How changing the concentration changes the rate of reaction. Introduction We are going to look at the following factors during this investigation: 1 Why altering rate could be an advantage 2 Good ideas to control the rate of reactions 3 Briefly mention the factors that can change the rate of reaction such as: - Temperature Surface Area Catalyst Concentration I am going to find out if changing the concentration of nitric acid in water and see if it has any effect on
How the change of Hydrochloric Acid concentration affects the rate of reaction with Marble Chips Aim To find if changing the concentration of an acid will increase or decrease the rate of the reaction when marble is dissolved in hydrochloric acid. With the equation CaCO3 + 2HCl CaCl2 +H2O + CO2. The rate of the reaction affects how quickly the CO2 is produced. Background Knowledge ==================== The rate of reaction depends on how often and how hard the reacting particles collide with each
Investigation to find out if changes in concentration of acid affect the rate of a chemical reaction PLANNING – Title – Investigation to find out if changes in concentration of acid affect the rate of a chemical reaction. Introduction – The rate of reaction can be defined as the speed at which a reaction takes place. The rate of reaction tells us how quickly a chemical reaction has happened. There are many things that can affect the rate of reaction, (some of these are shown in figure 1 below
affect us in someway, perhaps even change us. Different situations have different effects. The more difficult the situation is, the more of an effect it has on us. Those hard times can be called adversity. How do we, as humans, react to adversity? What are the possible effects it may have? An example of adversity is the Holocaust - Hitler‘s plan to exterminate the Jews. In the memoir, Night, we discover how Elie Wiesel changes in response to his concentration camp experiences. The separation from
Investigating Osmosis in Potato Tissue Aim-We are going to investigate how 'osmosis' is effected by higher and lower concentrations of water using potato cylinders as selectively permeable membranes. A selectively permeable membrane is something only water molecules can pass through. We will cut eighteen potato cylinders to the same width and length using a scalpel and a corer on a white tile. We shall use the same potato for each cylinder. The cylinders should then be around the same
concentrated solution will have a high concentration of water than the inside of the cell. Once the cell takes in maximum water the cell becomes turgid. If the cell was to be placed in a high concentrated solution, water would leave the cell because the cell would contain a low concentrated solution. So in the low concentrated solution there will be a high concentration of water and in the high concentrated solution there will be a low concentration of water. So what is happening is water
of different concentrations for 45 minutes. For young potato tubers, the mass increased after being incubated in solutions with concentrations of 0.15M, 0.20M and 0.25M, while the mass decreased after being incubated in solutions with concentrations of 0.30M, 0.35M and 0.50M. For old potato tubers, the mass increased after being incubated in solutions with concentrations of 0.15M, 0.20M, 0.25M and 0.30M, while the mass decreased after being incubated in solutions with concentrations of 0.35M and
Aim The aim of this experiment is to investigate the effects of different concentrations of sugar solutions on the rate of osmosis in plant cells. Equipment 5mm borer Knife White Tile Potatoes Beakers Measuring cylinder Stopwatch Sugar solutions
Investigating the Effects of Different Concentrations of Sucrose Solution on Potato Cells Aim: to investigate the different effects of various concentrations of sucrose solution on potato cells. Introduction: Osmosis is a special type of diffusion. Osmosis happens when two solutions of different concentrations are separated by a selectively permeable membrane. A selectively permeable membrane has holes in it which are just big enough for water molecules to pass through, but not the
Investigating the Effect of Sugar Solution on the Weight and Size of Potato Cells Aim: To investigate whether the different concentration of sugar solution will affect the weight and size of the potato cells. General background information: Osmosis is defined as the movement of water or any other solution's molecules from an area in which they are highly concentrated to a region in which they are less concentrated. This movement must take place across a partially permeable membrane
The Effect of Concentration of Sucrose Solution on Osmosis in Potato Tissue Aim:- To find the effect of varying external concentration of sucrose solution on osmosis in potato tissue. Variables:- J The concentration of the sucrose solution around the potato tissue. Depending on the concentration of the solution, osmosis will occur more or less. J The size and shape of the potato. The longer and wider the potato tissue, the larger the surface area, which means that more of the
region of low solute concentration to an area of high solute concentration in order to equalize the level of water in each region. Hypertonic, hypotonic and isotonic solutions are involved in this process. Water tends to move from a high to low concentration area, towards a higher solute concentration is hypertonic. When there is more solute outside of a cell, the cell is hypotonic, and when there is more solute inside a cell, the cell is hypertonic. When the solution concentration is equivalent to the
Therefore, if the concentration of reactant increases, the rate of the forward reaction will increase and equilibrium will reestablish when the concentration of products increase (vice versa). This can be observed through color changes of the solutions. Equilibrium Constant Equations for Equilibrium System 1 Fe3+ + SCN- ⇌ FeSCN2+ Yellow Orange + Colorless ⇌ Blood Red Orange Keq = [FeSCN2+] / [Fe3+][SCN-] Table 1: Equilibrium System 1 Part A Data Table studying the effects of concentration within a complex-ion
Measure the effect of osmosis on potato chips in various concentrations of sugar solution as well as distilled water. Principles Involved ------------------- Osmosis Osmosis is the process by which water passes through a semi permeable membrane from a solution of lower concentration to a solution of higher concentration until both solutions are of equal concentration. Hypothesis ---------- Osmosis will change the mass of the potato chips. The fashion in which the mass
actions exist and are of extreme importance to biological processes. Diffusion is the movement of molecules (of sugar, of dye, of salt; etc.) across either a permeable membrane or no membrane, from a region of higher concentration of said molecules to a region of lower concentration. It is exemplified in the way perfume diffuses through an entire room from the point where it was initially sprayed, or sugar dropped at the bottom of a cup of tea eventually sweetens the entire drink. Osmosis, on the
In the experiment, the % mass change increased from -4.2% to 6.5% and drops to -16%. In 1%, 4% and 5% concentrations, the potato showed up as hypertonic and 2% and 3% concentrations are hypotonic. The standard deviation of concentration 3% showed up as 8, which is extremely high. It shows that the experiment of the concentration 3% was not accurate. Percentage uncertainty, which equal to the random error, was 1.33133%. The expected result was that the % mass change will decrease gradually from positive
using various measured concentrations of a sucrose solution and pieces of potato. · To record and analyse data to verify observed results. · The method and procedure was carried out as per instruction sheet. Observations: The experiment shows that the lower the concentration of the sugar solution, in the Petri dish, the mass of the potato increased. This is because the water molecules passed from a high concentration in the water, to a low concentration, in the piece of potato
Investigation to Determine the Effect of a Range of Different Concentrations of Sugar Solutions on the Potato Cells Aim My aim is to set up an investigation to determine the effect of a range of different concentrations of sugar solutions on potato cells. I predict that the higher the concentration the more the length and mass of the potato chip will decrease. The lower the concentration the more the length and mass of the potato chip will increase. This should happen due to the law
high concentration to an area of lower concentration. Diffusion The direction of osmosis depends on the relative concentration of the solutes on the two sides. In osmosis, water can travel in three different ways. If the molecules outside the cell are lower than the concentration in the cytosol, the solution is said to be hypotonic to the cytosol, in this process, water diffuses into the cell until equilibrium is established. If the molecules outside the cell are higher than the concentration in the
different concentrations of sucrose solution effect potato tissue. Aim How do different concentrations of sucrose solution effect potato tissue. Background Information Osmosis is the movement of water molecules though a partially permeable membrane from an area of high water potential to an area of low water potential. High Concentration Low Concentration The membrane lets small water molecules pass though but not large ones. The flow continues until the concentration becomes