Customer Satisfaction Essays

  • Customer Satisfaction Analysis

    2470 Words  | 5 Pages

    Customer satisfaction is noted to be an ambiguous area with no conceptual framework, especially in public transportation (Kostakis & Pandelis, 2009). Customer Satisfaction is indeed intangible and a central concept in marketing literature (Angelova & Zekiri, 2011), business and the academic world (Tikkanen & Alajoutsijaui, 2002). It has attracted an increasing interest and importance since 1950’s till today (Bilgin, 2010). The actual manifestation of satisfaction would differ from person to person

  • Customer Satisfaction Strategies

    1040 Words  | 3 Pages

    Customer Satisfaction Strategies What is customer satisfaction? We are in the midst of a revolution in business. Some call it a customer revolution, others a quality revolution, others a service revolution. Organizations are attempting to obtain increased customer satisfaction by focusing on the quality of their products and the service provided. This movement toward quality has produced significant benefits but just like other business fads, joining and adopting the religion does not insure

  • Employee Satisfaction And Customer Satisfaction

    3392 Words  | 7 Pages

    manpower of their organization and efforts are done to increase employee satisfaction so that the quality of service will be maintained and it will lead to customer satisfaction. Various studies of human resource management and marketing management focus on the relevance of employee satisfaction on customer satisfaction and explained the connection between the employee satisfaction, employee loyalty, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty and ultimately lead to firm financial performance (Loveman,

  • Customer Expectations : Customer Satisfaction

    784 Words  | 2 Pages

    Customer Expectations Essay For what is a customer expectation, is the belief about the service or delivery that serves as standards or reference against which performance is judged or not satisfactory to a customer. Due to customers who seem too compare their perceptions beliefs on performance when evaluating or judging someone’s service, customer expectations which are a critical role to services in general in everyday life. The customer aspect is the first most critical step in delivering good

  • Customer Satisfaction Of Apple

    988 Words  | 2 Pages

    I found a video on Youtube called “Measuring Customer Satisfaction – Create Customers for Life” by Michael Leander. This video talked about how there are three different types of customers. Promoters are happy to recommend you, Passive Satisfies are not dissatisfied that are willing to change their mind, Detractors will be the customers are willing to let others know that they

  • The Relationship Of Customer Satisfaction, Customer Satisfaction, And Profitability?

    890 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the recent years, customer relationships have received considerable attention from both academics and practitioners (Berry, 1995; Gwinner et al., 1998; Palmer, 2002; Reynolds and Beatty, 1999; Amy Wong and Amrik S. Sohal, 2006). Most of the companies are struggling in attracting and maintaining profitable customer in order to create long term and valuable customer as customer relations is the important key factor for the firms to growth (Kristina Heinonen, 2014). While in today’s environment,

  • Strategic Quality Management And Customer Satisfaction Paper

    1251 Words  | 3 Pages

    Old Navy and Piperlime. Every day, Gap Inc. looks for new ways to connect with customers around the world, providing value to their shareholders and to make a positive contribution in the communities where Gap Inc. does business. Gap Inc brands have a simple, common purpose: "to make it easy for people to express their personal style" ( 2007). Gap Inc. constantly evolves each brand to better meet their customers' needs — through innovative and inspiring design; through convenient and engaging

  • Analysis Of Starbucks And Customer Satisfaction

    946 Words  | 2 Pages

    Starbucks’ customer satisfaction. Currently, Starbucks “snap shot” program of mystery shoppers shows a picture that the stores are operating effectively in the areas they fell to improve customer satisfaction. However, recent surveys have revealed that the company’s perception of what drives customer satisfaction differs from the actual expectations of the customer. As per the company’s 2010 Annual Report, customer satisfaction scores continues to increase on the basis of good customer service/speed

  • Customer Loyalty and Customer Satisfaction in a Hotel

    1949 Words  | 4 Pages

    Customer satisfaction index 1. Safety: Personal safety, Protection safety and Storage safety 2. Convenient: Help unload luggage, Quick checkout, Alternative way of consumption and appropriate reimbursement bills 3. Private: Quiet rest environment, Secret receive a visitor and Hidden gifts distribution method 4. Respect: Initiative to say hello, Call the office and Help them call a car, etc. Customer loyalty: Customer loyalty related to the degree of customer satisfaction, it is a quantitative

  • Customer Satisfaction Definition Essay

    1589 Words  | 4 Pages

    definitions According to (Brandt, 1997) companies occasionally fails to create a relationship between measuring satisfaction factors with loyalty, which then creates a challenge to maintain the adequate level of satisfaction level being about to provide to their customers cited in (Wilson, 2002). Another author mentions that even attaining a linkage of relationship in enabling the customer to feel satisfied, it does not always result to consumer being loyal to a particular brand as there could be external

