Cholera Essays

  • Cholera

    874 Words  | 2 Pages

    Cholera is an acute diarrheal disease caused by infection of the intestine with the bacterium Vibrio cholera (n.d.). Retrieved from Number of researches has been conducted and it has concluded that thousands of people are infected around the world. For more than two centuries, cholera has evaded some of the top scientist and still remains a threat to the world populations. A major cholera epidemic began in India in 1817, from India the disease spread to Russia

  • Cholera

    2427 Words  | 5 Pages

    Cholera The disease, cholera, is an infection of the intestines, caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. As stated in Microbes and Infections of the Gut, the bacterium is “a Gram-negative, comma- shaped, highly motile organism with a single terminal flagellum” (105). Cholera is characterized by the most significant symptom that presents with the disease, diarrhea, and victims can lose up to twenty liters of body fluids in a day. Cholera can be a serious disease, due to the serious dehydration

  • Cholera Essay

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    disasters. Foreign travelers and traders contributed to the wide spread of infectious diseases like cholera. A look at the general information, sources of infection and risk factors, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention and control will give a further insight on cholera. To start with, the scientific name of cholera is Vibrio cholera. Cholera is caused by a comma-shaped bacterium called Vibrio cholera which is a member of the domain Bacteria and kingdom Eubacteria. Organsims in the kingdom Eubactera

  • Cholera Essay

    2476 Words  | 5 Pages

    and efforts on Cholera world wide As mentioned cholera is seen in developing countries, it is especially rampant in Sub-Sahara Africa and South East Asia. The main cause of Cholera having epidemic proportion in developing countries is due to unclean and infected water source. We can see Cholera running rampant in disaster and refugee setting where people are cramped in a small space and the unsanitary conditions. A study done by WHO in India has seen epidemic conditions of Cholera outbreaks. They

  • Essay On Cholera

    719 Words  | 2 Pages

    Secretory Diarrhea (Cholera) Abstract: Cholera is an acute, bacterial infection of the small intestine caused by the Vibrio cholerae bacteria. The Vibrio cholerae bacterium, after attacking the human intestine, is responsible for devastating diarrhea resulting in severe dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. The key cause of this is the ADP ribosylation of the human signaling protein Gsα, catalyzed by the cholera toxin, which produces a biochemical cascade. In this review, we will elaborate on

  • Cholera Essay

    715 Words  | 2 Pages

    Cholera is an infectious bacterial disease that affects people who live in poor or non-developing countries in which clean water and other sanitation measures are not found (Plaut 1). People usually acquire cholera when they drink water or eat food that is contaminated with Vibrio Cholerae, which is a bacterium that develops and infection in the walls of the small intestine. If left untreated cholera can be fatal in a matter of hours, even if you were healthy before, since it causes severe diarrhea

  • Home Remedies for Cholera

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    remedies for cholera Cholera is a disease caused by bacteria and spreads trough contaminated water. The dangerous phase of cholera is the grater loss of fluid from the body in a short span of time. In a more severe scenario, it may produce diarrhea within few hours of consumption of contaminated water. Although modern sewage and other modern methods of water treatment have eliminated cholera in most of the industrialized countries, it still prevails in many developing countries. In fact, cholera becomes

  • John Snow Cholera Essay

    941 Words  | 2 Pages

    details, he was able to get an apprenticeship. Dr. William Hardcastle took interest in him due to his analytical mind, and gave him the opportunity to become his apprentice. During his apprenticeship in 1831 at the age of only eighteen, an epidemic of cholera hit London. This epidemic was not new to the European continent it had already claimed hundreds of thousands of lives already. Being unable to see all the patients personally Dr. Harcastle decided to send Snow to Killingworth Colliery to

  • Cholera By Charles Rosenberg Summary

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    Charles Rosenberg’s article Cholera in the nineteenth-century Europe: A tool for social and economic analysis evaluates the impact of epidemics on society and the changes that ensue as a result. It is Rosenberg’s view that most economic historians overlook the overall importance of epidemics by focusing primarily on economic growth. Rosenberg’s article aims to bring a more human approach to the Cholera epidemic while showing its potential to affect every aspect of society (453). Rosenberg believes

  • The Impact of Cholera in Zambia, Africa

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    The Impact of Cholera in Zambia, Africa Many people in advanced industrialized nations are often unaware of infectious diseases that plague underdeveloped countries. This is primarily due to factors that are so often taken for granted like having proper sanitation, adequately treated water, properly prepared food, easy access to medical care, and economic viability. The sad truth is that many of these infectious diseases could easily be prevented if the countries where they run most rampant had

  • John Snow Cholera Disease

    818 Words  | 2 Pages

    Introduction Cholera is an infectious disease that became a major threat to health during the 1800s. In the nineteenth century, there were extensive epidemics of cholera in Europe and America that killed thousands of people. In those times, the predominant theory behind disease transmission was the called Miasma theory; which suggested that diseases were spread through the bad air. In other words, particles from decomposed matter would become part of the air, and this dirty air spread the diseases

  • Cholera: still a poor man's plague?

