County Schools Essays

  • Uncertified Teachers in Prince George’s County Schools

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    George’s County Schools Prince George’s County has been the largest school district in Maryland for the past more than twenty years. However, as a result of under funding, compared to other Maryland public school districts, Prince George’s County sustains the second highest percentage of uncertified teachers in the state. The lack of certified teachers has left lasting negative effects on the Prince George’s county school system. This problem goes much deeper than Prince George’s County, uncertified

  • Baltimore County Public Schools: Case Study

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    Introduction Last academic year (2013-2014), Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS) announced that over the next 3 years a system wide digital conversion would begin. The purpose of the digital conversion is to provide a blueprint for transforming the technology and methods utilized in creating and delivering instruction throughout the system. BCPS is the 25th largest school system in the U.S. and the 3rd largest in Maryland. With an annual budget of approximately 1.6 billion dollars BCPS serves

  • County Prep High School Application Essay

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    excellence. As I am going to high school, I am enveloped with a sense of sadness that I am leaving most of my life and classmates behind and entering an unfamiliar domain. However, I am still confident and enthusiastic about starting a new path that will lead to a new level of academic excellence. To be able to quench the thirst of my knowledge-hungry mind, I must offer it the best education possible. County Prep High School has been recognized as a star academic school that offers top-grade education

  • Franklin V Gwinnett County Public Schools Case Study

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    Franklin v. Gwinnett County Public Schools, 911 F.2d 617 (1990). This case involves a sophomore at a high school named Christine Franklin, who alleged that she was sexually harassed and abused by a teacher and sports coach by the name of Andrew Hill. These allegations were occurring from 1986-1988, a total of two years. These allegations included Hill having explicit conversations with Franklin, forcing her to kiss him, and forceful intercourse on school grounds. Franklin claimed that she let teachers

  • Urban V. Jefferson County School District Case Summary

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    citation of case: Urban v. Jefferson County School District R-1, 870 F. Supp. 1558 (D. CO 1994) 2.Facts: This case was originally presented before the district court of Colorado in 1993 on behalf of the parents of Gregory Urban, a seventeen-year-old teen with severe mental disabilities. Gregory and his parents moved to Evergreen, Colorado in 1991. The parents wanted Gregory to go to Evergreen High School but the school district placed him at Golden High School where he participated in support services

  • Moreno vs. Ector County Independent School District Board of Trustees

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    Moreno vs. Ector County Independent School District Board of Trustees Article Reference Moreno vs. Ector County Independent School District Board of Trustees. (2007, May16). American Civil Liberties Union. Retrieved April 12, 2008 from Summary of Key Points According to the American Civil Liberties Union (2007), the Ector County Independent School District Board of Trustees authorized the teaching of the Bible course in

  • The Four Key Practices of Beaufort County Early College High School

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    Argument of Cause Although many schools are currently undergoing repetitive failure and reforms, Beaufort County Early College needs not change a thing. If arming students with the knowledge and skills necessary to be successful post-high school is a measure of success, the Beaufort County Early College High School (BCECHS) is the epitome of success. BCECHS is one that prepares students for college and career, has teachers that care about their students while enriching them, and that encourage

  • What´s a Local Government

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    include two divisions: municipalities and counties. Counties are usually the largest and broadest geographic area and include many local governments however; a county’s power is very miniscule compared to city government. Generally in North Carolina, local governments do not have the power or authority do anything unless it is explicitly granted or enumerated in the state constitution. Although cities have a large range of delegated authority and counties have the least, the state government would

  • A Case Study of Campbell County, Kentucky

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    Government and Politics: A Case Study of Campbell County, Kentucky Campbell County, Kentucky offers a very interesting case study of politics at work. The many different variables that can possibly affect how counties as a whole vote are present in Campbell County, and the interplay between all these variables is the topic of this paper. In order to accurately predict the outcome of the election, it is important to be familiar with all the different socio-economic factors that influence the

  • Relationship Between State and Local Government

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    Forms of Local Government The basis for county, city and special district governing and authority are laid out in the State Constitution and Government Code. Counties in California are responsible for providing limited services to unincorporated areas. The state Legislature created the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) in 1963 to control local government fragmentation. The Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) gives counties the power to tax, create special districts and annex unincorporated

