the Bible

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    John's purpose for writing the Gospel of John is given to us in John 20: 30 - 31: " And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book: But these are written that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name. The sign miracles that John writes about are turning water into wine, curing the nobleman's son, curing the lame man, feeding the multitude, walking on water, giving sight

  • Foot Washing in The Gospel of John

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    Foot Washing in The Gospel of John Christ washed his disciples’ feet that he might give a proof of that great love wherewith he loved them. Christ washed his disciple’s feet that he might signify to them spiritual washing, and the cleansing of the soul from the pollutions of sin. Christ washed his disciple’s feet that he might give an instance of his own wonderful humility, and show how lowly and condescending he was, and let all the world know how low he could stoop in love to his own. Christ