Derek Jarman Essays

  • Importance Of Double Visualism In Film

    745 Words  | 2 Pages

    Double visuality the presence of painting in film: British film maker Derek Jarman studied painting at the Slade School of Art in London. Caravaggio is a compelling portrait of genius as problematic existence We see Caravaggios most famous paintings - following attributions by recent art history - created before our eyes as the models pose for the artist. Painting turns into cinematic narrative; we see the making of death of the virgin (1605-1606, Louvre) and other works while the strenuous

  • Derek Jarman’s film Blue

    4152 Words  | 9 Pages

    Derek Jarman’s film Blue I am a cock sucking Straight acting Lesbian man With ball crushing bad manners Laddish nymphomaniac politics Spunky sexist desires Of incestuous inversion and Incorrect terminology I am a Not Gay (Blue, Jarman; 1995: 119). In offering this extract from Derek Jarman’s film Blue, (England, 1993) I have established an expectation that this paper’s concern is with the sexual body of East End boot stomping, ball crushing queens. However, whilst this sequence

  • American History X

    1196 Words  | 3 Pages

    American History X Derek & Danny’s Turning Point Many factors contribute to decisions we make, often life changing decisions, like we see in “American History X” with brothers Danny and Derek. Both are active skinheads in Venice California, under command of Cameron Alexander a Neo-Nazi leader. Derek and Danny were not raised as racist, but when their father was killed by a black gang member, their views changed. Derek’s turning point for the better was during his time in jail. His brother is headed

  • John Derek's Tarzan the Ape Man

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    world. Edgar Rice Burroughs’ creation has caught the eye of entertainment in a major way. While movies of Tarzan have come and gone, a unique 1981 version of Tarzan the Ape Man stuck out. This controversial film uses the book from Jane Porter’s (Bo Derek, who is also the producer) point of view. It is a sexy film, where fantasies are fulfilled and dreams come true. The motion picture primarily focuses on Jane’s take of her relationship with Tarzan (Miles O’Keeffe). This modern version of Burroughs’

  • American History X

    1127 Words  | 3 Pages

    different either in color, race, and/or heritage; however, there are those few that hold bigoted views towards people who are different than they are. The movie American History X by Tony Kaye displays an example of people who hold bigoted views. Derek, a Neo-Nazi leader, must contend with his actions relating to his past racist views and actions. This powerful movie explores its characters thoroughly and gives reasons why people become so callous and turn towards a racist group. It also exposes

  • Ambiguities Answered in Derek Jacobi's Richard II

    1863 Words  | 4 Pages

    Ambiguities Answered in Derek Jacobi's Richard II The plain text of a script does not live and breathe as a visual performance must. Both director and actors have to make choices in a production, to interpret and make clear the plot and purpose of the play. The Derek Jacobi Richard II uses the capabilities of film to remove many of the ambiguities that plague interpretation of that text. In doing so, it creates a passionate yet ineffective King Richard who, between his own insecurity and Northumberland's

  • Death and Suicide - The Death of a Friend

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    sensed a bit of hesitation as he proceeded to read a letter as clearly as possible. The letter explained that Derek Grillos, a sophomore at our school and a good friend of mine, had died the night before. At first, my mind failed to register his name. I sat wondering who Derek Grillos was. As everyone questioned Mr. Schelle to find out who Derek was, I sat quiet. Finally, the fact that Derek, my "soccer buddy", had died hit me and hit me hard. I could feel my eyes darting back and forth in confusion

  • American History X

    2187 Words  | 5 Pages

    to others. Derek Vinyard, played by Edward Norton, starts to adopt this racist mindset that all races other than white are the downfall of society in a flashback scene where he is speaking with his father about school and his father tells him not to listen to the “nigger bullshit” of his black Social Studies teacher, Dr. Bob Sweeney played by Avery Brooks. Derek’s obvious interest in Dr. Sweeney’s lessons fades almost immediately upon hearing these words from his father and Derek begins to agree

  • Comparing Odyssey

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    an ingredient common in many stories. Odysseus and Derek are challenged with deadly obstacles and they overcome these difficulties with the help of a mentor. A guide saves both characters and assists them in their return home. Odysseus and Derek need the support and help of a trusted friend who will guide them through their dramatic adventure. Bob Sweeny, a trusted and loyal friend to Derek helped him develop into a well-rounded person. After Derek Vinyard’s father died, he fell into a self-destructive

  • Derek Walcott's Omeros and St Lucia

    1669 Words  | 4 Pages

    Omeros and St Lucia Derek Walcott’s Omeros is an epic story which fits well into the classical tradition. Its numerous echoes of Homeric writing combined with the use of characters’ names from Homer’s stories are clear evidence to the fact that there is a major parallel to Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey. There is no debate in this obvious fact. Omeros and Derek Walcott’s writing, however, are much more than a mere reproduction of classical Greek and Roman themes. Arguing

