Barbara Kingsolver Essays

  • The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver

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    realm. Language is not the main focus of this novel, though. Therefore, the reader must look much, much closer at this issue. Close reading leads to a better understanding of each and every message and theme in Barbara Kingsolver’s The Poisonwood Bible. Works Cited Kingsolver, Barbara. The Poisonwood Bible: A Novel. New York : Harper Perennial, 1999, c. 1998. Print.

  • The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver

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    sense of self. But along with all these great things come regret, guilt, and shame of past events. Everyone deals with these in different ways, sometimes turning to religion and denial as coping mechanisms. In the novel The Poisonwood Bible, By Barbara Kingsolver, each member of the Price family deals with a personal guilt either gained while on their mission in the Congo or long before. This novel exemplifies the different types of guilt the Price family experienced throughout their stay in the Congo

  • Transformations in "The Bean Trees" by Barbara Kingsolver

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    When thinking of birds, visualizing them building their nests in cacti certainly isn't the first thing that comes to mind. In the book, The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver, metaphorically everyone is constantly building their nests in cacti, and evolving from their experiences. From living in attics to taking trips across the country with no destination, characters in this book don't live what society considers the “conventional American lifestyle.” Growing and thriving in unexpected and unusual

  • Comparing The Bean Tree And Pigs In Heaven By Barbara Kingsolver

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    Many people who have read any of Barbara Kingsolver’s works might have noticed her unique writing style and originality in her books. The Bean Tree, and Pigs in Heaven are two of her books that have differences and similarities. While examining the two, you find differences in the theme and who Kingsolver draws your sympathy to. Also, in the books woman’s strength is shown in both stories. This one thing that connects the stories the most. To start, Kingsolver uses your sympathy to draw you into

  • Effect of Multiple Plots in The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver

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    The Bean Trees, written by Barbara Kingsolver, uses multiple plots throughout the novel. At the beginning, two plots are introduced. One involves Missy/ Taylor, the protagonist in the story, and the other involves Lou Ann. Kingsolver unites these two plot by having them move in together. Other minor plots describe the life of other characters such as Estevan and Esperanza, Edna and Virgie, and Mattie. Multiple plots in The Bean Trees increase suspense and depth in the story. The main characters

  • Taylor's Life Choices in "The Bean Trees" by Barbara Kingsolver

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    In The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver, protagonist Taylor Greer is not your average teenage girl from Pittman, Kentucky. Taylor refuses to remain in her hometown forever, which only leads to teenage pregnancy and motherhood until death. On a mission to escape Pittman’s stereotypical teenage girl image, she buys a ‘55 Volkswagen and embarks on a journey west. Just when she thinks she is home free, Taylor is left with an abandoned three-year-old American Indian girl. Ironically, Taylor ends up

  • The Changeable Nature of Life in The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver

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    The Changeable Nature of Life in The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver Life is constantly changing, like clouds in the sky; always shifting and turning. People never really know which way life will turn next, bringing them fortune or failure. When you look at how things change it is best to compare it to something that you can relate it to. The changeable nature of life can be related to the novel 'The Bean Trees.' This is a book written almost entirely on dealing with changes in the characters

  • The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver

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    Running Head: THE BEAN TREES Abstract This book report deal with the Native American culture and how a girl named Taylor got away from what was expected of her as a part of her rural town in Pittman, Kentucky. She struggles along the way with her old beat up car and gets as far west as she can. Along the way she take care of an abandoned child which she found in the backseat of her car and decides to take care of her. She end up in a town outside Tucson and soon makes friends which she will consider

  • Facing the Village by Lenore Look and A Fist in the Eye of God by Barbara Kingsolver

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    Facing the Village by Lenore Look and A Fist in the Eye of God by Barbara Kingsolver Common human attributes are normal to acquire, yet Americans seem to pick and choose how they want to acquire these traits, whether it’s excessively or minimally. In both readings, “Facing the Village” by Lenore Look and “A Fist in the Eye of God” by Barbara Kingsolver, the authors present many human attributes and the pros and cons of how Americans act. In “Facing the Village,” Lenore Look starts out being the

  • Barbara Kingsolver Summary

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    In the articles “Springing Forward” by Barbara Kingsolver and “Are Engineered Foods Evil?” by David H. Freedman, the main topic of discussion is about genetically modified foods. When reading the two articles there is are some similarities and differences between them. The two authors have different views on genetically modified foods. In “Springing Forward”, Barbara Kingsolver says, "whiz-kid hybrid seeds have slowly colonized and then dominated our catalogs and our croplands" (46). Her main