  • Research Proposal: Customer Satisfaction

    1212 Words  | 3 Pages

    Introduction The goal of my research is to examine and find internal ways to distinguish customer satisfaction among one of the nations largest telecommunication company. The services offered include a range of telecommunications services, including wireless communications; local exchange services; long-distance services; data/broadband and internet services; video services; telecommunications equipment; managed networking; and wholesale services (Wireless Telecommunication Services Industry Profile:

  • The Importance Of Customer Satisfaction In The Supermarket

    850 Words  | 2 Pages

    Customer satisfaction is the overriding factor for the successful operation. Sales of the supermarket can grow when it makes its customers satisfied with the goods or services by best policy to fit customers’ requirement. So, it can be told that customer satisfaction is followed by customer revisiting or repurchasing. They can also tell their acquaintances about products or services as good. Customer satisfaction and sales might be linked directly, companies have to check the factors periodically

  • How Does Customer Satisfaction Affect Customer Loyalty?

    1350 Words  | 3 Pages

    perform the services accurately and dependably), Responsiveness (willingness to help customers and provide prompt services), Empathy (caring and individualized attention given to customers, which includes both access to and understanding of the customers and Assurance (providers’ knowledge, courtesy and ability to convey trust and confidence) (Parasuraman et al., 1991). From the above literature customer satisfaction is a key factor in increasing organization profitability. It is however important to

  • Customer Satisfaction: Cell Phones

    717 Words  | 2 Pages

    Customer satisfaction is a fundamental marketing construct in the last decades. The concept was not popular in the past and not accepted as well because companies thought it was more important to gain new customers than retain the current customers. However, presently, companies have greater understanding of the significance of customer satisfaction and adopted it as a high priority operational goal. Measuring the level of customer satisfaction is very important for today’s businesses. Businesses

  • Does Davao Pasalubong Center Provide Satisfaction of Customers?

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    maintain the satisfaction of customers. Nowadays, it is very critical for businesses to focus in giving customer satisfaction because this is the key for a sustainable competitive advantage. In the United States, they found out that sometimes simple things can make a difference. Simple act of vendors smiling, the quality product that you sell, cozy ambiance and the affordable price can boost customer’s satisfaction (Hetter, 2013). In the Philippines, a feeling of satisfaction arises every time

  • Important Essancement: The Importance Of Customer Satisfaction

    1104 Words  | 3 Pages

    satisfaction could not be defined only standard or quality of product it is about relationships between the customer and product or service and the provider of a product or service. It is a highly personal assessment and is is greatly influenced by individual expectations. Some definitions are based on the observation that customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction results from either the confirmation or disconfirmation of individual expectations regarding a service or product. In order to avoid difficulties

  • Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction And Customer Loyalty In The Retail Industry

    822 Words  | 2 Pages

    investigation of the association among Service quality, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty in the retail sector” 1. Introduction In current competitive and dynamic business setting, it is not something easy for a company to distinguish itself from rival firms, both in terms of quality and quantity. On the other hand, the changing business environment along with the increased level of customers’ power are pushing the companies towards the customer focused business strategies for creating long term

  • Customer Satisfaction: The Key to Publix's Success

    949 Words  | 2 Pages

    Publix depend customer satisfaction and loyalty to conquer a large portion of the market share. conducted a survey pertaining to the “Why,” that brings the consumer to the Publix chain. The survey was published in 2014 at that time Publix at 1,090 stores operating in the United States. (2014) The company’s mission statement includes, focusing on customer value, and low tolerance of waste. Publix is dedicated to the dignity, value, and employment security of their Associates

  • The Importance Of Customer Satisfaction In The Retail Industry

    3477 Words  | 7 Pages

    Customer is a King, it is true in real sense for the Business success in today’s competitive markets as it requires a high understanding and respect of the customer. Customers are demanding, have more money to spend and have a wide collection of goods and services to choose from. To satisfy the customers, retailers must be able to listen to their feedback and improve services and goods to keep of clients. Customer satisfaction gives an indication of how much successfully the organization is meeting

  • The Importance Of Customer Satisfaction In The Business Industry

    1215 Words  | 3 Pages

    Customer satisfaction, generally defined as a feeling or judgment by customers towards products or services after they have used them, has long been of interest to business and marketing experts as well as lay-people. Much of the awareness has focused on the recognition of customer satisfaction as an indication of a business’ high-quality service. As claimed by Suda and Sarunya (2011), customer satisfaction does not only express a happy customer, but is rather more complex than that reference. It