Baroque Style Essays

  • The Late Baroque Style Compared to the Classical Style

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    As the late Baroque period morphed into the new period known as the classical period, technological advances and new compositional techniques and ideas created new opportunities for the musicians of the period. The changes allowed for new performance techniques, forms, performance venues, and newly available compositional orchestrations to be improved and evolved into something new and improved for the new period. Starting with the classical era, documentation and musical education became an important

  • 1920's Baroque Style

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    Baroque style in art and music was filled with action, movement, and drama. Influenced by the wishes and wealth of the aristocracy, and shaped by the needs of the churches, baroque style has become associated with magnificence and beauty. There were entirely new approaches to the organization of pitch and rhythm and a vast expansion in the vocabulary of sounds especially percussive sounds. Some compositions broke with traditions sharply that they were met with violent hostility which led to the famous

  • How Did French Court Influence The French Baroque Style?

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    deals with the Baroque style of the seventeenth and early eighteenth century and its influence on French courts and culture, and how the French court exemplified this style. Many studies have been done on this style period, and it still has a strong influence art and interior design today. The Metropolitan Museum of art has countless articles pertaining to this time period and fashion, and Karla Neilson references its influence in her book about interior textiles. This iconic style took hold of Europe

  • The Palace Of Versailles

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    the Chateau was first constructed in 1623, it was constructed as a hunting lodge made of brick, stone, and slate (3-1 Internet 3). When the New Chateau was constructed around 1631 and it was decorated in the Baroque style. The style expressed the power and authority of the head of state. Baroque architecture combined in new ways as classical and renaissance elements as columns, arches, and capitals. Sweeping curved areas replace orderly rectangular areas and sculpture and painting played a greater

  • Jack London Stories, The Red O

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    withholding facts in a way that makes him participate in the action'; (Charles Child Walcutt 16). He taunts the reader with unfulfilled information that subliminally encourages the reader to continue reading their selection. “The tortuously baroque style, it’s telling often proves an annoyance';(Gorman Beauchamp 297-303). London’s writing attributes are so deep in description and narration, the reader sometimes perceives the story-taking place with them included in the action. His ability

  • Classical Music

    1100 Words  | 3 Pages

    and portable mp3 players? These are the questions we are going to examine today. Music historians place the beginnings of classical music in Europe during the 1730s, though there is not a clear cut-point, since it gradually evolved from the Baroque style that was dominant before. Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach and Christoph Willibald Gluck are considered to be the founders of classical music. But what triggered this new kind of music? Ask a physicist, and the answer is quite clear: The new ideas

  • Difference Between Italian And French Baroque Architecture

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    Between Italian And French Baroque Architecture Baroque is the name given to the art of the 17th century. But the baroque style, like all other styles in the history of art, began gradually. It started in the latter part of the 16th century and continued to be used well into the 18th century. Baroque can be defied as the florid, ornate style characterizing fine arts in Europe from the middle 16th to middle 18th centuries. The main characteristic of the baroque architecture is movement

  • Paul Rubens and the Baroque Period

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    Paul Rubens and the Baroque Period For this formal analysis paper I would like to talk about a painting done by the artist named Peter Paul Reubens. The piece itself is entitled, "The Apotheosis of Henry IV and the Proclamation of the Regency of Marie de Medicis on May 14, 1610." The painting was completed in the year 1610, and today it is on display at the Louvre in Paris, France. This painting was one of many that I had to choose from when I was deciding on what to write about. Many internet

  • The Persuasion of The Counter Reformation

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    thousand words. In the 17th century, the Baroque period became one of the most prominent art styles in the Western world (Sayre 309). The Baroque is stylistically complex, and even contradictory, as an example would be using both light and darkness to add more drama to the artwork. The term itself is complex and contradictory as well, as Baroque derived from the Portuguese “Barocco”, which means misshapen pearl (Baroque Passions). The reason why the Baroque style developed was due to the Catholic Church

  • Ecstasy of St. Theresa by Bernini and The Swing by Fragonard

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    artistic movements characterized by both the Baroque and Rococo Styles. With two distinct epochs we find one overly ornate with dramatic tendencies, while the other expressed a more playful, light hearted sensibility within the elaborate landscape. Ecstasy of St. Theresa by Bernini created during the High Roman Baroque period embodies both great similarities and contradictions to Rococo’s Jean-Honoré Fragonard’s, The Swing in composition and theme. Both the Baroque and Rococo masterpieces were influenced

