Cable Television Essays

  • History Of Cable Television

    947 Words  | 2 Pages

    The History Of Cable Television The 1940's and 1950s Cable Television originated in 1948 as a service to households in mountainous or geographically remote areas where reception of over the air television signals was poor. Antennas were erected on mountaintops or other high points, and homes were wired and connected to these towers to receive the broadcast signals. By 1950, 70 cable systems served 14,000 subscribers nationwide. In late 1950s, when cable operators began to take advantage of

  • Having Cable Television on College Campuses

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    Having Cable Television on College Campuses Eleven o’clock on a Tuesday night, walking through the brightly lit halls, many doors wide open in a dormitory complex on the campus of Bowling Green State University, one can see that the only light that emerges from the open doors is the constantly changing illumination coming from television consoles. Passing from door to door, sounds such as sports cheers, gun shots, screams of people being slain, and moans of woman in ecstasy can be heard. Although

  • The Cable Television Industry in the United States

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    In United States cable television industry, the traditional cable companies compete with different types of competitors. Like Netflix which is in home entertainment occupied the part of market share in the industry. The unique organizational architecture support Netflix has a sit in the entertainment industry. Furthermore, the traditional cable companies change their original structural to cope with the fierce competition. Netflix incorporated is in the home video entertainment market and it is

  • Case Analysis Of Fashionistas And Planners And Shoppers Strategy

    794 Words  | 2 Pages

    I. Explanation on Fashionistas and Planners & Shoppers Strategy The successful cable TV network “The Fashion Channel” founded in 1996 is now being faced with an intensely fast growing competitive environment. In order to strengthen the company’s brand with viewers and advertisers TFC should position their new marketing strategy towards Fashionistas and Planners & Shoppers. By focusing on dual segmentation, this scenario positions itself in a specific demographic of females that can offer great benefits

  • media avoidance

    906 Words  | 2 Pages

    In my everyday life I use all sorts of media, they range from cable television, Internet, radio, and the newspaper. For myself media, is the form and technology I use to receive and communicate information. The different forms of media I was trying to avoid were cable television, the internet and radio. I figured if I could avoid those things I would be doing well in avoiding most obvious forms of mass media. What I realized as I began this whole experience this whole experience is that the mass

  • Cox Enterprises

    647 Words  | 2 Pages

    radio, television, cable, telephone, and Internet communications . As of 2000, Cox Enterprises was ranked seventh in AdAge’s “100 Leading Media Companies” . Cox Enterprises is listed on the New York Stock Exchange and is currently being led by Chairman and Chief Executive Officer James C. Kennedy, the grandson of James M. Cox. Cox Enterprises ,Inc. is the parent company for Cox Communications, Inc., Cox Interactive Media, Inc., Cox Newspapers, Inc., Cox Radio, Inc., Cox Television, and Manheim

  • My Best Friend’s Wedding

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    Jules stoops to evil means worthy of a minor Batman villain: She fakes an engagement to George (her guy friend played by Rupert Everett), forges a brutal, sneaky, and really mean email from the bride’s rich daddy (who owns the White Sox and a cable television empire) to the editor of Michael’s sports magazine that could ruin Michael career, and forces her trusting and tuneless rival princess to perform in a karaoke bar—ouch! You never thought that innocent and loving Julia Robert would not be the

  • Internet Pornography and the Need for Increased Censorship

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    goes back as early as the 1950's with Playboy. "By the 1970's, hard-core pornographic movie theaters emerged. In the 1980's, pornography was moving to the privacy of one's own home by technological advances such as video cassette recorders and cable television" ("Effects..."). This has now become available on the fastest, largest technological advance of the century: the Internet. A clinical psychologist found that the first thing that happened after viewing pornography was an addiction-effect ("Effects

  • Pornography

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    crime. Pornography involves books, magazines, videos, and devices and has moved from the society into the mainstream through the renting of video cassettes, sales Of so-called "soft-porn" magazines, and the airing of sexually explicit movies on Cable television. To some, pornography is nothing more than a few pictures of scantily clad Women in seductive poses. But pornography has become much more than just Photographs of nude women. Computer technology is providing child molesters and child pornographers

  • The Benefits of Cut-Through Architecture

    2476 Words  | 5 Pages

    In computer networking, cut through architecture is a method used for packet switching system. In this system the data frame or packets began to leave the switch almost as soon as it begins to enter the switch. In simple words, a cut through architecture does not store a data frame and then forward it. On the other hand, The other device hold the entire frame for a small amount of time while the various fields of the frame are examined, this procedure makes the overall network throughput very

