Business Development Essays

  • Business Development

    1790 Words  | 4 Pages

    Business Development Career Overview: Business development—or "biz dev," as insiders call it—is all about growing your company's bottom line. The job of the business development professional is typically to identify new business opportunities—whether that means new markets, new partnerships with other businesses, new ways to reach existing markets, or new product or service offerings to better meet the needs of existing markets—and then to go out and exploit those opportunities to bring in more

  • Sustainable Development in Business

    2789 Words  | 6 Pages

    Sustainable Development in Business EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report is aimed at analyzing and studying the advancement and the operation strategies for sustainable development. Information was gathered, using business articles, on the strategies and techniques required for sustainable development. Sustainable development is not only important and essential for environmental protection and socially well-being, but also for certain economic goals a business may want to achieve. Much

  • The Research and Development Department of a Business

    2114 Words  | 5 Pages

    The Research and Development Department of a Business The work of research and development involves developing new products and improving current ones through various forms of research. New products and improvements to current products are needed to meet the requirements of customers, taking into consideration changes in consumer demand, seasonal sales changes, and the availability of new materials and technology. The marketing department collects information about changes in consumer demand

  • Business Case Development for a New Stadium for Arsenal Football Club

    2841 Words  | 6 Pages

    Business Case Development for a New Stadium for Arsenal Football Club Executive Summary The proposal focuses on the new stadium prospects. The Arsenal Football Club is looking forward to construct a new stadium at Ashburton Grove. Arsenal is one of the most famous and widely supported football clubs in the world. The main driver behind the project will make Arsenal leave their traditional home in Highbury, where have been based since 1913, is the clubs desire to increase the capacity

  • College of Business Development Plan

    1100 Words  | 3 Pages

    Development Plan One constant is change. Technologies change, processes change, research creates and promotes change (Aguinis, 2013). A need for constant change and improvement exists in any organization to remain competitive in the global environment. This need to remain current in teaching and supporting the teaching and research at the College of Business requires that employees invest in their personal development. To assist with this, the college of business not only provides funds for professional

  • Business Development in a Global Market

    1446 Words  | 3 Pages

    Business Development in a Global Market Developing a business opportunity or introducing a new product into the global market place is a risky business at the best of times. Strong and precise business strategies along with extensive market research are the keys for developing a successful global enterprise. This essay will cover the core fundamentals required to best enter the global market while minimizing the risks. Core fundamentals include, indentifying potential markets, product competition

  • A Personal Reflection Of Business And Sustainable Development

    926 Words  | 2 Pages

    Throughout this “Business and sustainable development” course, I am honored to have the opportunity to attend different guest speakers’ lectures and listen to them sharing about their past experiences as well as sharing their personal opinions about sustainable development. The guest speakers are from non-profit aid organization, both public and private sectors, as well as NGOs. Some of the main messages that I learned from these lectures include being innovative, listen and obtain advices from experts

  • Business Plan Development: Urgent Care Clinic

    1327 Words  | 3 Pages

    Business Plan Development Planning is one of the utmost significant aspects of managing a business, either on a large scale of a transnational corporation, a small business or even an enlargement business because planning is the systematic and strategic thinking that guide and navigate the business plan (Nunn & McGuire, 2010; Buppert, 2018). According to Nunn and McGuire (2010); Buppert (2018), the systematic planning developed is a critical phase that could be communed in sort of business plan to

  • David Mcclelland's Need For Motivation In Business Development

    1847 Words  | 4 Pages

    them in childhood development, but learn them as adults (Wood et al, 2010) and that all motives are learned (Thrash &Elliot, 2001). According to him, individuals acquire needs from culture of society by learning from the events that they experience, mostly in early stage of life. This was proven by one study where executives were engaged in activities and used role models who were high achievers resulting in the acquisition of effective business skills that caused a higher business growth than those

  • An Analysis of Starbucks

    5096 Words  | 11 Pages

    and ice creams. Non food items: Mugs, Travel tumblers, coffeemakers, coffee grinders, storage containers, compact discs, games, seasonal novelty items, Starbucks card, media bar. International Business Development In order to achieve Starbucks mission to be a global company, the development strategy that Starbucks implemented to adapt with variety market and local need are: joint ventures, licenses and company owned operation (Starbucks Corporation, 2005). There are 4,666 Starbucks