  • Daviess County High School GSA Case Study

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    and finding their identities earlier than before (Poteat et al.). Daviess County High School needs a Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) as a club because it will bring awareness to the school’s diversity and create a safe zone. Having a GSA will make the school safer with education enlightening the minds of the students of the problems and solutions that are presented in the club. A GSA is an organization that will make the school a safer and inclusive place for students of all backgrounds. The organization

  • The Role of Washington County, Ohio in the Success of the Underground Railroad

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    The Role of Washington County, Ohio in the Success of the Underground Railroad Gone, gone, --sold and gone To the rice-swamps dank and lone, From Virginia's hills and waters, -- Woe is me, my stolen daughters!" (Whittier in Hamilton, pg. 105) Families torn apart, humans sold on auction blocks, using humans for animal labor. These tragedies along with the words of the Quaker poet John Whiittier are just the beginning when trying to explain the motivation for abolitionists helping to

  • The Importance of Municipal Government

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    you’ll notice mounds of reeking trash heaped along sidewalks and by doors, sewage oozing from pipes and seeping into the soil, and streets and roads in horrible states of disrepair. Buildings would burn to the ground for lack of fire departments, and schools, no longer supported by tax dollars, would become empty and silent. While it may seem that government officials do nothing but argue and impose taxes, without them a community couldn’t function. Some of the amenities we take for granted now as Americans

  • Personal Essay: I Propose To Change The Status Of Craighead County, Ar

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    Personal Essay: I Propose To Change the Status of Craighead County, AR From A Dry To A Wet County I propose to change the current status of Craighead County, Arkansas from a dry county to a wet county. Although there are strong arguments that the benefits of being a dry county are greater than the drawbacks, it is important to reassess those ideas. There are two very important drawbacks to a dry county. One is the loss of businesses and revenues from businesses that sell or serve alcoholic beverages

  • Local Government Essay

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    I. Introduction In South African governance context the local government are the implementing agent of the national and provincial government, the responsibility of local government is to provide community with sustainable services. However in recent years we have seen many service delivery boycotts in South Africa as a failure of providing basic services at local government level. The maladministration of municipality and lack of community development together with participation has resultant the

  • Municipal reform in ontario

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    The municipal restructuring in Ontario from 1996 to 1999, whether voluntary or involuntary, was the most comprehensive process of municipal reforms since the Baldwin Act of 1849 (Frisken 30). After the election of Harris’ Conservative government in 1995, municipal reform took on a life of its own as it was followed with substantial activity between 1996 and 1999 (Sancton 135-56). This research paper looks to categorize, describe and evaluate the substantial activity that took place between the province

  • Ontario Municipal Board Essay

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    The Ontario Municipal Board was originally formed in 1906 and served as a regulatory tribunal involved in all of the planning decisions made by a municipality. The board is now an appeal board where developers or resident groups go to question the decisions made by local council. The board bases their decisions off of planning policy and law that the members interpret and apply to each individual case. There have been many negative comments made about the Ontario Municipal Board recently, such as

  • Development Cost Municipal Government

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    Finally, the municipal government relies on development costs to generate revenue. The basis for assessing development costs is driving the low density and it plays role in car-centered development. However, this requires investment and more expensive municipal infrastructure. Development costs are an important cost that can affect development locations, time schedules, and other decisions. Development costs may affect land resource consumption and community design, and are increasingly being used

  • Municipal Government Essay

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    The agreement would provide a basis from which the county and the city could sufficiently maintain the trail through cooperative means without duplication of work. When this issue was discussed by the city manager the mayor confirmed that the matter had been reviewed by the city attorney before asking the

  • Hc Medical Insurance Case Study

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    To whom may concern, I am returning the bill # --- for $81,305.97 for the following reasons: First, our health insurance company already paid several of the services Carle is billing us, which means that Carle is billing us for services that are already covered by our insurance company. As the table below shows, Carle’s billing does not include all the payments from HCC Medical Insurance to Carle Foundation Hospital. This omission signifies you are wrongly charging us $5,375.03 that we totally rejected