College Campus Essays

  • Alcohol on College Campus

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    A growing number of students on college campuses are taking their life in their own hands each time they consume large quantities of alcohol in a short period of time. This popular method of drinking, called binge drinking, is a social stigma passed down from past generations. Students consider binge drinking a recreational way of life that is reninforced with alcoholic berverage "hangouts" located near college campuses. The fraternity and sorority houses are known for their wild parties. The peer-pressured

  • Should Smoking Be Banned On College Campus Essay

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    November 2014 Argument Paper The Smoking Gun Smoking in colleges has become a very controversial topic. Because smoking has proven to be bad for you and your health and it becoming more and more socially incorrect, many colleges have started to ban smoking on campus, however smoking is not illegal. In fact as of October 2014 there are over 1,477 college campuses that are completely smoke free (“Smokefree and Tobacco-Free U.S. and Tribal Colleges and Universities”). This begs the question of should smoking

  • Should Fraternities Be Banned From College Campus?

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    Should Fraternities Be Banned From College Campus The frequency of binge drinking at fraternities and sororities leads to an “Animal House” style of living. (Dr. Henry Wechsler, Harvard University) Students celebrate the end of the week by flocking to local bars for $2 pitchers. They prepare for the big game by tailgating in the parking lots with coolers full of beer. Fraternities use keg parties to help recruit new pledges. As college students return to campus for the new school year, events like

  • Big Campus Vs Big College Campus Essay

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    Big College Campus vs. Small College Campus When you are looking at colleges, you must compare and contrast the benefits and disadvantages between each college. One of the main things you think about is the college campus itself. Whether big or small, the campus atmosphere is important to college success. As you analyze the information they give you about their campus amenities, you will be able to see the major contrasts in large and small colleges. A big college campus and a small college campus

  • College Campus Violence

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    Prevention: Violence on College Campuses Campus safety should be an important concern for the administration, faculty, and students of American colleges and universities. Local, state, and national news frequently reports another act of violence on an American college campus. These violent acts range from physical assault to homicide. Colleges and universities work to confront these challenges, but the reality is “one person can, in a few brief moments, devastate a college community through an act

  • Persuasive Speech: Should Students Carry Guns On College Campus

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    STUDENTS SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO CARRY GUNS ON COLLEGE CAMPUS Specific Purpose: To motivate my audience to stand against the law that allows students to carry guns on college campus. Central Idea: Allowing guns on college campus can create tension on the campus and possibly increase the rate of gun violence in schools. INTRODUCTION I. The Attention Step A. About 5 months ago, Mustafa is a United Arab Emirate student like me who goes to Virginia State College. He was involved in a heated racial argument

  • Campus Default: Alcohol Abuse On College Campus

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    Campus Default: Excessive Drinking The topic I have selected is alcohol abuse on college campus and how it differs at Saint Martins, which is a dry campus. Throughout my investigative report I will focus on WSU and a little bit of UW, as my non-dry schools and only Saint Martins University as my dry college campus. This wide range of schools in Washington will assist me in proving that having a dry campus is beneficial for schools. Throughout the years there have been many incidents that schools

  • On Campus Housing At Community Colleges

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    community colleges do not provide on-campus housing and to provide greater insights into the types of community colleges that provide on-campus housing, the typical student who resides in on-campus housing, a guide to various California community colleges that provide on-campus housing, and the impact that on-campus housing has on student learning outcomes, financial gains for community colleges that provide on-campus housing, and an overview of the lack of data in the area of not only on-campus housing

  • Business Proposal for Library at the Exton Campus of Delaware County Community College

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    ?????????????????????????9 BACKGROUND I am proposing for a library to be put into the Exton campus of Delaware County Community College. There is currently not a library at this location. In order to have the use of a campus library we must go to the main campus of the college, which is approximately thirty to forty minutes from the Exton location. There are many students that go the Exton campus throughout the year and take a variety of courses. Many of these courses require at least some time

  • Sexual Assault On College Campus Essay

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    Sexual Assaults on College Campuses Going away to college far from home for the first time for any young person can be a little trying with maybe a little scary thrown in, because you do not know what to expect. It is also exciting the thrill of being on your own, meeting new people and for some the hope of learning in order to go out and conquer the world. Then the unthinkable happens either you or someone you know or come to care about is sexually assaulted and that world you wanted to conquer

