Digestive Enzymes Essays

  • Orlistat: A New Option in Weight Control

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    broken down by enzymes known as lipases and then absorbed into the body. These digestive enzymes are produced by the liver and pancreas whenever food is injected into the intestine. The enzymes aid in the absorption of nutrients from the food. Orlistat has been designed to act as an inhibitor of two enzymes: pancreatic and gastric lipases. This action reduces the hydrolysis of dietary triglycerides and prevents the absorption of free fatty acids and cholesterol (David 1997). One digestive fluid contains

  • Alcohol And Nutrition Essay

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    supply and structure maintenance. Once ingested, food must be digested so it is available for energy and maintenance of body structure and function. Alcohol inhibits the breakdown of nutrients into usable molecules by decreasing secretion of digestive enzymes from the pancreas. Alcohol impairs nutrient absorption by damaging the cells lining the stomach and intestines

  • The Rate of Hydrolysis of Sucrose

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    fructose is carried out by the presence of the enzyme Sucrase. The activity of the enzyme will be greatest at its optimum temperature since at this temperature the enzyme's tertiary structure will be correct to allow the formation of the substrate-enzyme complex quickly and efficiently. This should be at 37°C (body temperature), which is the temperature of the ileum where Sucrase is secreted and naturally functions. The first thing to say about enzymes is that they are proteins and they are found

  • Digestive Process

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    Digestive Process Digestive Process It is in the mouth, that the Thanksgiving feast begins its journey through the fabulous digestive system. It is here that the lips, cheeks and tongue, carefully position the food that the teeth will chew. This chewing process breaks up the food, this being a part of mechanical digestion. While the teeth grind up the turkey and tasty stuffings, the salivary glands begin emitting enzymes, these enzymes being contained in saliva. This saliva helps to dissolve

  • Enzymes In The Human Body

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    systems in the human body work together to maintain homeostasis and normal body function. The five major systems are the digestive, circulatory, respiratory, transportation and excretory systems. These systems are then, in turn made of organs, tissue and cells. All the systems are interrelated therefore if one system fails then it impacts the others. The function of the digestive system in the human body is to break down macromolecules into their individual monomers so the body can process them. There

  • How An Enzyme Supplement

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    Types Of Enzymes And How An Enzyme Supplement Can Help Your Body Although they don't get a lot of attention, enzymes are vital to your body's ability to digest food and absorb nutrients. Your body produces many types of enzymes, and each enzyme has a specific function. You can also take enzyme supplements to assist your body. If you know the exact nature of your digestive issue, you can take the suitable enzyme for the condition or you can take a supplement that contains a variety of enzymes to break

  • Enzymes

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    Enzymes Enzymes are the sparks that start the essential chemical reactions our bodies need to live. They are necessary for digesting food, for stimulating the brain, for providing cellular energy, and for repairing all tissues, organs, and cells. There are three types of enzymes: metabolic enzymes, digestive enzymes, and food enzymes. Metabolic enzymes catalyse, or spark, the reactions within the cells. The body's organs, tissues and cells are run by metabolic enzymes. Without them our bodies

  • The Digestive and Urinary Systems

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    Digestive and Urinary System Lesson 1: The Digestive System Terms: q     Digestion: q     Absorption: q     Elimination: q     Mastication: q     Peristalsis: q     Gastric Juices: q     Bile: Functions of the Digestive System: q     Digestion, Absorption, and Elimination. q     Digestion occurs in the digestive tract which includes: 1.     Mouth: Mastication occurs and enzymes produced by salivary glands starts digesting carbohydrates. 2.     Esophagus: 10 in. long and extends

  • Enzyme Lab Report

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    Enzymes are proteins that are macromolecule biological catalysts, catalysts are enzymes that speed up the process of a chemical reaction. Although not all enzymes are proteins to tell if something is an enzyme it will end in -ase and most sugars end in -ose. The process that occurs within every living organisms is a chemical reaction. Before a chemical reaction begins the enzymes need to go through activation energy which is energy needed to get a reaction started. During the chemical reaction substrates

  • Enzymes Essay

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    What are enzymes? Enzymes are generated by a living organism that behaves as a catalyst to carry out a clear biochemical reaction. Enzymes increases the rate of chemical reactions by lowering the free energy barrier that separates the reactants and products.Enzymes are the tools of nature and they help in breaking down our food. They speed up all necessary biological activities. The enzymes in the stomach, as an example make certain that food is break down into smaller fleck that can be transformed

