Comparing The Bean Tree And Pigs In Heaven By Barbara Kingsolver

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imilarities and Differences between The Bean Tree and Pigs in Heaven

Many people who have read any of Barbara Kingsolver’s works might have noticed her unique writing style and originality in her books. The Bean Tree, and Pigs in Heaven are two of her books that have differences and similarities. While examining the two, you find differences in the theme and who Kingsolver draws your sympathy to. Also, in the books woman’s strength is shown in both stories. This one thing that connects the stories the most.
To start, Kingsolver uses your sympathy to draw you into the books. In The Bean Tree, Kingsolver makes you feel sorry for American’s in poverty. Butler states, “The novel is about the struggles of American life for the vast number of people for whom the rags-to-riches dream is never realized. This is the real America, the America of unskilled labor, low levels of education, and limited access to the perks of American society (Butler 1927). This story makes you feel sympathy towards American life, however in Pigs in Heaven you feel more sympathetic towards Taylor and Turtle. “I understand attachments between mothers and their children. But if you are right, if I have no choice here but to be a …show more content…

One reoccurring lesson in both stories is about woman’s strength. In The Bean Tree, Taylor said, “I told her I didn't know, because I didn't have a daddy. That I was lucky that way. She said yeah.” (The Bean Tree pg. 40) This Quote from the story tells us that Taylor was raised with only a caring mother because her father was abusive. This is a case of women’s strength in that her mother cared for her alone just as Taylor is doing for Turtle now. In Pigs in Heaven, there are also many cases where a woman is independent. One case is when Taylor says she doesn’t need Jax. Taylor fights with everything she has to keep Turtle. One thing you can infer from both stories is how brave and independent the women

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