  • Freedom of Speech: Missouri Knights of the Ku Klux Klan v. Kansas City

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    Ku Klux Klan v. Kansas City" is an article about the KKK's attempt to spread their beliefs through a public access cable television channel. Dennis Mahon and Allan Moran, both of the KKK, asked to be broadcasted on air in 1987, and the whole situation led to a major problem. The KKK is known for its killings, prejudice, and cross burnings, and they wanted to be shown on television to further spread their message. The First Amendment states the right to the freedom of speech, but many of the community

  • How Netflix Started and their New Threats

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    customer as well as DVDs and Blu-Ray Disc content by mail. Netflix now, has 29.2 million people in the US subscribed to its $8-a-month streaming plan, which is, for the first time, greater than HBO’s domestic subscription base of 28.7 million. The cable TV industry’s stagnation has had its own trouble signing up new subscribers. (Outside the US, the situation is much different: HBO has a huge lead over Netflix. Offering VOD through online streaming Netflix was the first to enter the market giving

  • Comcast Essay

    3033 Words  | 7 Pages

    Final Project: Comcast The company that I have chosen is Comcast Cable Company. Currently, Comcast is the leader in the home entertainment industry. Comcast offers their customer's: cable television, internet service, home phone service, television screaming app, home security, and mobile service. The company is working to compete with AT&T/ Direct TV, Dish Network, Hulu, Netflix and sling Tv. The competitors do offer cheaper service, but Comcast is known mostly for its great internet service.

  • Limiting Death Row Appeals

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    die every hour at the hands of another person. Death row inmates are often on death row for years, some upwards of twenty years. This puts great financial strain on taxpayers' money. While in prison, inmates have many privileges, including cable television, the chance to pursue a college degree, and free health care, all at taxpayers' expense. There are many law-abiding citizens who don't get these benefits. It is appalling to think these people have a virtual life of leisure while in prison

  • Cadbury Marketing Codes

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    and religious sensitivities and always market within the highest common denominator of any existing regulatory, advertiser, agency and broadcaster guidelines. We will apply these guidelines to all forms of media including print, broadcast and cable television, radio, video, telephone, point-of-sale, online advertising, other internet activities and packaging. This code is reviewed annually by the group's President of Commercial Strateg... ... middle of paper ... ...hild and development of good

  • Blockbuster Video Analysis

    1599 Words  | 4 Pages

    however, usually attract customers from far distances. Because most customers are ten minutes away, small businesses in competition will fail. A recent marketing campaign has been the promotion of DirecTV, a digital satellite service alternative to cable television. Also, an alliance with Radio Shack has been in effect promoting new technologies. To compete against the up rise of online rental services, Blockbuster has been testing online rental services which allow customers to reserve and rent videos

  • US Prison System

    659 Words  | 2 Pages

    US Prison System There are many people who are critical of the US‘s prison sysetm; the idea of locking up those who commit crimes against a society simply to keep them from doing harm. Many say that more rehabilatation is necessary to improve these individuals and, therefore, society as a whole. What are some ways of doing this? Do you agree/disagree with this view and why? Is the prison system currently in place the best option for society? 2 pages, double spaced, 12pt. font. You can

  • Internet Security and Confidentiality

    2107 Words  | 5 Pages

    Table of contents: Aims: 2 Methodology: 3 Findings 4 Internet Security and Confidentiality: 4 User authentication: 4 Anti-virus protection: 4 Encryption: 5 Fire walls: 5 The range of service offered by ISPs: 6 The cost of the different packages: 6 Functionality: 6 Capacity: 6 Internet Connection and Access Methods: 7 Three broadband packages: 9 Vodafone simply broadband: 10 Unlimited 70Mb & Talk (Anytime) 10 Recommendation: 11 Conclusion: 12 Bibliography: 13 Aims: My

  • Bullet Busters

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    an electronic signal directed to unauthorized cable boxes causing them to turn-off. Approximately 300+ unsuspecting customers then called the cable company to complain and were subsequently taken to court for cable theft. The "Bullet" works by ordering the computer processor within the cable box to lock-up if it is authorized for all channels. Since pirate chips installed in a cable box would authorize all channels, the TV "goes black". HOW THE CABLE COMPANIES CATCH PIRATES There are several methods;

  • Case Study: Fiber Optics

    802 Words  | 2 Pages

    transmission on Internet: DSL, cable, wireless (wireless), and fiber optics. DSL is an existing copper wire of a phone line to deliver high speed internet access. Cable is to utilize a coaxial cable that connects to a television set. WIFI represents wireless that are used for Internet connection without wire. Fiber optic offers many advantages over conventional copper cable lines. It is able to transmit data much faster over greater distances and because the cable is smaller in diameter and weighs