Bart Essays

  • Black Bart

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    Black Bart 	On August 3 of 1877, a stage was making its way over the low hills between Point Arenas and Duncan’s Mills on the Russian River when a lone figure suddenly appeared in the middle of the road. Wearing a duster and a mask made from a flour sack, the bandit pointed a double- barreled shotgun at the driver and said, " Throw down the box!" "I’ve labored long and hard for bread, For honor and for riches, But on my corns too long you’ve tred You fine-haired sons

  • Bart Simpsons Behavior

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    One day, Bart Simpson pushes Lisa to her limit. Their parents Marge and Homer go away for the weekend to a retreat and leave Bart in charge. Bart continues to torment and bug Lisa to no end. After reading a book at the library, Lisa puts the perfect plan together to train Bart. Their parent will be gone for three days, the weekend went as follows: Social Learning Early Friday morning, Lisa awoke with her plan in her hand. She would officially end Bart's behavior. She started with the concept of Social

  • Zen Buddhism and Bart Simpson?

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    Zen Buddhism and Bart Simpson? Professor’s comment: The following essay is only one of a series of mind-bending ones that Rob wrote for my class, essays that demonstrated not just a quirky sense of humor but also a razor-sharp intellect and distinctive voice. This particular essay was written in response to an assignment asking students to explain a concept. From the first line of this essay, I knew I was on to something special: how many people would choose to explain an element of Zen Buddhism

  • Pete Rose

    1969 Words  | 4 Pages

    Pete Rose Bart Giamatti’s decision to ban Pete Rose from the Baseball Hall of Fame was not a fair decision at all. Pete Rose was placed on Baseball’s ineligible list in 1989 when commissioner of baseball, Bart Giamatti concluded that Rose had bet on baseball games, including games involving his own team, the Cincinnati Reds. In an agreement made with Baseball, Rose accepted his banishment from the sport. Although he never admitted to having gambled on baseball games (Maury). Pete Rose was a

  • Lily as the Goddess Diana in The House of Mirth

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    Lily as the Goddess Diana in The House of Mirth One of the tragedies in The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton is that Lily Bart is unable to marry Laurence Selden and thereby secure a safe position in society. Their relationship fluctuates from casual intimacy to outright love depending on how and where Selden perceives Lily. Selden sees a beautious quality in Lily Bart that is not present in any of the other women in the novel. This mysterious beauty that is so often alluded to, in addition to

  • Teenage Humor

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    dumb-founded idiot that works at a nuclear power plant. We laugh at him because he makes so many mistakes even if they are the easiest task. Bart is a ten year old kid who gets into trouble more then once a day. He gets into trouble at school and even when he is walking down the street to go home. He is like an average ten year old kid that likes to get into mischief. Bart is just a trouble maker that doesn‘t know when to behave himself. His sister Lisa is a straight “A” student that is on the Honour Roll

  • Objectification of Women in The House of Mirth

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    Objectification of Women in The House of Mirth Edith Wharton's The House of Mirth is an affront to the false social values of fashionable New York society.  The heroine is Lily Bart, a woman who is destroyed by the very society that produces her.  Lily is well-born but poor.  The story traces the decline of Lily as she moves through a series of living residences, from houses to hotel lodgings.  Lily lives in a New York society where appearances are all.  Women have a decorative function in such

  • Lily's Choice in The House of Mirth

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    Lily's Choice in The House of Mirth Near the beginning of The House of Mirth, Wharton establishes that Lily would not indeed have cared to marry a man who was merely rich: "she was secretly ashamed of her mothers crude passion for money" (38). Lily, like the affluent world she loves, has a strange relationship with money. She needs money to buy the type of life she has been raised to live, and her relative poverty makes her situation precarious. Unfortunately, Lily has not been trained

  • House of Mirth - The Nature of Nature

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    moreover, which operated on Darwin's maxim of the "survival of the fittest." This contrasted sharply with the Romantic view, which worshipped Nature for its beauty, beneficence and self-liberating powers. In Edith Wharton's The House of Mirth, Lily Bart attempts to "survive" within the urbane "drawing-room" society she inhabits. Although Selden uses Romantic nature imagery to describe Lily, throughout the novel such Romantic imagery and its accompanying meanings are continually subverted. By simply

  • Naturalism in The House of Mirth

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    viewing The House of Mirth as a novel which embodies naturalism. Some arguments contend that naturalism does not play a vital role in the novel because of the fact that such a significant internal conflict belies itself within the divided being of Lily Bart and because Wharton focuses so intensely on this conflict, a discord which seems opposed to the naturalistic idea of inevitability (Gerard, 4 1 0). Indeed, Wharton's works are not as critically concerned with naturalistic themes as are the works of

