Certification Essays

  • Teacher Certification Requirements History

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    Teacher Certification Requirements History The first training facility for teachers dates back to 1785. Many others came about between 1785 and the early 1800’s. It was not until the mid 1830’s that these teacher preparation schools became state subsidized. In the year 1839 the first state normal school was established, two others would follow the next year. Also, during the 1830’s and 1840’s, there was a movement to replace tuition schools with common schools. This created two different

  • Essay On Personal Training Certification

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    training certification online. The most respected alternatives all adhere to industry accreditation standards, so the curriculums are fairly similar. Each program has a few individualized unique packages with assorted options, but they all have similar prerequisites and basic requirements. You need to be at least 18, plus hold a current certification in CPR and AED (automatic external defibrillator). Here’s a list of five accredited and highly respected personal training certification online courses

  • Cisco Certification

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    What is Cisco Certification? Cisco certification is a accomplished scientific boost certificate skeleton which is feature with ongoing by Cisco company for advancing Cisco technology, cultivating the repercussion management design again designing troubleshooting personnel. Candidates burden help the prevailed Cisco certificates as valid combat of bread change or company qualification. know steam are five levels of certification: Entry, Associate, Professional, Expert, and Architect, now well

  • Teacher Certification Admission Essay

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    Throughout high school and during my undergraduate studies, education was never a top priority for me. Only during the past two years, in the "real world", have I realized the importance of education. I look back at those years and wish I had done more and realized all the potential I had in my hands and not wasted so much time. During my undergraduate career my social activities consumed my life. My friends were not motivated to do well in school so I followed their lead. My grades were low, and

  • Licensing vs. Certification of Computer Professionals

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    Licensing vs. Certification of Computer Professionals Abstract:            Recent movements have attempted to either certify or license computer workers in order to promote professionalism. Certification of computer professionals is a more informal approach that would not be legally required, and it would promote professionalism while maintaining the flexibility necessary for a maturing discipline. Licensing, on the other hand, would imply a set of legal requirements for all computer professionals

  • Persuasive Speech: Everyone Should Enroll in a Certification Program

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    Topic: Certification Programs General Purpose: To persuade individuals to enroll in a certification program of their choice. Thesis: This speech will cover the many educational alternatives of certification programs in higher education, as well as their advantages. This will include a detailed description of certification courses in Computer, Nursing, and Trucking. Introduction Are you one of millions of people who would like to earn great money in a respectable field of profession, but

  • The Importance Of Certification In The Information Technology Field

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    businesses and people. In this paper, topics such as IT Certifications and why they are important will be covered and this will give you a better understanding of what you might face entering the IT job field. Why Certification is commonly used in the industry? Certification in the Information Technology field not only helps establish skills, it will also show employers that you are competent in that area of technology. The certifications you earn can also help you specialize in a particular area

  • Mat Certification

    606 Words  | 2 Pages

    Mat Certification The two possibilities for pelvic positions are neutral and imprinted. In neutral pelvis the natural lordotic curve of the lumbar spine is present. Imprinted means a slight lumbar curve into flexion is present. During imprinted spine the normal curve lengthens toward flexion by engaging the oblique abdominals to help bring the rib cage closer to the pelvis. I would use neutral pelvic placement for the One Leg Circle, since the essence of the exercise is stability of the

  • Smart Goal In Nursing Essay

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    Leadership SMART Goal: Wound, Ostomy, Continence Nurse Certification As the healthcare system advances, so too must the nursing field become more advanced within its practice. It is not just enough to become a Registered nurse these days. Healthcare and technology has evolved to produce a smaller, more interconnected world, healthcare costs have increased, which in turn has created organizational restructuring and change in practices; thus, allowing the need for nurses to develop critical thinking

  • The Guidance Counselor

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    or licenses and certifications that must be held by guidance counselors. Missouri Law requires that all High School Guidance Counselors have secondary counselor certification. Criteria for certification is listed below and was obtained from the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Individuals desiring to become guidance counselors must understand that acquiring certification requires an enormous amount of time, dedication, and education. Initial Certification The professional