  • Parfit, the Reductionist View, and Moral Commitment

    3487 Words  | 7 Pages

    Parfit, the Reductionist View, and Moral Commitment ABSTRACT: In Reasons and Persons, Derek Parfit argues for a Reductionist View of personal identity. According to a Reductionist, persons are nothing over and above the existence of certain mental and/or physical states and their various relations. Given this, Parfit believes that facts about personal identity just consist in more particular facts concerning psychological continuity and/or connectedness, and thus that personal identity can be

  • Healing into Wholeness: Individuals Transformed into a Collective Heroic Being in Derek Walcott's Omeros

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    Healing into Wholeness: Individuals Transformed into a Collective Heroic Being in Derek Walcott's Omeros "No man is an Island, entire of himself; every man is a piece of the Continent, a part of the Main." Individual heroic deeds and characteristics are the seeds upon which a culture's values are based and these define a culture while also defining each individual's identity. Ancient and modern epics define heroic behavior through mostly male heroic figures, but female characters share an equally

  • History as the Key to Unlock the Future in Omeros:Philoctete’s Healing, Achille’s Completion, and the Narrator’s Inspiration

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    Achille’s Completion, and the Narrator’s Inspiration “Time is the metre, memory the only plot” (129) Derek Walcott forced the literary world to disagree with him when he denied that Omeros was an epic. Some critics suggest that, like his narrator, Walcott is not sure where his work belongs. Others suggest that Walcott denies its obvious genre in order to avoid being categorized. Regardless, Derek Walcott repeatedly says that the purpose of his writing is to wrestle with the duality within himself

  • History, Language and Post-colonial Issues in Brian Friel’s Translations

    768 Words  | 2 Pages

    History, Language and Post-colonial Issues in Brian Friel’s Translations Owen: Back to first principles. What are we trying to do? Yolland: Good question. Owen: We are trying to denominate and at the same time describe . . . ” Dun na nGall or Donegal? Muineachain or Monaghan? Same place, same difference? As Owen says about his own name: “Owen - Roland - what the hell. It’s only a name.” ( Translations ) For the student of post-colonial literature, what transpires in Friel’s play as the British

  • Hamlet's Sanity In Hamlet

    1097 Words  | 3 Pages

    Was Hamlet’s insanity to be present throughout the book? Sanity can be a difficult character trait to figure out, but even harder to determine his sanity. Throughout the story Hamlet presented himself as insane yet he was sane the whole time. Considering the fact of what happened after Hamlet’s first encounter with the ghost, plotting the mousetrap play on Claudius, and knowing what Claudius’ cunning plan was. The first point to agreeing on Hamlet’s sanity was what happened after he encountered the

  • Argumentative Essay On Derek Jeter

    1462 Words  | 3 Pages

    The background of the ad, with aid from the text, attempts to convey the thought that even the rich have to cope with loneliness. The dark, smoke filled ad uses a sharp contrast between the two colors. There seems an almost darkness surrounding Derek Jeter. However, Jeter has an aura of brightness surrounding him; conveying that the ad is attempting to say something else.

  • Compare And Contrast Derek Jeter And Derek Jeter

    758 Words  | 2 Pages

    Beckham Jr. and Derek Jeter both illustrate this excellently with their different body types, practice styles, and attitudes. Odell Beckham Jr. could arguably be the best receiver in the National Football League at the moment. Although he may not be an imposing force as far as size may be concerned, he gains major points for his team, the New York Giants. He is only five feet, eleven inches and 200 pounds of pure, ferocious aggression that is unleashed on

  • Here We Aren T So Quickly Analysis

    878 Words  | 2 Pages

    I chose “Here We Aren’t, So Quickly” by Johnathan Sofran Foer, and “Wake Up Call” by Megan McGuire. They have similar underlying themes and will be an interesting comparison. “Here We Aren’t, So Quickly” is about what seems to be a daydream about the future relationship between two lovers and how it evolves over the course of their adults lives. “Wake Up Call” is about the relationship between a girl and her parents as she grows up from adolescence in to young adulthood. . In “Here We Aren’t, So

  • Creative Writing: Empire Island

    1023 Words  | 3 Pages

    “If only it was as simple as planned,” thought Thomas. Reminiscing on past conversations he recalled the specific words, “Let’s keep this simple, shall we? I don’t the slightest bit of suspicion towards me. When we walk in I will give you the supplies, all you need to do is finish the deal.” After that said, the tall man wearing a trench coat walked away leaving a trail of questions to be answered, but none were asked. “Where is he?” the princess shouts. Being born into a family that caters the

  • Essay On New York Yankees Hat

    1307 Words  | 3 Pages

    “I’m at the, gamblin spot, my hands on a knot / New York Yankee cap cover my eyes, stand in one spot” This is a line from “New York State of Mind II” by Nas. The idea of a New York Yankees hat brings up more emotions than any other sports apparel in the world. For some its pride, others hatred, fear, anger, style, etc. The hat is more than just the team which is the pride and joy of a city filled with incredible historical moments ranging from joyous moments like when the citizens blazed a pathway