Critical Study Essays

  • Critical Pedagogy in Social Studies Education

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    public education and the social studies discipline in the United States. Since the adoption of Ralph Tyler’s teacher-centered, essentialist approach to curriculum, John Dewey’s call for progressive reform and student-centered learning, and Paolo Freire’s call for an education that advocates social change and the destruction of social oppression, education pundits found themselves stuck between different goals, outcomes, and possibilities for teaching social studies. A review of recent literature

  • Critical Legal Studies: Indeterminacy And Contradiction

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    Critical Legal Studies: Indeterminacy and Contradiction Critical Legal Studies scholars are a group of like-minded people that mounted an attack on liberalism, they critiqued and attempted to challenge the liberal foundations of the legal system. The CLS movement began in Harvard when young scholars attempted to construe an updated understanding of law. It was inspired by the American Legal Realists and other activist movements. CLS scholars do not have one single approach and this may be viewed

  • Critical Incident Stress Debriefing: A Case Study

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    1.) Two facts presented by each side of the critical issue? Between the two articles there are many details that differ from both sides on numerous issues, which seem to be completely different from one another. Peter Cotton as well as Grant Devilly suggested that critical incident stress debriefing also known as (CISD) was outdated by (CISM) Foundation, due to research pertaining to CISD (Halgin, 2009). Jeffrey Mitchel rebuttals that CISD was changed from the full field based on the inception, nonetheless

  • Critical Decision Making In Nursing Case Study

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    with critical decisions making daily which can impact patients including those around the patients. According to a study, it discovered that “nurses made decisions on the average of 30 seconds” (Bucknall, 1996). At work in every 30 seconds, nurses are faced with the decision of right or wrong related to life or death, healthiness, sickness, success or calamity. As a student, critical thinking skills is taught in nursing school which is put into practice every day at work. Critical decision

  • Critical Thinking In Nursing Case Study

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    "Critical thinking is the ability to think systematically and reflect on the reasoning process used to ensure safe nursing practice. Therefore, critical thinking skills are helpful in making appropriate decisions and quality nursing care (Zarifsanaiey, Amini, & Saadat, 2016, p.2). With the in mind let us review model case which introduces a 70-year-old male who came to see a Certified Outpatient Diabetes Educator with concerns of elevated blood sugars for last two days. As the nurse reviews patient's

  • Critical Evaluation of Epidemiological Study

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    Study Objectives and Design An outbreak of Salmonella Saintpaul (S. Saintpaul) in Australia lead to an investigation, aimed at finding out what caused the increase in the number of human infections. The outbreak occurred in six Australian Jurisdictions with its epicenter in the South eastern mainland between September and November 2006 (Munnoch et al., 2009). The cases were confirmed by isolating the strain of S. Saintpaul in faecal specimen, by detection of routine surveillance (Munnoch et al

  • C.H. Dodd: Critical Scholarship in New Testament Studies

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    Charles Harold Dodd, C.H. Dodd, was a twentieth century New Testament scholar and theologian infamous for promoting, and creating the term, “realized eschatology.” This was an incredibly important contribution to the field of biblical studies because it was a completely new way to view eschatology. He also changed the way in which kerygma was studied and apostolic messages were thought of. Dodd, born in 1884 and died in 1973, “has been described as ‘the greatest and most influential British New Testament

  • Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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    Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein" In order to illustrate the main theme of her novel “Frankenstein”, Mary Shelly draws strongly on the myth of Prometheus, as the subtitle The Modern Prometheus indicates. Maurice Hindle, in his critical study of the novel, suggests, “the primary theme of Frankenstein is what happens to human sympathies and relationships when men seek obsessively to satisfy their Promethean longings to “conquer the unknown” - supposedly in the service of their fellow-humans”. This

  • Charles Babbage

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    understanding the advanced theories of mathematics and even formed an Analytical Society to present and discuss original papers on mathematics and to interest people in translating the works of several foreign mathematicians into English. His studies also led him to a critical study of logarithmic tables and was constantly reporting errors in them. During this analysis, it occurred to him that all these tables could be calculated by machinery. He was convinced that it was possible to construct a machine that

  • Ligeia as a Triumph Over Patriarchy

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    ... middle of paper ... ...Linda J. "'Ligeia': The Facts in the Case." Studies in Weird Fiction. 21 (1997): 10-16. Howard, Brad. "'The Conqueror Worm': Dramatizing Aesthetics in 'Ligeia'." Poe Studies. 21.2 (1988): 36-43. Johanyak, Debra. "Poesian Feminism: Triumph or Tragedy." College Language Association Journal. 39.1 (1995): 62-70. Jones, Daryl E. "Poe's Siren: Character and Meaning in 'Ligeia.'" Studies in Short Fiction. 20.1 (1983): 33-37. Kennedy, J. Gerald. "Poe, 'Ligeia