  • Baroque Art: The Era Of The Baroque Period

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    The 17th century was the era of the baroque style, characterized by energy, drama, and movement. The church in Rome needed art that spoke to its resurgent power even as the conflict between the protestant and Catholics continued. Baroque was basically a counter movement to the rising Protestantism. A visual language was needed to reemphasize and reestablish the catholic belief amongst people. Baroque art was an attempt to gain control over peoples thinking, to basically make them think and feel more

  • Baroque Art

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    developed a new style of art that was dramatic, full of emotion, and very realistic. This new style, which came to be known as Baroque, contrasted with the genre paintings of the Protestant North that were often used to teach moral lessons (Sullivan). Originating in Italy in the 16th century, it was used by the Church to retain followers by depicting religious scenes that were expressive, visually interesting, and interactive (Fiero 203). The most noticeable characteristic of Baroque was the sense

  • A Comparison of The Renaissance and Baroque Periods

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    each historical period came new technologies and techniques and were all influenced by the unique style, characteristics, and social conditions of those periods. Even though, each period discovered new forms and unique styles of art most historical periods were influenced by an earlier period of history. In this essay, I will explore the relationship, style, and influences of the Renaissance and Baroque periods and will also compare and contrast a work of art from both periods to further explain the

  • A Comparison Of The Baroque And Neoclassical Periods

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    art periods that I have decided to compare are the Baroque and the Neoclassical periods. The discipline within in the humanities that I have choose to focus on for this essay is the aspect of architecture in the respective periods. The earlier period between the two, the Baroque era, took place roughly during the seventeenth century and lasted into the early eighteenth century. Characteristically, the Baroque period with respect to its style is widely known for its typical shape being more complex

  • The Baroque in Italy and Spain

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    The Baroque in Italy and Spain The period called “Baroque” cannot easily be classified. The work that distinguishes this period is stylistically complex and even contradictory. While Baroque was born in Rome during the final years of the sixteenth century, it was not specifically Italian. Nor was it confined to religious art. While Baroque did have ties to the Counter-Reformation, it quickly entered the Protestant North where it was applied primarily to secular subjects. It would also be difficult

  • The Calling Of St. Matthew: Baroque Art Analysis

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    Bernini was given the task of finishing St. Peters after Maderno died in 1629 (676). Baroque style, as defined in the book, is a style of “persuasion” and seems to focus on appealing to the senses as well as being very dramatic in terms of sensuality, emotion, movement, and expressiveness. Everything about baroque art was splendor and opulent. Another change that was prevalent during this time that was not in the High Renaissance was the shift from the Catholic Church being the sponsor for most of

  • Baroque Vs Baroque Art

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    process. The previous style of work serves as a roadmap for what will follow. As often is the case with any form of growth, there exists a transitional period. Because of this evolution, there are traces of a style’s illustrious history embedded in the adaptive art’s metaphorical DNA. The transition from early to late Renaissance established two styles of art known as Baroque and Rococo. While, on the surface, the Rococo style can appear to be very similar to the work produced by Baroque artists, the two

  • John Rupert Martin's "Baroque"

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    understanding of Baroque artists and their tremendous variety.  Martin defines the Baroque characteristics, but only very broadly leaving a significant amount of room for the reader to make his own deductions.  In general, Martin believes that the typical definitions of the Baroque are "too restrictive and hence likely to create more problems of classification and interpretation than it solves."  Even the time of the Baroque is left open to the reader when Martin says the Baroque is roughly comprehended

  • Peter Paul Ruben's David Slaying Goliath

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    how the composition draws your attention from the bottom to the top. Meanwhile, the styles are different from each other and Peter’s painting is full of dramatic expression. The Baroque painting technique was brushy and often eliminated outlines. When comparing the works of Raphael’s “Madonna in the Meadow” 1506 to “David slaying Goliath” it symbolizes the influence of Leonardo’s pyramidal composition. The styles in both paintings are different because one is dramatic and the others as a more classical

  • barque art

    532 Words  | 2 Pages

    was finishing in Rome, is when a new style named Baroque art arose. Baroque art developed during the seventeenth century and the first decades of the eighteenth century. Through this time Baroque art spread throughout Europe adopting different characteristics dealing with religion, political views, social situations and, the tradition of the country. The church of the counter, the absolutist states, and the Protestant Bourgeoisie, seized the usage of baroque forms to them as instruments for propagation