Band Trip Essays

  • The Happy Girl

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    stomping her slipper-clad foot soundly on the floor. "I can't believe that you're sitting on the carpet! You know how germ-a-phobic I am!" Rolling around some more, I laughed as her hands clasped around a jumbo-sized container of Lysol. Even on the band trip to Colorado, she was still as cautious of "infection" as ever. Shaking her head at me, she smiled somberly as she shook the can, preparing to thoroughly disinfect our room. Based on this alone, most people would classify Jackie as, well, a freak

  • The Band Trip Research Paper

    963 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Band Trip I was only a sophomore at Iowa City West High when I got to go to Disney World for the very first time. We left after school one day on a 24 hour bus ride down to Florida. I did not mind the ride; it just got to be very cramped and hot at some points. We were able to watch movies which were a good thing because there was not much to do on a bus. We watched Les Misèrables, Finding Nemo, and The Sandlot. We would stop for food every so often and whatever town we ended up in, we got

  • John Philip Sousa

    620 Words  | 2 Pages

    Bavaria. John was a talented youngster. At the tender age of 6 he was studying music. He learned to play many types of instruments; the violin, piano, cornet, alto horn, flute, baritone. Like his father, who played the trombone in the U.S. Marines Band, John, too, learned to play the trombone. John also spent time studying voice. John was a rather mischevious teen. At the age of 13 John tried to run away to join the circus. Dad was not all that impressed with John and made him enlist in the Marines

  • Growing Down in Order to Grow Up

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    ridiculous he sounded right now. It is his fault that we never get anything done. He does not have an inspirational bone in his spindly little body. “I understand that you don’t appreciate our attitudes, I admit that we aren’t happy. But this whole trip has not been what we signed up for,” Alana said. With only two days left in the conference, I could not wait to go home. What was supposed to be a ten-day student leadership conference, filled with engaging activities and awesome sightseeing, had

  • Personal Narrative: My Band Trip To Disney World

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    and go to school, deal with the high school band first thing in the morning, not enjoying class or lunch, and going home to do it all over again the next day. The school year progressed and things got better. Finally the spring semester came and so did the band trip to Disney world. Thought-out the trip he found new friends, exciting things to do while there, and how to plan for next band trip. The Wednesday of the spring trip finally arrived and the band couldn’t hold in their excitement. Parents

  • Panic

    1847 Words  | 4 Pages

    Panic We loaded up the car and headed out to Route 30. I had made this trip several times before, but this time it was one way. I had been excited to—as I saw it—get on with my life, but this day I was feeling less than enthusiastic. I figured it was the hassle of moving: this would be the second time my parents and I had transferred my things from home to a dorm room. This time my sister was along to lend a hand. We finally pulled up to the institutional-style brick building that was to be my

  • Essay On Family Vacation

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    and following this specific family trip, were filled with various milestones which prohibited much bonding: my mother’s diagnosis of Lung Cancer, my older sister’s wedding day, and my senior year preparation. If it wasn’t for our last hurrah, we may not have been able to successfully sit the needed amount of time My sister and I, avid Twenty One Pilots fans, wanted to hit up one of their shows in Colorado. Partnered with a handful of other thoroughly enjoyable bands, Twenty One Pilots were guaranteed

  • Charles Mingus

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    music allowed in the house was religious music picked up through the radio. But the radio also opened Mingus for African-American music, namely Jazz and Blues. The trips to the local church were also musical as well as spiritual. The yelling and shouting in the church were actually not so different from the sounds of a big band. Mingus had also taken to the piano, just by lifting the lid and trying the keys, and it had become clear to his parents that he had a good ear. At age six Mingus was

  • A Trip to Paradise

    1128 Words  | 3 Pages

    A Trip to Paradise If I had no limits as to how much I could spend on a vacation, I would take a trip to different cities in Mexico. My dads side of the family is Latino and many of my relatives live in Mexico. My month long trip would consist of a variety of cities I have visited before and others that I would be visiting for the first time. I would take advantage of Mexicos rich culture by participating in the peoples customs and getting as much experience as possible. The trip would be very

  • Happy Little Accidents - Original Writing

    897 Words  | 2 Pages

    around to make the whole work of art turn out better. None of this occurred to me when in January of 2015, I was informed that the list upon which I had hastily scrawled my signature a few weeks prior, was not a sign-up sheet for the Providence Church band at all, but for a month-long mission teaching children in the Central American nation of Belize. This was not a happy little accident. This was a mistake, and a monumental one at that. Now not only did I lose an audition opportunity I had been waiting