  • Role Of Service Marketing

    1518 Words  | 4 Pages

    of marketing, which can be split into the two main areas of goods marketing (which includes the marketing of fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) and durables) and services marketing. Service marketing typically refers to both business to consumer (B2C) and business to business (B2B) services, and includes marketing of services like telecommunications services, financial services, all types of hospitality services, car rental services, air travel, health care services and professional services. The

  • E-commerce: Its Development and Future Prospective

    645 Words  | 2 Pages

    Introduction Technological advancements have taken the world by storm. The daily chronicles have a different story to tell with every dawn of a new day about a technological invention and/or innovation. Doing business has become competitive more than ever. This phenomenon has created a business environment that follows the cliché, the survival of the fittest. It is in this spirit that businesses have adopted technology to survive and remain relevant in the dynamic consumer environment. This is especially

  • Red Bull Case Study

    1116 Words  | 3 Pages

    B2C C2C G2C B2G C2G G2G B: Business C: Consumer G: Government Red bull, at the time being, uses only two forms of the e-commerce model. Red bull is an operating company/ business, that currently sells to either other businesses or to end consumers. For the B2B (business to business), Red bull sells its product(s) to many restaurants and cafes in different megacities in Egypt. As for the B2C (business to consumers), Red bull sells

  • Advantages Of Back Office Integration

    1165 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Benefits of eCommerce and Back-Office Integration The Benefits of eCommerce and Back-Office Integration It 's astonishing how many companies are still working with separate systems for the front and back offices. Front-office features refer to the design, content, images and features that customers routinely see on a company 's website and Web pages while back-office processes include ERP and CRM software, inventory management, fulfillment processes, accounting and staff management. Back-office

  • Swot Analysis Of Ecommerce Industry

    809 Words  | 2 Pages

    Commerce, or e-commerce industry, is one of the most conductive sectors of the economy. E- Commerce is an interesting combination of business models and new information technologies as it deals with the buying and selling of goods and services over the Internet. The three major electronic commerce categories are: business –to- consumers (B2C) e-commerce, business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce and consumer-to-consumer (C2C) e-commerce. In this research paper, I will execute a SWOT analysis for the E-commerce

  • Community Communication And Community Development

    702 Words  | 2 Pages

    Students studying community development will appreciate the smooth transition from the classroom to the office or community. Classroom communication is similar for those studying the discipline to that of those working in the field. At Portland State University, courses offered through Community Development are often structured around being half lecture based and half student engagement (i.e.: group discussion, video, volunteer activities, etc.). Instructors stress to the students that analytical

  • Environmental Damage Caused By Development And Human Expansion Essay

    1813 Words  | 4 Pages

    Controlling Environmental Damage Caused by Development and Human Expansion Progress! Progress is something that can not be stopped. Many attempts have been made to limit the amount of human progress and expansion, though development has been halted. The human spirit and instinctive tendency to create and achieve more than those who have come before has created mass environmental damage and destruction along the way. I propose that stricter laws and regulations be created that will reward those

  • Advantages And Disadvantages Of International Expansion

    840 Words  | 2 Pages

    Topic: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of international expansion the banking industry may encounter. Introduction International development has become one main trend of commercial bank under globalization background, and more and more banks establish branches in foreign areas. International expansion both brings advantages and disadvantages, and banks should make a proper balance for promoting global expansion. To seek stable growth of revenues, more banks take great effort for promoting

  • Aims of Training and Development

    1789 Words  | 4 Pages

    Aims of Training and Development Training can be teaching employees new skills that are relevant to their current job position or refreshing the skills that they already possess. To have a good training and development programme enables firms to develop individual employees and the organisation itself as training is one of the best forms of motivation. Employees are able to broaden their knowledge and become more valued within the firm. Having a well-trained workforce is greatly beneficial

  • International Finance Essay

    565 Words  | 2 Pages

    international business transaction involves flow of the currency and to do business the finance is one of the major requirement. The following are the few ways of accumulating the international finance:- Article by Priya Chetty on November 5, 2010Discuss now (2)Go to comments Sources of External Finance:- The following are the broad heads on which the main sources of external Finance for the developing countries could be classified:- 1. Multilateral agencies like the IMF, World Bank & Asian Development Bank