B. R. Ambedkar Essays

  • Declaration Of Independence By B. R. Ambedkar: The Evolution Of Democracy

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    As said by B. R. Ambedkar, "Unlike a drop of water which loses its identity when it joins the ocean, man does not lose his being in the society in which he lives. Man's life is independent. He is born not for the development of the society alone, but for the development of his self." In our world our identity is always changing, we change to evolve ourselfs to adapt to whatever circumstances we are living with. This pattern continuously happens to allow us to adapt to different situations. Continuity

  • Soul Music

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    Soul Music Since the early to mid 1800’s, music has been the most powerful vehicle of human expression. As the embodiment of love, disapproval, happiness, pain and experience, mainly life, music speaks to us because it comes from us. Everyone in the, paradigm of the human experience instinctively and systematically change the music of the past to represent the realities of the present. In this century, African American music, more specifically Soul music, has been the music that has brought to

  • La Machina Case Study

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    Lastly, the day arrived when D.Y.J. had to confront one of the league contenders. Since we joined the season from the kickoff, we cannot look to catch a high place position, however playing against the league?s best is important for the team in general, so we can then make some predictions for the following season. According to two different sources of information Maxela occupied either first or second line in the league. The owner of the league stated that they were officially first, surpassing

  • Rhythm and Blues- R&B

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    Rhythm and blues, also known as R&B, is something that I really enjoy. I am a singer and along with country music, R&B is my favorite thing to sing. With rhythm and blues, there is a song for every emotion, so most of the time the songs can be very relatable. The songs have a variety of subjects like sex, work, and even drinking. In this paper I will briefly discuss how rhythm and blues started, how it evolved into today’s music and why I like it so much. “Rhythm and blues is a combination of soulful

  • Fresh Prince Of Be Lair

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    My Favorite show is Fresh Prince Of Be lair because its filled with many different problems, good times, and lots of laughter. This show is about a teenager named Will, who grew up in West Philadelphia but is forced to move with his aunt and uncle to Be-lair because of the trouble that he was getting into in Philadelphia. There is a specific episode in this show where Wills biological father comes to visit and wants to take him with him on the road but a heated argument happens between Will and his

  • Harry The Hippo Gets Hassled By Lachlan Gardiner

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    Harry The Hippo Gets Hassled By Lachlan Gardiner Copyright (c) By Lachlan Gardiner E-mail: Peakabode@gmail.com  It was a very hot day in the African Safari. Harry the Hippo was happily swimming in his favorite waterhole. Gerald the Giraffe was nearby eating leaves off the top of a very tall tree. "What a great day." Said Harry. "A marvelous day." Said Gerald. "I could stay here until sunset, what about you Gerald?" Said Harry. "Good idea Harry." Said Gerald. Harry and Gerald swam and played and

  • Urban Music: Urban Contemporary Music

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    video channel MTV. DJ Frankie Crocker is commonly regarded to have pioneered the approach through his work as music programmer for Manhattan-based radio station WLIB-FM, which commenced broadcasting in 1974. His early programming combined established R&B material with the burgeoning style of Disco and later went on to include elements of rap, hip hop and reggae, both in general programming and niche slots. This approach proved highly successful with radio audiences and was ...

  • Longfellow's Unique American Hero in Evangeline

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    Longfellow's Unique American hero in Evangeline Abstract: Longfellow's portrayal of the American Adam is set apart in that he does not praise this character as a role model for others. The concept of the American Adam is seen in a different light through the depiction of Basil in the narrative poem Evangeline. R.W.B. Lewis explores the quest of the writers of the American Renaissance to create a literature that is uniquely American in his 1955 text, The American Adam: Innocence

  • Time Is Limited

    794 Words  | 2 Pages

    The unbearable pain, yet I couldn’t scream. All I could do is helplessly watch the nurses and doctors hovering over me, trying to do something; anything to save my life. To be honest, it doesn’t really matter whether I live or not. Well, maybe some tiny part of me hoping that I would, but the same part where everyone refuses to give up that hope. But I know I won't be able to make it. You won't really care anymore because you know the end is coming soon, there’s always a difference in that; whether

  • Bullyigng Made Me Stronger

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    TIB essay: I believe that words make you stronger Different, damaged, useless, lost, I’ve been called it all. I believe that no matter what you’re called, those words only make you stronger. There’s always that person that’s just takes joy to tearing you down, and watch you fall. But what they don’t expect is for you to rise up and fight back. They don’t expect you to stand up for yourself, stand your ground and catch yourself when you are about to fall. And that’s exactly what you do. I remember