  • Barbara Kingsolver Nature

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    deeper than the surface level. Barbara Kingsolver, a scientific author, recounts the wildflower blooms of the Arizona desert in the year of 1998. A scientific marvel, at that, she explains the “nuts and the bolts” of the floods and the cycle of plant life. But her approach is what makes this essay significant. She often uses metaphoric language and a poetic easiness to enhance her descriptions of the simplistic beauty that is the wildflower blooms. For example, Kingsolver ponders this, “...Had these

  • Analysis Of Barbara Kingsolver's The Bean Trees

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    everything alive had thorns” (Kingsolver 217). This quote, from Barbara Kingsolver's, The Bean Trees, describes the Arizona landscape that is abounding in life even in the absence of water. Central to the novel, the theme of surviving in a harsh environment is intrinsic to plants as well as the people. Throughout the story, the characters must push beyond their previous limitations in order to take on the injustices around them. To create such dynamic characters, Kingsolver looked upon the knowledge

  • Literature Analysis: The Bean Trees

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    The Bean Trees, written by Barbara Kingsolver, follows Taylor's story of growing up, leaving home, and accepting responsibility. Along the way Taylor is given a child, Turtle, and she struggles with accepting the responsibility of raising a child. Kingsolver's choices for point of view, setting, conflict, theme, characterization, and style throughout the plot help create an uplifting story about love and what it means to be a family. The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver is a story told in first person

  • Oppression of Imperialism in Poisonwood Bible and Heart of Darkness

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    Conrad, illustrates this oppression by providing an instance of its occurrence in the Congo of Africa, while simultaneously setting the stage for The Poisonwood Bible, which is essentially the continuation of the story. The Poisonwood Bible, by Barbara Kingsolver, demonstrates how the Congo is still affected by modern circumstances and ideology. Conrad’s novella acts as a sort of precursor to the events later depicted in Kingsolver’s novel, and this very connection between the stories illustrates the

  • Barbara Kingsolver's The Poisonwood Bible

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    not always guaranteed. The woman will always have a little bit of want for freedom and need for acknowledgement within her heart. In Barbara Kingsolver’s The Poisonwood Bible, Nathan Price, the male authority figure of the household, limits the Price women’s ability to aim for higher goals in life, which includes a better living environment and education. Kingsolver was born April 8, 1955 in Maryland, but grew up in Nicholas County, Kentucky (Wagner 8). After one of her first major works The Bean

  • Theme of Maturity in The Bean Trees and The Catcher in the Rye

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    that a person is maturing? Are there signs? What defines maturity? “A mature person assumes responsibility for his or her actions” (“Maturity”) but does that mean someone who cannot do that should not be considered mature? In The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver and The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, both Holden and Taylor go through a period in their lives where they start “putting aside ‘toys’ and fantasies...seeing the world as it really is” (“Maturity”). For Taylor, adulthood is thrust upon

  • Patriotism and The American Flag

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    these beliefs focus much more heavily on the negative aspects of our history; such as slavery and other injustices carried out by our nation. These people often believe we should find a new iconography for our country’s ideas of patriotism. As Barbara Kingsolver states in “And Our Flag Was Still There,” “Patriotism seems to be falling to whoever claims it loudest, and we’re left struggling to find a definition in a clamor of reaction” (Pg. 1). Therefore, every American’s duty is to define patriotism

  • Immigration Quotes From The Bean Trees

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    The way Barbara Kingsolver worded it was through the use of dialogue in the book. “People don’t look the same, talk the same, nothing. Half the time I have no idea what’s going on around me here” (135). This was spoken by Taylor when she was talking to Estevan. Technically

  • Poisonwood Bible Symbolism

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    The Spirit of the Congo The Congo appears to be like another character through the embodiment of ants, vegetation, green mambas, other wildlife, and through life and death, which represents the jungles nature. In Barbara Kingsolver’s novel, The Poisonwood Bible, the setting is alive with a heartbeat, and the citizens and animals who inhabit the Congo seem to amplify the pulse. At first glance, the Congo appears to the Price girls to be an area filled with numerous animals and insects. The foreign

  • The Poisonwood Bible Character Analysis

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    Global Histories 18 May 2015 Visions of the Cosmopolitan in The Poisonwood Bible In Barbara Kingsolver’s The Poisonwood Bible, an American family resides in the Congo in 1959, determined to spread the message of Christianity to the villagers. The novel wields a cast of contemporary U.S. characters that are forced to observe the existence of the African people. The chapters that Kingsolver strategically strings together are with knowledge of a ‘post-colonial’ mindset, limiting each character’s