    764 Words  | 2 Pages

    Recently the UN was sued for ‘bringing Cholera to Haiti’ causing an outbreak that killed thousands. While there are many aspects of this disturbing piece of information we can argue and debate upon, the one that comes to the fore is the lack of adequate water sanitization policies in developing countries. "The children who have no clean water to drink, the women who fear for their safety, the young people who have no chance to receive a decent education have a right to better, and we have a responsibility

  • John Barnes Cholera Case Study

    1001 Words  | 3 Pages

    Shannon Thomas A.1 Concerning John Barnes, how was cholera communicated? What were the modes of disease transmission? What is the correct epidemiological term for the modes of transmission that were identified?  John Barnes stated that he received choler through his sister. His sister died from the disease two weeks before he did, and it was transmitted through a shipment of unwashed clothing that she had sent him. Barnes received the package of clothing from his sister and the next day he

  • History and Global Impact Vibrio Cholerae and Cholera

    1884 Words  | 4 Pages

    Vibrio Cholerae and Cholera - The History and Global Impact Abstract Cholera is a diarrhea disease caused by the bacteria, Vibrio Cholera. For centuries, cholera has terrorized the world. There have been seven pandemics since 1817 and many lives have been lost. Even to this day, cholera runs rampant in many areas of the world. The impact cholera has had on the world is enormous. Cholera has caused immense amount of human suffering and economic/social loss since its beginning. But, as time goes

  • Love in the Time of Cholera

    850 Words  | 2 Pages

    As the title suggests, the novel Love in the Time of Cholera by Garcia Marquez deals with practical and nostalgic love. The author has the ability of portraying excellent determination in his eagerness to develop his stylistic range. Supporting almost a mythical quality grounded with an air of daily gossip, the novel includes descriptions of love which drift between unearthly beauty and terror. Love in the Time of Cholera is a mixture of two contrasting factors: the purity of love, and the way love

  • The Cholera Outbreak In Steven Johnson's The Ghost Map

    996 Words  | 2 Pages

    Steven Johnson’s The Ghost Map, depicts the Cholera outbreak in London in 1854, the largest city that has been built in the world. The book shows a path towards a scientific solution. This book focuses on a doctor, John Snow, and his search for a way to stop the epidemic that was occurring. Even though Dr. Snow had discovered some theories on his own, he also had the help of a Reverend, Henry Whitehead. They are searching for a new theory on how disease spreads, but their community did not want to

  • Cholera Symptoms, Causes, Vaccine, Treatment and History

    1683 Words  | 4 Pages

    Produced by the bacteria, vibrio cholerae that creates a toxin that affects the absorption of water in the small intestine, Cholera is an infectious disease. The majority of the bacteria is wiped out by gastric acid when ingested, while the surviving bacteria settle in the small intestine and begin making the toxin that produces the symptoms of Cholera. The toxin created by the bacteria, Vibrio Cholerae, is a exotoxin. Vibrio Cholerae is a member of the Vibrionaceae family of curved gram-negative

  • The Emotional Crypt in Gabriel Garcia Marquez's Love in the Time of Cholera

    7388 Words  | 15 Pages

    The Emotional Crypt in Gabriel Garcia Marquez's Love in the Time of Cholera It is a well-known fact that bread keeps fresher longer if one sucks the air from the bag it is in before clipping it tightly shut. Thus, in those nations where bread, our staff of life, is provided for us in brightly colored bags, we dutifully absorb the treacherous air, holding tightly to the theory that everything survives better in a vacuum. It is human nature to keep those things we love and need free from harm

  • Love in the Time of Cholera Review

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    while they are in love. Your personality and actions change while you are with your lover compared to when you are with family, friends, etc. Love can have positive aspects and also negative aspects along the way. In the book, Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, it contains two aspects or “faces” that determine the overall quality to the book. Although this book is a timeless love story connecting to any generation and well-written; the tittle can mislead readers and bring a sense

  • Loyalty in Love in The Time of Cholera

    802 Words  | 2 Pages

    When one thinks of loyalty, they usually conjure up an image of a dog and his master; the dog, following and doting on its master, willing to give up its life to protect him. In the book, “Love in the Time of Cholera” written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, many examples of Loyalty are shown. The book starts out with the character Dr. Juvenal Urbino finds out that his friend, Jeremiah de Saint- Amour has committed suicide and left Dr. Urbino a letter with his final instructions. Dr. Urbino dutifully