  • My Circle Of Friends

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    There are numerous things that need to be addressed and since I cannot maintain a calm demeanor, I decided to write them down. Lack of Friends: I was never one to have many meaningful friendships. I enjoy talking with friends, but not so much hanging out and partying. I have always only had a handful of friends. Currently the people in my circle of friends are Marcela, Karen, and Terri. Honestly, I am happy with just those because once again I am not one to go out much. Gina is no longer my friend…

  • Biology Class: A Short Story

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    I slammed my hand on the alarm clock as it buzzed loudly in the early morning. Ten minutes more, okay? I rolled on my back and covered my eyes with my arm. I just didn’t have the energy to get ready for school. Heaven forbid. I hadn’t finished my essay yet! Plus, we had a quiz in History and Biology. Life is so fantastic. “Kai-ah, wake up. You don’t want to be late for school,” Dad called outside my room. “Coming!” I groaned. I scrambled out of bed and went straight to the bathroom to take a shower

  • Anastasia's POV: A Short Story

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    Anastasia's POV: "How about we go back to my place?" Christian speaks and I nod needing to be gone from this place. He brings the car to life and we head out of this secret society. I gaze out the window endeavoring to forget the whole night, perhaps all of this was a mistake? I shake my head dismissively. This had to happened, I needed to witness this to understand Christian. I just wish he would of have given me a warning of what was inside. I remain quiet and close my eyes for a minute, my sanity

  • Ella's Diary

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    I slept peacefully last night. I woke up around 6:00 in the morning. I wash my face before heading to the living room. I took out some eggs and cooked them. I made scrambled eggs. I turned on the TV and Drake and Josh is on. It is 6:15, so I quickly eat my scrambled eggs and head for my bathroom. I wash my face again and brush my teeth. I put on a blue crop shirt and a white skirt that is up to my knee. I put on Our Moment by One Direction perfume. I put on blush glass liplicious lipgloss from Bath

  • Analysis Of Winter In Wakanda

    1762 Words  | 4 Pages

    image Originally posted by ohevansmycaptain Winter in Wakanda was an interesting experience, mostly because it didn 't feel like Christmas at all. The country, while having its own gods and religion, still celebrated the holiday. It was in a much more toned down fashion compared to what happened in the United States, but it was celebrated all the same. You really didn 't mind that it was a quiet celebration, it just didn 't feel like Christmas this year anyway, probably because of the lack of snow

  • Difference Between Ambedkar And Periyar

    816 Words  | 2 Pages

    Gandhi, Ambedkar, and Periyar worked to remove the evils of the caste system. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar and E.V.R. Periyar, both of them worked in the field of abolition of caste system and the evils pertaining to it. But the approach path and their ideals were different entirely. While Periyar directly attacked religion as the main cause of the evil, Ambedkar had attacked the system of caste and its workings. Ambedkar’s Caste and Class in “The Essential Writings of B.R. Ambedkar” and Periyar, E. V. R."Genesis

  • The Caste System: History and Highlights

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    Woodburne, A. S. "Can India's Caste System Survive in Modern Life?” The Journal of Religion, Vol. 2, No. 5. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. pgs. 525-537. Web Article Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/1195112 • Junghare, Indira Y. “Dr. Ambedkar: The Hero of the Mahars, Ex-Untouchables of India” Asian Folklore Studies, Vol. 47, No. 1. Nagoya: Nanzan University 1988 pgs. 93-121. Web Article Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/1178254 • Dalton, Dennis. “Mahatma Gandhi Selected Political

  • B. B Ambedkar The Buddha And The Buddha

    4732 Words  | 10 Pages

    except by the reformation of the mind of man, and the mind of the world”– Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, Dalit Leader & First Indian Law Minister. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, affectionately known as Babasaheb, was one of the most illustrious sons of India. He appeared on the Indian socio-political scene in early 1920 and remained in the forefront of all social, economic, political and religious efforts for upliftment of mankind. Dr. Ambedkar was a great scholar who made outstanding contributions as an economist, sociologist

  • Giving Voice to Voiceless: A Study of Dalit Literature

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    renowned Marathi social reformer Mahatma Jyotirao Phule used the term ‘Dalit’ to describe outcastes and untouchables as the oppressed and crushed victims of the Indian cast-ridden society. It is also believed that this usage was first devised by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar. But the term got its prevalence in 1970’s when the supporters of Dalit Panther Movement of Maharashtra used this term ‘Dalit’ as a continuous reminder of their age-old suppression, representing both their state of social deprivation and people

  • Frederick Douglass Loss Of Faith Essay

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    killed. On his journey Fredrick does show us that his better understanding of Christianity helps him with his fight for freedom. Fredrick wrote: “I prayed for twenty years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs” (“Category Archives: B. R. Ambedkar Quotes.”). Douglass is telling us that until we go out and get our own understanding, we will always be blind to what’s right in front of us. He is saying we can do all the praying we want for change, but until you help ourselves God won’t help