  • This College Should Be a Smoke-free Campus

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    there are many smokers of students in this college. If Edmonds Community College really becomes a smoke-free campus, I guess it may have many against voices from students. The college should prepare itself for feedbacks. However, as everyone knows, school is a place where educates people. So it is supposed to be a clean air campus. Becoming a smoke-free campus is one of the improvements. In the smoke-free campus, although people are not allowed to smoke on campus, they still have rights to carry tobacco

  • County Community College Should Provide On-Campus Housing

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    When I moved to California two weeks before school started, I had difficulty looking for places to live around County Community College. This is because community colleges don’t usually have on-campus housing facilities for students. This made life very difficult for me because I was brand new to the area and I knew no one. My dad did help me by calling up one of his friends and asked if I could stay at their house temporarily until I was able to find a place I could live at, that was near school

  • Why People Should Not Be Allowed On College Campus

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    acceptable or not on college campuses. Safe spaces (where people who have certain beliefs or share common characteristics can be safe from others) are starting to become ever more prominent in the world today. However, many argue that the world is getting too offended by too much, and the younger generation should learn to take a joke. We can see how this plays out on college campuses by observing the kind of entertainment that is booked; generally, these are “PG” rated acts, since colleges do not want to

  • Pros And Cons Of College Commute Rather Than Living On Campus

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    whether or not one should commute to college or live on campus is one of the toughest amongst all college students. This is because it will affect many things in your life including: family relationships, how fast you can finish your homework, how much money you will spend, the food you eat, how you earn and spend money, and your overall college experience. How you view and value these aspects of your life will help you make the decision to either live on campus or commute. The most common aspect

  • History of Web Based Learning

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    History of Web Based Learning Most students canπt wait to graduate high school and move on to college. They canπt wait to get away from home to experience new things. What happens if a student canπt afford college or they just arenπt ready to leave home? How do you complete a Masters or Doctorate program at the age of 51 with three children? This is where web-based learning comes into play. When people think of web-based learning, they tend to picture a man talking you through the computer

  • The Impact of the Internet on Schools

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    ability to teach a class online so that their students will be able to stay on task when they are not able to come to class. The online class idea has also made it possible for the average person to get his or her degree with out having to go to a college campus physically. In total the Internet has not only increased the amount of learning possibilities in the classroom but it has created infinite amounts of learning opportunities for students and teachers. CLASSROOM Because of the Internet it

  • Student Athlete Recruiting

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    lot,” said Monterio. The NCAA has a set of rules, which universities follow for recruiting, and it states that a Division I college recruiting a high school player can start sending printed materials on September 1st of an athlete’s junior year. This can include official academic, admissions and student information, any publications or videotapes published by the college, and any general correspondence. The general rules by the NCAA state that the activities by coaches or boosters that cause

  • Beer Pong for Dummies

    3405 Words  | 7 Pages

    Beer Pong for Dummies Throughout the many years, college students have engaged in many activities to either entertain themselves or pass endless time. These activities have ranged from sports, either intramural or varsity, to various clubs and organizations devoted to students personal interests. While these have sparked interest and lasted a long time, none has exceeded the expectations of the wonderful game of beer pong. As I began to think about ways on approaching this topic I became

  • The Tragedy of Fraternity Hazing

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    secretive campus activity when it comes to fraternities and pledging. As a result, Dr. Mark Taff resorted in his article that, "..a series of 168 cases of injuries and deaths related to fraternity hazing activities...[occurred] in the United States between 1923 and 1982" (2113). Young college men are being hospitalized and even worse, dying, just for a couple of friends that give them a sense of belonging. The major causes of hazing are the students' wanting a sense of belonging in a big college campus

  • Puzzle of King Tut's Inner-Coffin as Recreational Activity

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    create a desired image. Its intended consumer ranges from kids to adults. The puzzle can be found in the gift section at the UCSD bookstore. The bookstore is located in the middle of a college campus, primarily dependent on the patronage of college students. As its name suggests, it mainly sells textbooks for college courses, as well as clothing, school supplies, and assorted gifts. While the puzzle functions as an entertaining diversion, the actual inner-coffin of King Tutankhamun served a much