  • Athletic Training Essay

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    injuries are still To become an athletic trainer, one must first graduate with a Master’s, or Bachelor’s degree from an accredited athletic training program. Then, he or she must score a passing grade on a test which is administered by the Board of Certification (BOC). Once those two milestones are passed, the individual must progressingly meet education requirements. After having accomplished this, the individual is now an athletic trainer. However, he or she must work under a Physician and comply with

  • The LEED Certification Program

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    A LEED certified project is one that follows the green building certification program that has been set in place by the U.S. Green Building Council. The main goal of the USGBC in developing this program was to help building owners and the operators be more responsible with the environment that we live in and to efficiently use our resources. It dictates through a detailed point system the degree of certification that your building will receive credit for and the designation of certified, silver,

  • Nurse Practitioner Certification

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    almost completed) this challenging degree. Even though you have that demanding goal completed, you need to think about the certification exam. Once that's behind you, you really will feel like you can take a deep breath. But - first things first. Nurse Practitioner Certification In order for you to practice in your chosen field as a Nurse Practitioner, you must take the certification examination that is in conjunction with the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. The Nurse Practitioner exams are

  • Accreditations and Certifications in Nursing

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    While working seemingly endless days, many nurses do not realize the many influences that affect their professional practice or how client care is delivered. Besides their employer, health care organizations are highly regulated by federal, state, and local laws and regulations. In addition to the rules set by governments, most medical establishments want to be accredited by The Joint Commission (TJC), a non-government regulatory agency. TJC does not have the authority to cite or fine a facility

  • Becoming A Personal Trainer Essay

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    For my research project I have decided to research what is involved in becoming a personal trainer, (PT) - I would like to become a PT and travel around Australia. The refined question that has been chosen is; how can I achieve success as a personal trainer (PT) that travels Australia? This is something I would love to do after I complete school. I am currently doing my Certificate III in Fitness and almost ready to take the next step in to becoming a Personal Trainer. Not a lot of people have

  • The Importance Of CPA Certification

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    idea to try and receive CPA certification. Passing the CPA exam is not an easy feat. To pass, it takes careful planning, time, money, studying, and patience. When considering certification, cost and benefit should be weighed against each other so that you make the best decision for yourself. There are many benefits to contemplate when considering CPA certification. First, is the increase in salary. According to Roger CPA review, an individual who has CPA certification will earn on average ten to

  • Seed Certification Essay

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    SEED CERTIFICATION IN THE WORLD: A Review Abstract The objectives of Seed Certification system is to provide a guarantee to the purchaser that the seed is true to identity, high in purity and germination capacity and free from major pests and diseases. Seed quality is most important in crop production, as high quality seed is essential for good crop yields and good returns. A number of international organizations, conventions and treaties deal with the regulation of seed trade, ranging from access

  • Essay On Certification In Nursing

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    There are many types of licenses, certifications, and accreditations to be a nurse. There are a multitude of differences between a license, certification and accreditation. A license is a test that validates that the student has acquired the basic knowledge required for safe practices that are needed in the nursing field that they wish to attend. A certification is oriented toward the other end of the scale, testifying to the nurse 's achievement of a special competence, but it limits you to only

  • Analysis of Shirley Jackson's The Lottery

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    Shirley Jackson’s famous short story, “The Lottery,” was published in 1948 and remains to this day one of the most enduring and affecting American works in the literary canon. “The Lottery” tells the story of a farming community that holds a ritualistic lottery among its citizens each year. Although the text initially presents audiences with a close-knit community participating in a social event together on a special day, the shocking twist at the work’s end—with the death of the lottery’s “winner”

  • Certification of Electronic Health Records

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    EHR systems are strong, secure, and able to communicate with each other. “Certification” is a way to enforce standards. Hospitals, doctors and other eligible practitioners can earn incentive fees under the meaningful use program, by adopting certain standards and earning certification. EHRs are certified after passing tests of their functionality, reliability, security, and compliance with the standards. Certification provides assurance to purchasers and other users that an EHR system offers the