  • Critical Appraisal: A Qualitative Study

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    A critical appraisal was completed to assess the value of the research study conducted by Batch & Windsor (2015). This was completed through the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP). The CASP tool is used to evaluate different research articles. I assessed that this article has benefit, particularly for the nursing profession. Nevertheless, sections of this article could have been further developed by expanding the topic through a greater variety of hospital settings and more diverse patient

  • Critical Thinking Case Study

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    Critical Thinking Case Study Chris had just been promoted as an Executive Assistant for Pat the CEO, Chief Executive Officer, of Faith Community Hospital. Pat had given Chris her very first assignment on her first day of work as an executive assistant and that was to gather information so that Pat can present the issues to the board of directors. Faith Hospital is faced with issues that needed attention and the board of directors must be notified of the issues so that a solution can be remedy to

  • Critical Chain Case Study

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    The Critical Chain is the longest chain of dependent tasks. Critical Chain Management is a method of managing projects that cuts the time each task should take in half and uses buffers to give a safety net for on time product completion. Critical Chain Management attempts to solve the ever present issue that projects face. This issue is the inability to meet deadlines. Even when there are large amounts of safety embedded in to the project and even into each task, it is inevitable that the project

  • Kathe Kollwitz Critical Study

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    primarily to etchings, drawings, lithographs, and woodcuts. She gained firsthand knowledge of the miserable conditions of the urban poor when her physician husband opened a clinic in Berlin. At the age of seventeen Kollwitz moved to Berlin for a year of study at the ‘Künstlerinnenschule’ (‘School for Female Artists’). There she was influenced by one of her teachers, Karl Stauffer-Bern. Kollwitz wanted to paint, but her teacher directed her again and again to take up drawing. He encouraged her to visit

  • Critical Race Theory Case Study

    2007 Words  | 5 Pages

    What began as a movement in the mid-1970s, is a theory that deals with the interconnectedness of racism and the legal system. Critical Race Theory is a concept created in law schools in the United States during a time when “heady advances of the civil rights era of the 1960s had stalled and, in many respects, were being rolled back” (Delgado et al. 4). The theory now encompasses its ideals into three main “features:” 1. Acknowledging color-blind racism and its relation to equality 2. Comparing

  • Critical Appraisal Tool: A Quantitative Study

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    This essay aims to critically appraise a quantitative research study with the use of a critical appraisal tool. The study (O’Keeffe et al 2010), considers ambulance response times and their role in the survival of patients in out of hospital cardiac arrests. A quantitative study was chosen as quantitative research is based on numerical data and statistics whereas qualitative can be subjective and opinion based, (Barker et al 2016). Previous experience in statistics and numerical based research encouraged

  • Critical Success Factor Case Study

    1251 Words  | 3 Pages

    History of Critical Success Factors The term Critical Success Factor (CSF) was introduced in a Harvard Business Review article entitled "Chief Executives Define Their Own Data Needs" (Bullen, Rockart 1981). This Critical Success Factor (CSF) method, which has since gained acclaim and usage in strategy, drew from earlier work by other authors Aristotle, Von Clausewitz, Drucker, Pareto, Daniels, and others. CSF was initially developed for the Information Systems (IS) world to help identify the key

  • Critical Issues In The Academic Study Of Religion

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    reality can be in diverse ways. Traditional acts make it a cultural way of worshiping what they believe in and it's considered sacred (Molloy, 2013). What is essential (in the practices and beliefs) for a tradition to be called a religion? Academic study of religion analyzes the beliefs, practices, traditions and social form from places around the world. Religions are

  • A Critical Study Of 'Hip Hop Music'

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    Hip-Hop Music: A Critical Study Hip-hop music is a popular type of music admired highly across the globe for its famous style, art and mode of expression. This highly admired music genre can include love, broken families, racism, hard times, sexism and adversity as its main theme. It has the power of evoking a different kind of mirth and sentiment in you. When it is sung at its full peach with a DJ, the listeners become ecstatic. If you are music lover or fond of pop song, you are sure to reach a

  • Critical Study of Shakespeare's King Lear

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    Critical Study of Shakespeare's King Lear In this production of Shakespeare's King Lear, a feminist reading of the play has been chosen to be presented to the audience. Certain important factors must be taken into consideration as to how this reading will be reflected on stage. Thus, we will examine, in detail, two important scenes: Act I, scene i, and Act IV, scene iv, their impact on the action and main issues of the play (ambition/ greed, power, corruption, appearance versus reality and