  • Lily Bart’s Tragic Oscillation in The House of Mirth

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    the core of Edith Wharton’s novel of upper-class manners and social morality, where a conflicted protagonist presents an amicable appearance in spite of her complex internal struggle with the hopes of resolving her problems through marriage. Lily Bart comments on her aspirations during her pivotal afternoon walk with Lawrence Selden: in response to Selden’s asking her why she has not smoked at Bellomont, Lily explains, “It is not considered becoming in a jeune fille à marrier; and at the present

  • Lily Bart Quotes

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    the forces of chance and environment as they affect individual lives, is a common theme in a naturalistic novel. Naturalistic protagonists are often a victim of their society and environment, which is also the case of Lily Bart, the protagonist of The House of Mirth. Lily Bart is a beautiful woman born into a high-class society that dresses expensively, lives well, and values wealth and connections. However, readers find out in the 3rd chapter, that Lily’s father is financially ruined before his

  • A Sociological Approach To The Simpsons

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    approached, depending on their gender (not that I watched them too often or anything). First of all I’ll have to break the characters in two groups, because you cannot compare old people with children. So the first group will be composed of Lisa and Bart (the children) and the second one of Marge and Homer (the parents). Just by taking a glance at the show you see that it portrays the typical image of the “traditional American family” of the last decade: mom stays home to cook, clean and take care

  • Comparing The Simpsons and Aristophanes' Clouds

    1943 Words  | 4 Pages

    Tomorrow on the Simpsons, Homer will discover that Bart has stolen his credit card and charged $10,000 worth of "Itchy and Scratchy" merchandise. Having no hope for paying off this debt, Homer decides to go to law school because he cannot afford to hire a bankruptcy lawyer. The famous lawyer, who teaches classes, sends a crestfallen Homer home to retrieve his son, for Homer is much too thick-headed to possibly learn the ways of the courts. As Bart graduates from law school, he uses his newfound skills

  • My Favorite Cartoon

    504 Words  | 2 Pages

    My Favorite Cartoon ¡V The Simpsons Watching a hilarious cartoon on television may seem like the most relaxed thing in the world. However, ¡§The Simpsons¡¨ is not only a stupid funny cartoon to keep us laughing for joy but also a clever TV program mixed up with irreverence and slightly twisted morality. I¡¦m not saying that how much influence this show can bring to our reality. But I think it¡¥s very well written. Also it constantly reflects and spoofs our society. The whole story takes place in

  • The Impact of The Simpsons on American Children

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    named Lisa and Maggie. Bart was an anagram for "brat". Groening chose the last name "Simpson" to sound like the typical American family name. (Varhola, 2) Brooks decided to put the 30 or 60 second animations on between skits on The Tracy Ullman Show on the unsuccessful Fox network. Cast members Dan Castellaneta and Julie Kavner did the voices of Homer and Marge. Yeardley Smith (later to star in Herman's Head) did the voice of Lisa. Nancy Cartwright did the voice of Bart. Cartwright previously

  • If A Pirate I Must Be

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    early eighteenth century pirate Bartholomew Roberts, also known as Black Bart. Although many perceive pirates as rum drinking, treasure hunting savages, Black Bart was quite the opposite. Black Bart was a simple man who at first was reluctant to become a pirate. This book clearly illustrates why Black Bart is said to be the most successful pirate living during the Golden Age of Piracy. Also this book clearly states how Black Bart did affect the Caribbean and other economies more than one would expect

  • Impsons As Archetypes

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    There are stereotypes of different people and beliefs throughout American's thinking. From early on we learn to associate certain cultural differences to certain individuals. The cartoon representations on The Simpsons are a perfect example of such associations. Each character from the long-running, prime time television show is an archetype of individuals in the American society. Homer, Lisa, Barney, and all the rest give us a look at what "typical" Americans should act like while, at the same time

  • Bonnie and Clyde and Annie and Bart

    637 Words  | 2 Pages

    Crazy) has a dark past, possibly hinting towards prostitution and a murder; the classic "Bad Girl" and dangerous fem-fatale. She makes it her story and her homicidal tendencies less opaque hence the element of extreme chaos and free will. The male lead, Bart Tare is "Good boy" turned bad and seems to haplessly follow Annie's orders rather than appearing dominant or masculine. Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow (Bonnie and Clyde) are alike to Annie although they seem hesitant in the first heist, the couple

  • I Was a Tomboy

    1381 Words  | 3 Pages

    I was a tomboy. Not a tomboy in the sense that most people think of one, but in the way that all adventurous, curious little girls are. I played kick ball at recess. I wore Bart Simpson sweatshirts. I played Indians. I went fishing. Somewhere along the way, I've lost some of that tomboy in me. It's interesting that when changes come in my life, although the change has probably been brewing for some time, there is usually one event that seems to mark that change. So when I look back, I think of the