  • Taking a Vacation

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    different people. For some people a vacation might be a chance to relax, while to others, a vacation might mean to leave their professional work for a while, only to do another different kind of work. An example of what a vacation is to me, is a trip. The trip is a chance to get away from everything and see new sights. Vacations take several shapes, but the main purpose is to relax stays constant. The first type of vacation, is a home vacation. This vacation is typically for personal relaxation. A person

  • Fun-Filled Weekend

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    before the trip, I turned sixteen and received my driver’s license. My friend Ben and I had been planning a trip since we were little boys, one we could get away from the house, ride off-road and just have fun. We knew that there were two places we could go. A place in South Georgia called Durham Town or a place called Hatfield McCoy trails in West Virginia. We chose Durham Town because it was closer to us and they had their mud bogs at night. We spent a solid week preparing for this weekend trip and making

  • Diary of My Mexican Trip

    3003 Words  | 7 Pages

    There is a lovely double staircase made of bronze and marble enclosed by a semi-circular window three stories high. The artwork in the museum was incredible. The museum has 24 galleries ranging in Mexican art in every form. After an exhausting trip to the art museum, I decided to have dinner in the hotel’s restaurant. Then I had drinks in the lobby bar where a pianist plays nightly as hotel guest can enjoy the music and scenery of the beautiful hotel. August 7, 2002 Dear Journal, I watched

  • Liberty Bell

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    Bell's travels by rail car around the United States to be placed on exhibit at numerous World's Fairs. From 1885 to 1915, the Liberty Bell traveled by rail on seven separate trips to eight different World's Fair exhibitions visiting nearly 400 cities and towns on those trips coast to coast. At the time, the Liberty Bell's trips were widely publicized so that each town where the Liberty Bell train stopped was well prepared for their venerable guest. Each stop on the way to the host World's Fair

  • Trinity Church

    1521 Words  | 4 Pages

    study rather than return to New Orleans. He had the opportunity to study in Paris at the Ecole des Beaux Arts, travel to London, travel through rural England, and through Southern France and Spain, making some trips with his friend Henry Adams. Richardson collected postcards throughout his trips that would eventually amount to over 3000 images. Later, he returned to the US and began practicing in New York. Richardson served on the Staten Island Commission, and then moved to Brookline, MA in 1874 after

  • The Eucharist in Fellowship of the Ring, Return of the King, and Two Towers

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    of waybread. Waybread is meant to be taken on long trips, so it must be easily preservable, nutritious, light and with no preparation necessary. Lembas are made in the form of light dried cakes, wrapped in leaves to preserve freshness. It is very tasty and seems to have a special quality of instilling energy when the eater has great need of it. Lembas are made by the elves of Lothlorien, a secret and unearthly race who gift the traveling band of heroes with the waybread to help them on their

  • Exploring the Rock Music Journey of Twenty One Pilots

    1100 Words  | 3 Pages

    repeated, melody. This is the definition of rock according to Advanced Dictionary. Rock music is one of many ways to describe the music style of the band Twenty One Pilots. Twenty One Pilots is a duo group consisting of singer Tyler Joseph and drummer Joshua “Josh” Dun. As of 2017, there are 5 albums that have been produced by Tyler Joseph/the band. The fans who avidly support them are referred to as the “skeleton clique” and often abbreviate Twenty One Pilots as “tøp” or simply just “top”. Twenty

  • Life in Colors

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    on the uniform for the brigade which I serve proudly. The color silver did not become appealing to me until that night when we (the band) were in Statesboro, Georgia, at the first competition, and we (the band) marched out on the field for our performance and the crowd went crazy. That night when the awards were announced and we came in second out of twenty-two bands, that color silver was the most awesome color ever. Then, we came home and the next weekend we went to Palatka, Florida, and did the

  • Narrative Essay About Drum Majors

    684 Words  | 2 Pages

    your band ready?” The announcer questioned as we finally settled into our places. Our drum majors nodded, and gave each other their signal that they were ready. We got into our starting positions, and began our show. It went smoothly the whole time. I didn’t think any band members made any errors. All I could think about was how itchy my uniform was. We left the field to watch other bands perform their last shows. Alayna and I sat down next to Dreyton and patiently waited for all the bands. She

  • George Balanchine

    6676 Words  | 14 Pages

    balanchivadze means "jester's son", which always amused Balanchine because his father was a singer and composer, and his mother was a pianist who encouraged the musical development of her children. When Meliton was home from his many tours and study trips he would teach the children to sing, and all three of them took piano lessons. At parties Andrei and Tamara would often dance for the guests but Georgi refused because he hated anything to do with dance and performance. When she reached the official