  • Exploring the Industrial Importance of Lipases

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    Lipases are particularly important due to the fact that they specifically hydrolyze acyl glycerol, oils and greases, which is of great interest for different industrial applications. A lipase is any enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of fats. Lipases are a subclass of the esterase. Lipases perform essential roles in the digestion; transport and processing of dietary lipids (e.g. triglycerides, fats, oils) in most, if not all, living organisms. Genes encoding lipases are even present in certain

  • marine worms

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    symmetrical animals. They are called flatworms because their bodies are compressed. The mouth is the only opening into the digestive cavity the flatworms have. Food is taken in through this hole and wastes are discharged also through this hole. Flatworms have a well-defined nervous, muscular, excretory, and reproductive system. The flatworm distributes the food it digests through a digestive tube that branches throughout all of its body parts. The fact that the worm’s body is flat serves many purposes. It

  • Chemical Reaction Lab Report

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    Enzymes are proteins that consist of a long chain of different amino acids that increase the rate of chemical reactions by lowering activation energy. (Bbc, 2016) Activation energy is the minimum amount of energy required to activate molecules to undergo a chemical reaction, so lowering the activation energy enhances the chemical reaction, allowing it to occur faster and more often. (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2016) Chemical reactions happen within cells, with molecules called substrates. (Live Science

  • The Effects Of Emulsification On The Digestion Of Lipids

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    lipids were broken down by enzymes. I also knew little about what enzymes help break down carbohydrates, fats, and proteins; however, physically seeing it gave me a better understanding. The most pivotal role of digestive enzymes is to aid in the digestion and breakdown of foods and nutrients. Bile salts play an important role in emulsifying fats and aid in increasing lipid digestion rate. The pH of the environment in our digestion tract also affects digestive enzymes since they are more effective

  • Understanding Lactose Intolerance: Causes and Effects

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    and milk products as the carbohydrate; it can also be found in certain forms of foods. In a lactose tolerant person, the ileum secretes enzyme lactase, which catalyzes the digestion of lactose to form monosaccharides called galactose and glucose. Under normal circumstances, the body can absorb the simpler forms of sugar into the bloodstream. A deficiency in enzyme lactase causes a state of ineffective lactose breakdown. Two main conditions can cause lactose intolerance. Individuals experiencing a

  • Trypsin Lab Report

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    effects on the rate and amount of reaction that occurs. Trypsin is a biological catalyst, (a substance that speed up a reaction without being used up or changing the reaction in any way), known as an enzyme that is found in the human body. Trypsin is a protease enzyme, which means that it digests the proteins in food that is consumed. However humans, (as

  • Lactase Laboratory Report

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    Lab #6: Specificity of Enzyme Lactase Laboratory Report Introduction Enzymes are biomolecules that catalyze or assist chemical reactions. ("Enzyme Information - Disabled World", n.d.,) Without enzymes it would be impossible for an organism to carry out chemical reactions. Enzymes are proteins that carry a chemical reaction for a specific substance or nutrient. For example, the digestive enzymes help food to be broken down so it can be absorbed. Enzymes can either initiate the reaction or

  • Essay About Enzymes

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    ORT Papain Enzyme Mitchell Fieldgate Introduction: Enzymes in general are very interesting to learn from and are fundamental in carrying out processes in various organisms. Enzymes are proteins that control the speed of reactions, they help quicken the rate of the reaction and also help cells to communicate with each other. There are 3 main groups of enzymes, first are the metabolic enzymes that control breathing, thinking, talking, moving, and immunity. Next are the digestive enzymes that digest

  • The Effect of Temperature on the Rate of Respiration in Yeast

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    The first thing to say about enzymes is that they are proteins and they are found in all types of organisms from humans to viruses. They function in the body as catalysts. In other words they speed up the rate of chemical reactions in the body. Enzymes actually accelerate chemical reactions by a factor of about 1 million. Enzymes are organic catalysts. Without enzymes the metabolism of an organism would be too slow for the organism to survive. The word enzyme actually means "in yeast" as

  • Analysis Of The Digestion Of Carbohydrates By Salivary Amylase

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    In the experiment “Digestion of Carbohydrates by Salivary Amylase” this dealt with a test where amylase was observed from a saliva sample and starch mix. Salivary amylase is a digestive enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of starch of starch into simpler compounds (Saunders 1). The main function for salivary amylase is to break down starch. When it comes to starches, they are known to be complex carbohydrates. In order to see whether or not the amylase broke down the starch, you can add iodine to